How would you feel about this and would you steps to change the situation

by troubled mind 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144001

    Of course. Why subject yourself to an unhealthy presence in the operating room?

  • Chariklo
    Would you take steps to ask she not be on the operating team ? It was brought to my attention today that I do have the right to ask for that person not to be present because of personal issues .

    Definitely! Exercise those rights! Get her out of there!

  • cofty

    One more for yes without any hesitation.

    I hope your operation goes well.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Given the fact that you are the one being cut open, I would say yes. Her feelings are irrelevant. If she's truly a professional at her job she will understand.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    OMG ! You guys are so quick to respond ,Thank you !

    Well I just got off the phone with the surgical coordinator ,and she was so NICE about it all. She said it was no problem at all, and that she would handle it very tactfully ,and take care of it for me . I didn't go into detail I just stated it was because of a personal issue this person has with me .(I really wanted to tell her why ,because this person practises religious shunning because I left her JW religion ,but I didn't )

    That makes me feel just a little more relaxed about surgery now ...

  • undercover

    One of my old JW 'friends ', that no longer considers me worthy of even a hello ,is a surgical tech there .

    There's the key, I think. They won't speak to you. By their not speaking to you, they obviously hold a grudge against you. Of course, you know what it is...they're loyal to the WTS. If you're not comfortable with someone who holds a grudge against you being on the surgical team, then it's in your best interests to let your doctor know your misgivings and request that that person not be on the team. If nothing else, it gives you peace of mind, not having to worry about the consequences of what might happen, if that person were involved.

    Now, to be fair... if this person, JW or not, is in the medical profession, I'm sure they probably hold to a pretty rigid set of ethics in how they go about their profession and how they treat each patient. So the advice to suggest that they not be on the team isn't a smack against their performance or ability, it's based on their actions regarding you on a personal level. It very may well be that this person would be perfectly professional, ethical and do their very best...but if their presence makes you uncomfortable, then you should ask for a substitute.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I would ask for someone else, witness have no idea what confidentiality and professionalism is.

    I think the advice was unanimous -- definitely ask that they not be on the Team.

    This would esp be the case if you would agree to a blood transfusion (if necessary) and do not want to lose your status in the Cong if you are not already DA/DF. JWs are encouraged to break the confidentiality of a patient if they know of that person doing something that could be a "sin", such as having a blood transfusion, STD, abortion, etc.

    Most doctors and hospitals likely have NO IDEA what a risk JW employees are as it pertains to patient confidentiality. A law suit waiting to happen.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Yes Undercover that is what it really is about ,just making me a bit more comfortable and giving me peace of mind . I already feel more relaxed . She is more than diligent in her job i am sure it is just personal .

    I just didn't know you could even request such a thing until this morning . Having breakfast with some friends I explained the situation ,and one of them that works at the hospital, said it was common thing that happens . People have personal issues with ex's or whatever and the team wants you to be as comfortable as possible .

  • AudeSapere

    So glad you spoke up and got the compassionate response you wanted and needed. Hope all goes well with your pending surgery.

    You probably already know this, but friend of mine keeps reminding me to eat very healthily in the days and weeks prior to surgery. Better that your body be nourished as well as possible before it sets about to heal. Lots of leafy greens and all that.

    Best wishes for speedy recovery!


  • panhandlegirl

    As a nurse, I agree with everyone else. Dont let this person anywhere near you or allow them to have any information about you. If he/she is a true professional, he/she will understand. You have rights. Use them.


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