Neurosurgeon Has Near Death Experience

by metatron 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Maybe the real psychics don't want the $1million

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    That's what sports is based on. The best batter can go up against the best pitcher, and one of them is going to fail. Does that make the guy who failed a failure. I'll grant, though, that there are a lot of fake psychics and whatnot.

    I'm not sure you can compare it to sports. They aren't competing with anyone. They are simply proving what they claim to be true. Or in their case...not being able to prove...and more importantly, not wanting to prove. No one is stepping forward to even why is that? If they are so sure of their 'gifts' why would they not feel confident proving them? How could you possibly trick them if their 'gift' is real?

  • Satanus

    ' I'm not sure you can compare it to sports. They aren't competing with anyone.'

    A lot of it is mental and based on focus. If randi throws them off there, if they had a real gift, they could fail. If he psyches them out, they could fail, which is what he wants. It's defintely a competition.

    ' No one is stepping forward to even why is that?'

    Oh really?


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    A lot of it is mental and based on focus. If randi throws them off there, if they had a real gift, they could fail. If he psyches them out, they could fail, which is what he wants. It's defintely a competition.

    Just sounds like excuses to me. So Randi is more powerful that the spirit realm...LOL Are people still trying? Guess they must all be losing the game since the money is still on offer. Bet that doesn't do much for their credibility after that.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Still Thinking said:

    "Maybe the real psychics don't want the $1million "

    Or, maybe they're making BIG $$$ with their talents doing other stuff, and it's not worth blowing their cover for $1 mil? Yeah, that's it!!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Pretty much what I think sol....just wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt...god forbid I be called a fundamentalist...ROFL

  • Satanus

    First of all, randi isn't a scientist. He is or was a magician, expert at deception. Secondly, applicants must pass through preliminary tests. They have to show psi effects much higher than what would be considered above the norm. All of this, they need to do at their own expense. Some have passed the preliminary. Then, conditions were changed by randi, and the applicants were not comfortable w that, and so they withdrew.

    ' For many years this "prize" has been Randi's stock-in-trade as a media skeptic, but even some other skeptics are skeptical about its value as anything but a publicity stunt. For example, CSICOP founding member Dennis Rawlins pointed out that not only does Randi act as "policeman, judge and jury" but quoted him as saying "I always have an out"! (Fate, October 1981).'


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    He is or was a magician, expert at deception. Secondly, applicants must pass through preliminary tests. They have to show psi effects much higher than what would be considered above the norm. All of this, they need to do at their own expense. Some have passed the preliminary. Then, conditions were changed by randi, and the applicants were not comfortable w that, and so they withdrew.

    Who better to spot deception?

    So their 'gifts' have to have a specific condition to work? Do they need the light's dimmed? Whale music in the background? Do they get this information or not?

    If they pass a preliminary...they must have some talent yes? Why pull out then? Not confident of their own talent?

    but even some other skeptics are skeptical about its value as anything but a publicity stunt

    LOL...that just sounds funny considering who he is being sceptical about...either one has proven their ability beyond doubt.

  • Satanus

    ' no one has proven their ability beyond doubt.'

    Which is as it should be. I have nothing to prove.


  • Satanus

    Also, i don't need to prove anything.


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