Analysis of anti-607 BCE Rebuttals

by Ethos 529 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pterist

    The "gentile time" to dominate Gods's people and Jerusalem ended in 70 AD when final judgement came on fleshly Israel and Spiritual Israel was born in the heavens through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the first cause of the New Creation in him.

  • Pterist

    Cantleave ...*** What does any of this matter? 1914 is nearly 100 years ago. The generation that was cognizant of world events in 1914 is all dead. *****

    Exactly, sow a false prophesy, reap the bad results...

    If it were some pastor, he would be embarrassed and would apologize.

    In the WTS case they can't because it's their whole foundation of existence and justification in being the only channel, if the dates are wrong, they can't be just another sect, can they ???, They are way too arrogant for that !!!

  • Jeffro
    What does any of this matter? 1914 is nearly 100 years ago. The generation that was cognizant of world events in 1914 is all dead. There has been no great tribulation, no armageddon and the cult is completely reinventing itself to remain afloat. 1914 will be dropped within a generation and the 607 argument with it.

    Even though they are trying to focus less on 1914, their selection of 1919 for when they were supposedly selected as Jesus' best friend still requires their belief about 1914 and about 607.

  • Pterist

    In Leviticus 25, the Lord commands the Israelites to observe a Sabbath for the land and to observe the Year of Jubilee, a time of liberation.

    The priestly writers place a special emphasis on the Sabbath, beginning in Genesis 2:2-3, and continuing through Exodus into the book of Leviticus. In the list of "appointed festivals" and "holy convocations" in chapter 23, the weekly Sabbath takes first place. The Israelites are to work for six days, but the seventh day is to be "a sabbath of complete rest, a holy convocation" (23:3; see also 26:2). In chapter 25, even the land is granted a Sabbath rest. Every seventh year, the land is to lie fallow. No sowing of fields or pruning of vineyards is allowed in this Sabbath year. Echoing the commandment in chapter 23, it is to be "a sabbath of complete rest for the land, a sabbath for the LORD" (25:4). The Israelites, their servants, their livestock, and even the wild animals are allowed to eat what the land produces of itself in that Sabbath year, as well as what they have stored from the sixth year, and the promise is that there will be enough food for all (see 25:20-22).

    The text goes on to speak of what could be called a Sabbath of Sabbaths. The Year of Jubilee is set by counting off "seven Sabbaths of years," or seven times seven years. The fiftieth year, then, is to be the Year of Jubilee (25:8-10). It is proclaimed with the blowing of the ram's horn on the Day of Atonement, the tenth day of the seventh month.

    The Year of Jubilee is a time of Sabbath rest, a time of homecoming, and a time of liberation. The land is to lie fallow, as it does in the Sabbath year. Each Israelite is to return to his ancestral land and to his clan. Debts are to be forgiven, Israelite slaves are to be set free, and land is to be returned to its proper owners. In other words, if a person falls on hard times and is forced to sell his land or himself to pay off debts, the sale is not permanent. Both land and people are set free in the Year of Jubilee.

  • Pterist

    The above jubilee fits pretty good with 587 BC to 539 BC ish.....


  • soft+gentle


    What does any of this matter? 1914 is nearly 100 years ago. The generation that was cognizant of world events in 1914 is all dead. There has been no great tribulation, no armageddon and the cult is completely reinventing itself to remain afloat. 1914 will be dropped within a generation and the 607 argument with it.

    i have a theory (a rational one) about how people (not just JWs) who were predicting 1914 could have made a prediction that came true.

  • Pterist

    Soft&gentle *** i have a theory (a rational one) about how people (not just JWs) who were predicting 1914 could have made a prediction that came true.***

    What came true ?

    The WTS was preaching that Jesus was invisibly present in 1984 and that 1914 would END this system of things what exactly came true ????

  • Ucantnome


    The generation that was cognizant of world events in 1914 is all dead.

    I think there are still some left

  • Pterist

    Correction invisibly present in 1874

  • Pterist

    Ucantnome *** The generation that was cognizant of world events in 1914 is all dead. I think there are still some left ***

    And this qualifies Jesus words ..." this generation will BY NO MEANS pass away" ...come on if they were of accountable age they would be almost 120 years old now. I'm sure there are a few...but "BY NO MEANS pass away ....Get real

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