I think I stumbled onto the eventual plan for the governing body teaching today.....

by EndofMysteries 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • EndofMysteries

    I guess you do not understand. Many JW's are taught that one must be honest, and only Satan lies. So another thing which can be done with those who have families on the inside is bring out how when in field service are using lies and deception, and show the example the past 2 years of what is taught or given at the door vs what is the reality. Another tool on the long list of tools, will probably catch a few ones attention. Or bring out for those still inside how you've noticed the contradiction and feeling like a hypocrite or liar in service, etc.

  • designs

    Endo- Aren't you working under the (false) assumption that there really is such a thing as 'an anointed' person.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    LOL @ OTWO

  • maisha

    Designs: fasle according to YOUR point of viewing makes it correct?.. lol

  • maisha

    there come the pentecostal knockers,, hitting out at anything and anyone in order to create themsleves as correct!,,

    go for it WMF, designs, OTWO,,, LOL

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    EOM, you have found the link that is going to transfer the non-annointed into the position once reserved for the annointed only.

    I thought of talking to one of the ancient JWs who saw this coming decades ago. Which Watchtower mentioned they were starting to train "the other sheep" to pick up the slack the Governing Body "Faithful Slave" was needing help with? Old "Brother Ancient" told me in secret "this is how they are going to allow the non-annointed to enter the position we were told only the annointed could hold". To long-term JWs who know doctrine and JW-Theology, this is equivalent allowing non-Levites to hold the office of High Priest and offer up the sacrifice.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Many positions, formerly the preserve of the anointed are now filled by the other sheep. Servants (overseers) within the congregation, memorial talk speakers are just two that come to mind. Only the real oldies will remember this.

    Since 2000 the president of the WTS is an OS guy; previously they had been of the anointed.

    They could easily include non-anointed within the GB and no-one would notice or care. For those, like me, that are still associated, ask fellow congregation members to list the names of the current GB members or even how many members there are. When Jack Barr died a couple of years ago, I mentioned it to an elder, he had never heard of him!


  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    As you can see from this layout the WT has used the phrase repeatedly in 2010-2011. Hope this helps.

    This may or may not show up??

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat
  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    well it will not copy and paste even with the utilities so take my word for it??

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