So Men tell me

by Lady Lee 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShirleyW

    "I gave my hubby a Big Bertha once"

    I bet you have girlfriend, and more than once too. . !

  • GLTirebiter

    Gift card for Cabela's, Bass pro, or other sporting goods store (not sure which ones you have north of the border).

    If he's into tech stuff, i-Tunes or Amazon is a good choice.

  • 00DAD
  • mrsjones5

    "I gave my hubby a Big Bertha once"

    "I bet you have girlfriend, and more than once too. . !"


  • 00DAD

    What pray tell is a "Big Bertha"?

    Wikipedia defines it as a German Howitzer and the urban slang dictionary says it's a big, fat, tall gay man!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    If they have children, take the kids for a weekend, tell them to go someplace romantic.

    Well I have printed up 3 certificates for free weekend babysitting for him. Beer will keep him happy and I found a pattern for a hoodie that I thinkhe might like.

    So thanks for all your ideas. Maybe they can help someone else especially if they haven't given gifts before

  • Fernando

    A handmade, handwritten and hearfelt greeting card is great!

    Maybe also tickets to a movie, and looking after the kids?

  • 144001

    A one year subscription to both the Watchtower and Awake magazines!

    Well, if you want to get him something other than toilet paper, there are a lot of options. I always enjoy gifts geared towards the hobbies and other activities I enjoy in life. Motorcycle gear, mountain bike junk, anything related to the ocean, etc. work for me. Even small, inexpensive items that are geared towards my interests are appreciated (e.g., cycling socks, gloves, yacht, etc.) as I do get use out of them.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    A card would be nice.

  • Diest

    My vote is for the Bug-a-salt. It is a plastic gun that shoots table salt to kill flies....

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