This JW Lurker's Posting Anniversary

by jst2laws 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws

    Hello old friends,

    This is my anniversary of a big step forward on this forum. Any JW lurkers please read this and see where I have come from. I am you one year ago.

    One year ago I was an elder. I was appointed when the elder arrangement started in 1972. For many years before this I served in a variety of servant responsibilities starting in 1964 when as a 16 year old I was assigned as a bookstudy conductor. I was in the fulltime work for 10 years, two times served at Bethel, seventeen years a presiding overseer in 3 successive congregations, special committee and appeal committee duties, circuit and district assembly responsibilities as well as district convention speaking assignments. While doing all this I was fighting with my inner self, as well as the WT hierarchy. While the local brothers wanted me to remain as an elder and PO, the CO’s and DO’s became leery of using me on the circuit and district organization level. I was always the dissident on CONTROL issues. I was getting discouraged and finding it more difficult to suppress my doubts.

    I could not accept the possibility that I had spent 37 years in futility. I knew something was terribly wrong with “God’s channel of communication” but had to believe that God knew this and would eventually fix it. I had waited three decades for this to happen but kept loyal to "God’s organization". I reasoned with myself that every nation or organization God had used eventually got corrupted but God still used it. Remember Joshua and Caleb knew the nation made a wrong decision to not go into the promised land but they stuck with God’s people, ‘right or wrong’ for the next 40 years. Was I not proving myself as faithful as those servants of Jehovah by being loyal these last 30 years? I thought I was doing the right thing.

    One year ago today I posted my first topic here entitled “In there no good in the WTBTS??? I was so nervous I didn’t even notice I misspelled ‘IS’ with IN. “In there no good”! What was that? I was surprised no one jumped on my mistake but seemed to genuinely address the issues I raised. But I wanted confront my own doubts, but at that time I still saw a lot of good in the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. If you feel the same you will probably enjoy the thread at:

    I want to thank everyone who responded to me on that post. You were all very kind especially considering what I expected. So where am I know? Try this thread: Another Elder is toast

    When I started posting here I was determined not to follow the crowd, not be influenced by bad association, but take the neutral ground. Today I still consider myself on neutral ground (who doesn’t), somewhere between the evangelists and atheists on the board. But do I still feel there is something to salvage in the WTBTS? NO!!!! Is that bad? Does that leave me with no hope? No future? NO!!!! I have come beyond the depression of loosing my fantasy of 37 years. Many here have done this. I have been able to separate the disillusionment of the fraud for which I lived from the realities that I believed before falling for the fantasy. The message conveyed in the Christian scriptures of love, faith and hope remain valid. The good news that Paul, Peter John and James preached is still good news, even thought not one of them once mentioned a good news of the kingdom. Like many here, I live by the good news of Christ, the truth that sets us free.

    While there are some here that could destroy your faith in the Bible and God you can with caution find here much truth that will help you on this journey. It helped me. If you would like personal help, e-mail me at [email protected]. There are others here who will be glad to help. You JW lurkers have nothing to fear and everything to gain if you stick with the scriptures, your own conscience, and never let someone else tell you what to think and what information you can consider. “The truth will set you free”


  • Dutchie

    Amen, my strong, self-possessed free thinking brother!

  • VeniceIT

    Still can't say birthday can ya
    Well I for one am so glad you came here and stayed and that I've gotten to know you over the past year!!!


    "deal with it!"

  • Simon

    The first post is always the hardest isn't it?!

    Glad you jumped in ... it's good to have a range of input on defferent subjects esp. those who have been elders etc... (which I haven't)

  • jst2laws

    "Amen, my strong, self-possessed free thinking brother".

    Self-possessed?? That's good, right??

    Great to get to know you too. You all need to come visit again.


  • jst2laws


    "The first post is always the hardest isn't it?!

    Yes! I had commented a couple of times but this was the first thread I started and I new it would be controversial. I can remember pausing a long time with my finger on the left mouse button before I finally clicked on the 'Post New Topic' button.

    I was anticipating getting torn to pieces by Farkel and Norm. In a short time I felt less fear hear than at the KH. Unconsciously I guess I had changed sides and felt more at home with the 'apostates'.


  • LDH


    I for one always enjoy reading your posts. I didn't realize you had such an extensive history in the WBTS.

    Your story gives me hope for my parents-I think the biggest challenge they would ever face if they lef the WBTS is "Did I just waste 40 years of my life?"

    The very thought makes me sad, as I know it was fearful for me when I left, I could only imagine what it would be like for someone in your capacity.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi jst2laws:

    Happy Anniversary!!

    This is my 1st year anniversary or birthday month..(whichever it is)too and I remember well, my first post too. My hands shook as I typed the words about my life. Once I was past that and saw that I wasn't ripped to shreds or ignored, I settled in and posted a topic on a subject bothering me the most at that time...."Restrictions on Disfellowshipping" based on a post of Ozzie's.

    Once I got past that, I settled in and started to enjoy the bantering back and forth.

    When I first saw your post, I recognized right away what your "handle" jst2laws meant and could appreciate how you felt about the WTS and the Bible.

    I always enjoy your posts and look forward to what the next year will bring.


    Had Enough

    "Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
    Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
    ...Margaret Mead

  • Audrey

    Thanks J2L for the anniversary post. I went back and read a couple of pages of the thread you refer to (Is there nothing good in the WT). It was a very stimulating thread.

    We came here to Simon's about the same time. I'm glad we stuck around.


    P. S. Oops! I've been outted (Audrey is my pseudonym that i put up poetry with).

  • JT

    hey man

    you know we support you AND THE WONDERFUL WIFE

    I TRuly wish the two of you the best

    for me and my litle wife life has never been so good
    THE MENTAL freedom sometimes is almost scary. esp when one has lived his or her entire life for the most part, being a part of God's orgnaization- smile-

    all i have to say is CONTINUE ON YOUR JOURNEY and each day will bring you a renewed sense of inner peace that words can't describe

    i owuld like to thank you for taking the time to ADDRESS THE LURKERS

    for i personally know a number of jw,elders and rank and file

    who follow this board to see and hear what is REALLY HAPPENING IN THE ORG

    THAT is why i tell so many of the guys here DON'T dog the NEWBIES , instead welcome them , even if they are PRO-WT for just getting up the nerve to log on and stay

    like i always say they already think that the Demons are going to come out of thier monitor, so the least we can do is welcome them.

    in time they will either examine the info here or just become the CLASS CLOWN LIKE Friday, YK and fredhall- but for many they will take the time to examine and seriously consider what the implications are in terms of what the wt says and what the wt really says and means

    keep up the great job


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