Watchtower Corporation enters new business to help sheeples see that the end is very, very near!

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 78 Replies latest social humour

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Love old bro Coulpourteurs half smile... nobody could tell if he was half smiling or half scowling."

    ...or half drunk. He was hitting the "Jesus juice" more often than just the annual Memorial, if ya know what I mean.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    For dubs that might be a bit self-conscious and don't want others judging them because they need Watchtower Goggles to "keep their eyes on the prize," WT has designed styles that are more fashionable. Here we have Sister Modest wearing wire-rimmed goggles. I'm sure you'll agree that this style is much less obvious, hardly noticable even, allowing Sister Modest's natural beauty to shine through.

    Wow, she reminds me of a sister I used to have the hots for. I'd be convinced that it was her if the picture included a big glass of Watchtower flavored Kool Aid in her right hand.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hmmm, it looks like Sister Modest's mother also received a pair of Watchtower Goggles...

    I can tell she really likes them by the way she's smiling. If she didn't like the goggles, she'd be angrily showing her teeth... which she keeps in a glass in the kitchen, except for when she pops them in before she leaves for the meeting, or if she's eatting corn.

  • mamochan13

    OMG, Billie - those look like my glasses! of course, they helped me see TTAT!

  • shamus100

    OMG BILLY!!!

  • watson

    Do I have to wait till the summer convention to get mine??

  • Scott77


  • Finkelstein

    Don't tell anyone else, but I hear that the GB has begun testing something new on some of the sheeple.

    Could it possibly be the use of drugs to assist in the stealth brainwashing process ?

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Billy- your commentary and pictures were so funny!!! Thanks for the Laughs

  • Stealth

    I just spoke with a bethel insider who confirmed that the JW goggle buisness is true. The governing body is very concerned about the growing trend of publishing compaines going out of buisness so YHWH told them to deversify.

    Getting dunked to soon, a younger JW Ferdinando began having doubts about the Governing Body claims to be choosen as god's modern day mouth piece. The generation that was not to pass away before armedgeddon arrived, seemed to have passed away.

    Now, with his new JW googles, when Ferdinando does research on JW history, 1914 seems much closer than before. It seems much closer than 100 years ago. The overlapping generation doctrin seems so much clearer with his JW goggles.

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