Illuminati and the Watchtower

by marriedtoajw 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeffro

    Going down the road of conspiracy theorists isn't going to help you. There are plenty of actual problems with the JW religion to focus on without speculating on nutty theories that you can't prove and that make no real difference anyway. If you're trying to keep your marriage together, it makes not an iota of difference if the WTS is actually part of some 'conspiracy', but could make a great deal of difference if you start obsessing about it.

    Even if (BIG if) the WTS is part of some 'New World Order' 'conspiracy', what difference does it make?? Either way, it's just another hypocritical manmade religion. Wrong is wrong is wrong.

  • chapstick

    Jehovah's Witnesses (not Russell's Bible Student Movement) along with modern day Mormonism and other similar religions were started by the British-Israel Society and the Fabian Society in Great Britan operating through the Church of England. The Jehovah's Witnesses in the US, along with other in the US and Europe were intentionally set up and funded by the British Crown in order to dumb down and subdue the masses in an ongoing effort to maintain the age old the divide between the European Monarchy and the ruling elite over the masses of "useless eaters" and vermin as described by Prince Phillip (ex-Nazi), his Queen and the World Conservation Society. The Jehovah's Witnesses fit the bill perfectly due to their compliant and unquestioning obediance to authority and the fact that the elite globalists were continuing their multi-generational effort to establish a single world power or "New World Order" with the loss of all borders, a single military and an elite ruling class. Much discussion also took place about exerting a negative influence on the primary education system of the time by teaching only what was necessary to perform manual labor as well as twisting and changing fundamental facts about the historical record. A huge portion of the pre-15th century historical record was expunged, altered or ignored in the history books. Social Darwinism (as opposed to Darwinism), materialism, Kensian economics, Eugenics and the rejection of mans inate spiritual nature became the order of the day. Notice how Jehovah's Witnesses are nearly devoid of any mystical or spiritual ritual that is commonly enjoyed by most religions. This can actually be partially documented in the 1894 minutes of the United States Banking Assn. where they openly admitted not only this but their plans to cause a series of great depressions in the United States, starting three years from that date. The purpose was to foreclose on as many farms and acreage as they could. They had predicted 80% of the farms west of the Mississippi would be taken during the depression and they actually did take nearly 50% of them! The great depression of 1897 started exactly 3 years later to the day. They gained almost complete financial control of the United States in 1933 when they required all of the countries gold reserves as well as all personal gold as collateral on loans to survive the great depression of 1929. The Federal Reserve Banking system and the British Crown are the real power behind the coutries of Europe as well as the United States, including most of the fundamentalist protestant religions...

    The minutes of that meeting are available in the National Archives...


  • Chariklo

    Which meeting is that again, exactly? Is there a link you can include, please?

    I'm sure I won't be alone in wanting to check this for myself...

  • EntirelyPossible

    Chariklo, are you saying that repressed masculinity makes a young Jehovah's Witness male predisposed to the lure of high-power positions in the Watchtower? I could totally see that.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    There's NO solid proof WTS is Illuminati. And from what I've read Illuminati depend on "all religions" to keep the masses in the dark.

    However, there's MUCH proof the WTS (mind you with their own material) is a fraud. You'd be better off picking a few topics of choice and using that along with their own material to prove your point. Even then if your family is not ready to absorb your truths, though they reject it, you have given them something to think about....

    If you need help, there are many here who can assist in rendering your case and proving points.

  • NoStonecutters

    Chapstick said: The Jehovah's Witnesses in the US, along with other in the US and Europe were intentionally set up and funded by the British Crown in order to dumb down and subdue the masses in an ongoing effort to maintain the age old the divide between the European Monarchy and the ruling elite over the masses of "useless eaters" and vermin as described by Prince Phillip (ex-Nazi), his Queen and the World Conservation Society.

    Yes, you have more or less nailed it. The Watchtower is an extension of the Illuminati's Reformation, based in Freemasonry and the Kabbalah. The British empire, which is millennialist in nature, was founded upon the Kabbalah and its subsisidiaries, witchcraft and Freemasonry. It apepears King Henry VIII was seduced for the purpose of overthrowing the Catholic stronghold in England and replacing it with Judaism, under the guise of the Protestant Reformation. Catherine of Aragon recognized this. The British Crown, even today, functions in accordance with the precepts of the Babylonian Talmud, not the Bible. Some of the Watchtower's policies are based in Illuminism.

    To the naysayers: many of you claim there is no tangible evidence that the Watchtower is affiliated with the Illuminati. But you are only basing this on your own limited understanding of what Illuminism is. Illuminism isn't just a secret society. Illuminism is actually a strategic tool utilizing reconnaissance and espionage. So please educate yourself before posting on matters you only have a shallow understanding of. However, there is plenty of evidence linking the Watchtower to both the societal nature of the Illuminati as well as its reconnaissance aspect. Reading The Watchtower and the Masons is a good start.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    I read WTnMasons as well as other Russell background info and still came to the same conclusion......he was influenced by his contemporaries of the time and established his own form of gang.....The WTS...

    During the inception of the WTS, many parts of the world was going through a revival of VARIOUS esoteric (occult) pratices........

    (Western Esoteric Practice)


    Seriously.....think about it.....if the WTS was illuminati why would they WASTE MILLIONS ON LAW SUITS?? Wouldn't they change the 3 wit rule saving millions.....

  • trailerfitter

    NoStonecutters. I would instantly recognise some information in what you are saying by the fact you mensioned the occult. I knew someone who was Studying Mme Blavatskis doctrines and was part of an occult society. Heaven knows I cannot remember the societys' name she was linked to however learning a few things about Mme Blavatski she was about at the same time as Russel. A brief encounter with some information about Russel mensioned her name. She has clearly a prayer which included the words "Gods Great Plan" entwinded within the prayer for Occultists. Not much info but history and knowledge will show connections and influences which bring about todays thinking of religious leaders.

  • mind blown
  • Chariklo

    I don't think Madam Blavatsky had much in common with Russell apart from both being alive at the same time.

    You call her movement occultist. A better description would be esoteric. Not the same.

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