"Papa John’s CEO Threatens To Make His Pizza Taste Worse Than It Already Does If Obamacare Not Repealed"

by FlyingHighNow 43 Replies latest social humour

  • FlyingHighNow
    So you're telling me healthcare is expensive? Who knew?
    We should probably think about addressing such an important issue. Or we could bury our heads in the sand and pretend that the problem will go away.
    If only we had elected Mitt, he'd know how to reform healthcare. He was a business man.

    Pssst. Obamacare is a term coined by opponents and applied to the Affordable Care Act which actually reforms healthcare to make it more affordable and for all of us to be able to afford health insurance.

    Important fact: Romney promised to spend his first day in the White House beginning to repeal the ACA. Romney and his party, save two republican senators who voted for the ACA, oppose health care reform these days in case you missed it.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile
    Romney promised to spend his first day in the White House beginning to repeal the ACA. Romney and his party, save two republican senators who voted for the ACA, oppose health care reform these days in case you missed it.

    Why would Romney want to repeal the ACA? Wasn't healthcare reform one of his main accomplishments while Governor of Massachusetts?

    I still think that Mitt would know how to fix this problem, he was a businessman.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Why would Romney want to repeal the ACA? Wasn't healthcare reform one of his main accomplishments while Governor of Massachusetts?

    Yes, it was. So it is very suspect that Romney made a very staunch stand to undo the ACA as soon as he entered the Oval Office. The first day even. Before he had a chance to do ANYTHING else. Might the man want to be president so badly that he would forget what he did in MASS and pretend he was with the GOP on their disdain for any kind of reform?

    I still think that Mitt would know how to fix this problem, he was a businessman.

    He was no longer interested in fixing the problem of health care and health care insurance costs run amok. He just wanted to park his well dressed backside in that Oval Office chair. He was a sell out and clearly would have been a president for the elite and not the rest of Americans. He had a special ax to grind with the 47% who he felt were whiners and saw themselves as victims. As I understand it, Obama has mentioned inviting Romney in to discuss his ideas.

  • HintOfLime

    All I can say to this topic is...

    Real, home-made pizza is awesome. :D

    - Lime

  • kurtbethel

    Pizza and fast food is reputed to be bad for your health, so destroying these businesses would be a sensible thing to do if you wanted to make major cuts in health care costs. Obama might be very brilliant in a dopey camoflage sort of way. He was certainly able to figure out how to win the presidential election while Milt Romney was not.

    One of Papa Juan's employees carefully prepares pizza

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    How far past the flavor of Rat Excrement can you go Pappa John?

  • FlyingHighNow
    Pizza and fast food is reputed to be bad for your health, so destroying these businesses would be a sensible thing to do if you wanted to make major cuts in health care costs.

    The Affordable Care Act pushes preventative care, part of which is patient education on healthy diet and exercise. Kurt, that picture looks like shingles.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Let's get Bloomberg on the case, he got rid of Giant Gallon Jugs of Soda?

    "Warning the Surgeon General has adviced eating Pappa Mc Scrooges Pizza will give you the "runs", please take your afford health card with you and receive a 25% discount off your Pizza and ER visit!

    Did Mitten's really say Obama bought the Latino vote, I am looking for my check right now and can't find it. I think the DNC might have my address mixed up, cause I can't find that money he paid for my vote!

  • trillaz
    Don't you love it when CEOs decide to make ill-conceived marketing decisions for their businesses? Does he think this approach will appeal to sore-loser Mitt voters, hoping they'll come in to pay the "Obamacare Tax" and whine about it? Or is he trying to appeal to those who voted for Obama, thinking they'll not be offended? No matter how you cut it, it's just dumb marketing, bad PR (self-inflicted, shooting themselves in the foot).

    What about a business that is loosing revenue? If the company goes bankrupt, they have a scapegoat and he will be back on the market as a CEO for hire.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Papa John's has one of the best records of revenue and EPS growth in the fast food industry over the last ten, no 16 years!!!!!! He has no reason to blame Obama, how can he complain about a marginal cost increase into the mix? If you back MCD's dividend back into MCD's shareprice, PZZA has crushed it's competition and Indices.


    Head to "Google Fiance or Yahoo Finance" and plug in PZZA and compare the returns on PZZA to the DIA or QQQQ, Pappa John's is up

    over MCD over the fifteen year chart. Pappa John's has outperform the Dow and Nasdaq by 600% to 800% since 1994, why is Pappa John's crying when they have been raising analysts estimates year after year?

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