This JW Lurker's Posting Anniversary

by jst2laws 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Good show, Jst2laws!

    It’s easier to tear down than build up, though both have their place. It’s yet harder to know when either or both needs doing and getting on with the job!

    You have chosen the good path, for sure.

  • jst2laws


    Your story gives me hope for my parents

    Joy2bfree and I have been working on both our parents. Both our aged fathers are long time elders. Her father a sometime substitute CO and long time Quick Build Committee member. Nearly all our relatives have a good idea of where we are and where we are headed. My 80 year old father is going to resign as an elder after his recent visit with us. If he doesn't, they will remove him because he is now an irregular publisher. The CO is not going to smile on that. This is the result of reading Romans and Galatians together during their last extended visit.

    Yes, their is hope for your parents, but dont just destroy their faith in the borg without helping them first to establish real faith in God. Otherwise, I feel, some people are better off just leaving them alone.

    Thanks for your comments, Lisa.


  • jst2laws

    Had Enough,

    Congradulations! Your anniversary too!

    Once I was past that and saw that I wasn't ripped to shreds or ignored, I settled in and posted
    Yes, we had the same reservations. Hope we do not forget the feeling so we will always be kind to newbies.

    Nice to hear from you.


  • Dutchie

    "Self-Possessed". I meant it as a compliment!

  • ozziepost

    G'day jst2laws,

    A significant date indeed! So glad you're here!

    And thanks for the reading your original thread I found that my post there contained something personally significant for me too. So your thread is actually a milestone for both of us.

    Glad to 'hear' from you.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • waiting

    howdy jst & joy (so much easier to type)

    About the only comment I made on your first thread was that it was a great discussion.....and it was. Fine thoughts by many good posters. I think reasonable persons are answered reasonably, for the most part. Glad it worked for you.

    Such a long, colorful history in the WTBTS! Glad you and your wife are on the web as posters, and here as friends too.


  • jst2laws

    Hello Ozzie, Jt, Marvin, and Audry,

    As I looked over the original threads again I see many responding here who responded to my thread one year ago. I owe a lot to you all and want to say more than most would want to read here. So for now I will say thanks for being here.

    I may start a more specific thread to address my gratitude.


  • Solace

    I sympathize.
    You have invested so much of your life in the Organization.
    It must have been a personal struggle when you realized the truth.
    It does give hope to those of us who have family who are elders, missionaries, etc. I sometimes feel like its hopeless when Im dealing with them. They just dont seem listen.
    Thanks for being here and telling us your experience.

  • ozziepost
    As I looked over the original threads again I see many responding here who responded to my thread one year ago. I owe a lot to you all and want to say more than most would want to read here. So for now I will say thanks for being here.

    My thoughts exactly! Much more could be said - the bbq attenders know a lot more! Glad to know you too.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • FreeFallin

    Congratulations on your Aniversary!! Enjoyed reading about you and your struggles thru the WT maze. Especially I would like to thank your wife joy2bfree for all the help she has given me. I couldn't hold on without it.


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