Your first holiday season? Let's walk you through it real time

by rebel8 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    By now you've survived your first holiday parties with friends and you're getting ready for the actual holiday.

    Just don't sweat it. Enjoy whatever you feel like doing. Think of it as a nice day, not a monumental thing to get stressed out over.

    Xmas Eve can be a nice event. I put on the fire, light candles, put on some contemporary seasonal music, make some great drinks and food, and have a few laughs.

  • rebel8

    Well, ex-jehooplas, here it is. Thee Big Day. No, not Armageddon! Christmas. The major Pagan extravaganza. lol

    Take another deep breath. Everything will be fine. You are not going to get struck by lightning for hanging a wreath or saying a toast.

    You know what? Lots of things are done today because of some extinct ritual from generations past. It's a normal part of human behavior. For example, have you ever noticed men's shirts and pants have a useless little loop on them? I heard those were originally added for hauling dead soldiers. I'm too lazy to look it up, but my point is, this is how traditions develop--from superstitions, practicality, etc.--and then they stick because they're fashionable, fun, or whatever.

    So Christmas. Yes we kept Yule logs, trees and New Year's Eve noisemakers long after we abandoned the superstitions that started them. This is perfectly fine and harmless.

    Enjoy whatever you feel like doing today, and don't get too down on yourself for whatever choices you make. The sun will rise tomorrow just like it always does. Your monumental choice to celebrate any part of Christmas today is only monumental in your own mind.

    Right now I am sitting by the fire, with a nice scented candle, drinking a warm spiced drink, eating some delicious leftovers and listening to Rod Stewart sing Christmas songs. Sublime and enjoyable. See? No bolts of lightning.

  • carla

    Merry Christmas!

  • rebel8

    Hey Carla! Merry Christmas to you too, my old buddy!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    My eldest child was born Christmas Day. I am no longer part of her life and it hurts so much. I don't know anything that could possibly make this more bearable

  • rebel8

    Amelia, are you ok? (( ))

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