Jw's make much of calling God Jehovah as if somehow this makes them better than us. Do we call our mother's by their legal name? If you do or do not does that make the other less a son or daughter of God?
Do you call your father by his legal name? Should we for God?
by trujw 54 Replies latest watchtower bible
I call my mother by her given name when in a crowd. Makes no sense to call out "Mother!" with a whole bunch of people around.
wha happened?
my culture is fond of nicknames so I never refered to my parents as Mom and Dad
That is the point nickname, mom, dad, legal name, Lord, God, Yahweh, I am, Father, Abba whatever how can they JW's corner the market on what one can call God to be accepted by him.
BTW Jehovah is a guess that is god's proper name in english. Its like if my name is John but they didn't have all the letters and Jw's call me Jhona. Is that really respectfull? I would say no dumbass that is not my name. Get it right. At least we know Lord is right and God
wha happened?
how have they cornered the market? They make up less than 1% of the world
OOOOOOh. Wha happened to your brain. In that they are the only true religion because they only use gods true name Jehovah. Am I on the X-Mormon blog or is this JWN?
wha happened?
dunno what your point is sport but good luck
My point is that Jw's think that just because they say Jehovah alot they are his chosen people. I would like to debate if you feel different but please give me something to go on
wha happened?
debate what? this thread doesn't make any sense