This JW Lurker's Posting Anniversary

by jst2laws 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    You know your faith is shot when the apostates slap you on the back and congratulate you on your struggle. Too bad for you! / You Know

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi Just2..

    Thanks for sharing; it's scary how closely your story parallels mine. I can't tell you how many times I determined to ``step down'' before I finally ``pulled the plug'' on my elder's career, but acceded to the urgings of so many locals in the congreation, implroring e to reconsider, as they, in their words needed ``desperately, someone with some balance to confide in'' as a counterweight to the WTBTS hatchetmen that comprised the body of elders.

    My one burden remains that of my wife; in every way but one a loving, self-sacrificing woman. To this day, she's convinced that I've lost my mind. I've moved as far to the periphery -- attending an occasional meeting --as I can without tearing he family needlessly asunder (four of my five children are active JWs). The WTBTS is her one blind side; it firghtens her to death just to think about taking an onbjective look at the dark side.

  • zev

    i've enjoyed your experiences, thoughts, and comments.

    i know it was a struggle. i know, though i wasn't in the positions you were, how hard it can be.

    my best wishes to you and your wife as you try to get the rest of your family out.

    the force is strong with you

    looking the future posts by the both of you


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America
    U.A.D.N.A.--Rhode Island

  • Farkel


    : But do I still feel there is something to salvage in the WTBTS? NO!!!!

    Whew!! Glad to hear that!

    : was anticipating getting torn to pieces by Farkel and Norm.

    Yeah, that Norm guy is a real jerk, huh?

    : In a short time I felt less fear hear than at the KH. Unconsciously I guess I had changed sides and felt more at home with the 'apostates'.

    I really enjoyed reading your original thread again, jst2laws. It seems like you posted it just yesterday. Watching good people like you go through the often painful exit process makes all the hard work definitely worthwhile.


  • jst2laws

    You said: "It does give hope to those of us who have family who are elders, missionaries, etc. I sometimes feel like its hopeless when Im dealing with them. They just dont seem listen."

    It seems a certain level of discontent with the organization must be present before anyone will even begin to "listen". Whatever the case, don't give up hope.


  • jst2laws


    Especially I would like to thank your wife joy2bfree for all the help she has given me. I couldn't hold on without it.
    Joy has spoken of you often. She will be back on line in a day or two. She will appreciate your comments. Thanks for responding.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Roomie,

    We have a lot in common! We must e-mail.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • jst2laws

    You Know,

    You know your faith is shot when the apostates slap you on the back and congratulate you on your struggle. Too bad for you! / You Know
    That is true. Good thought. But do you define apostate as one who rejects God or Christ, or do you refer to those who reject an organization run by men? If you ever start to doubt I will be here for you.



    We have spoken some time ago. I might call myself room512. Great view of the promenade and Squib buildings. I understand what you say about postponing your resignation. Difficult descision put off for years for the hope we could help from the inside. AAArrrhhhggg!

    Be patient with your wife. No one, including myself, would have thought Joy2bfree would question the org, but when the green light came on she overtook me in just a block.


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