Your first holiday season? Let's walk you through it real time

by rebel8 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    So either you're out for the first time this year, or this is the first time you're thinking about celebrating some major holidays in some fashion.

    First, congratulations.

    Second--I think those of us who did it blindly and alone could provide you with some ideas and insights.

    Ok, so it's just before Thanksgiving in America, the official start of the Christmas season. This is good for you--it's the easiest holiday ever. Just put up some fall decorations in your home (pumpkin stuff is on sale after Halloween!) and make a nice dinner. No pagan stuff necessary.

    What to "normals" do on Thanksgiving? Yeah, well, it's not all peaches and cream. Teamwork and compromise is not the strong suit for human beings. But it's enjoyable anyway.

    Something like this. Watch it if you can.

    If you're thinking about Christmas, just be easy on yourself. Don't do stuff you're not comfortable with; that will just make you feel bad. The point is to have some innocent, genuine joy--not feeling you're committing a sin.

    Maybe you want to put up a few wintry things around the house that are natural--a pine wreath, snowflakes, etc. Maybe you want to exchange a gift...or not. Some holiday music is nice but it could be too much if you're not ready.

    Just plan to have a really nice day relaxing, not stressing.

    More later

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I just took my son, who will be 4 in Dec, trick or treating. He loved it. His mom wasn't thrilled about it but she didn't protest too much. His birthday is less than 2 weeks from x-mas so I'm thinking of just celebrating that. Iv already bought him gifts and based on his excitement about halloween I know hes going to love his birthday. When he and his sister get older, shes 5 months, I will then decide whether or not to celebrate anything else. This is all new to me so I will be taking it slow.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Even though I was born in my mother, hardcore indoctrinated, still had a thanksgiving dinner jjust not on that day. My MIL seems to do the same thing every year but I think it may be different this year because of my new stance on hollidays. My guess is she wont do anything to encourage celebraing this year. Time will tell. My wife and MIL are also hardcore indoctrinated.

  • LV101

    When you've inched into the holidays you'll soon find the magic of xmas is incredible for the little ones. Nothing like it. It might be pagan/fake but so is the watchtower but the gift giving/charitable aspect of Christmas is beautiful.

  • WTWizard

    Also, don't worry about "getting it right" the first time. If you are decorating your first Christmas tree, plan on at least 2-5 times as much in the way of ornaments and lights as you think you are going to need, and it will probably still be wimpy. Start with a small area, perhaps a corner of the room or a doorway, and see what you need to properly decorate that. You are not going to master it in one try, so if it seems tacky or wimpy, live with it and learn from it. The important thing is that you did something.

    The important thing is to learn. You see something that looked skimpy this year, try adding something to it for next time. You only have one or 2 strands of lights for your tree and it looks wimpy, next time try buying more. You don't like the looks of something because things are not appropriately displayed or because stickers keep falling offf, find out what the problem is and work on improving. There is no shame that you at least tried, even if something doesn't look right. Keep on trying, keep on working on it. Soon you will become good enough to display a proper Christmas scene of your choosing.

    Themes? If you are still worried about Brother Hounder, keep it simple. Your front windows will probably be dark, and there will be nothing in the front yard. However, you can still display a Christmas tree in the rear or interior of the house. You will probably have to make do with fewer lights than you wanted, but that can be a learning experience about how many lights it takes to really do a better job if conditions improve. You might start with something simple. Snowflakes, icicles, pine cones, and generic red bulbs look nice. You could try poinsettias, holly, or whatever looks like nature. Later, you could move onto Santa stuff, bells, sleigh, reindeer, or if you are so inclined, crosses, statues of Astaroth (yup, that is what most of those "angels" are actually replicating, not angels), and whatever you see fit.

    I personally have the whole place decorated. The hallway gets decked to the max for Halloween, Christmas, and Easter. My apartment gets decorated and left that way the whole summer--including lights on the window that emulate a tree. Including a Christmas tree that is visible from the highway behind my apartment, with a LED star that changes color. Now including icicle lights that have twinkling lights, that can be seen from that highway. Hey, if Brother Hounder wishes to drive into a tree, let him try worrying about my decorations. As I see it, it is good for the soul. They don't like it, I don't like having my soul damned by the austerity imposed by the witlesses.

  • rebel8

    Are you ready for Thanksgiving yet (Americans)?

    This is an easy one. Just have yourself a nice dinner. Not many traditions or unfamiliar rituals. If you're cooking, I suggest making at least 1-2 dishes from scratch if you can. It's a relaxing, different way to spend the day, and worth the results. Cranberry sauce is so much better--and so easy--when made fresh!

    After that--Black Friday. I suggest skipping this all but one time, if you're not into shopping and crowds. This year it might be a little much. You're easing yourself into all this stuff. Black Friday is not easing yourself into it! It's kind of the ugliest bit about the holidays dubs complain about. Do it once in your life though--just to see it all.

    Christmas movies are starting. I recommend these even before the music. Watch a few sentimental ones about people who lost the "Christmas spirit" and regained it through some dramatic experience. The latter sentence pretty much describes the Lifetime Channel for the months of November and December, no matter what time you turn on the tv, so you should be all set.

    Anyhoo, IMO those movies do serve some sort of purpose. For a fleeting moment post-dub, I believed holidays could never "mean" anything to me because I knew the truth about Pagan yule logs etc. This is a myth. It does not matter. Holidays "mean" whatever you want them to mean to you. Just take it in stride...

  • perfect1

    WTWizard, I see a theme with you: LIGHT

  • rebel8

    December approaches. Time to get crackin on whatever it is you feel like trying out.

    I recommend a little Advent Calendar if you live with family/significant others. This is a calendar with slots on it to hold little trinkets or candies each day. It's supposed to be a warm-up to Jesus' birth, but for me it's just a fun little activity. You can take turns selecting the prizes each day. You can also put nice little notes or compliments in there. One time we put clues in every day for scavenger hunts. It was really fun.

    Usually I skip the Advent Calendar and just put 7 little things in the stocking, one to be picked out for each of the 7 days prior to Xmas. I put cool stuff in there and silly stuff too--lottery tickets, sexy stuff, crossword puzzle books, snacks, toiletries, small gift cards, etc. I just finished filling up my stockings today.

    Also, are you decorating? Put up a few lights. It gives a festive vibe w/o feeling as though you are full-on demonized Pagan.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I like the lights idea. The twinkly little white ones are rather ambiguous yet cheerful.

  • ziddina

    Some pix from a full-on she-devil - er, "demonized Pagan"...

    Hee hee hee heeee!!

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