Speaking in Tongues

by AvailableLight 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy


    Those poor people. With all that healin a goin on you'd think sombody
    would get well.

  • Adonai438

    IMHO, & Biblically,
    tongues do exist today in christians- not all christians have the gift of speaking in tongues just as all do not have the gift of teaching. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to each believer as he chooses.
    Tongues also exist in the non-christian world as well but not from the same source . Satan tries to counterfit everything God does to mislead people so just speaking in some sort of tongue is not proof of truth.
    Many people feel pressured or are taught that all christians must speak in tongues or they are not saved and from there comes the people who are faking or just making strings of sounds to sound like everyone else. There are true tongues which are a gift of the Holy Spirit, there are satanic tongues which originate from evil, and there are fake tongues that come from peer pressure.
    I have witnessed all three of these and there is a notable difference.
    If you are interested in Biblical teaching on the matter try: 1 Corinthians 12,13 &14.
    JWs teach that tongues ceased with the apostles and cite
    1 Cor.13:8 (-13). It says, basicly, that "where there are tongues they will be stilled"(vs8)but in (vs9&10) it says that this will happen when perfection comes. Perfection has not come as anyone can see rather easily. 'Perfection' is not 'the Bible' as Jws attempt. There is in depth teaching on tongues and their use and order in the Bible and never does it say these teachings are only for the apostles that are teaching them.

  • LittleToe

    Never done it.
    Heard it done.
    Believe in it.

    I understand that there's at least one common prayer language.
    Whether you want to class it as a supernatural event, or some kind of racial memory thing, it would appear to exist.

    Before I get jumped on - no I've not done a scientific study on it.

  • LB
    tongues do exist today in christians- not all christians have the gift of speaking in tongues just as all do not have the gift of teaching. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to each believer as he chooses.

    I'm sorry, gibberish is gibberish.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Carmel

    no different that speed reading or picture reading. Whatever you put your mind to you can develop a "gift" out of the norm of regular society. All motivation and practice. I have to ask, what's the value? Gibberish never enlightened anyone, never truely healed anyone, never "saved" anyone. Makes for good intertainment for those that are easily entertained. Personally, I think glossollia has been misinterpreted and the side show that has developed in many churches is a physical/mental condition thought to be something else.


  • AGuest

    May you all have peace!

    Actually, it is very real, one of the gifts of the spirit, and it does occur today. It can occur in one speaking a language of THIS world, including past and/or present languages, or that of spirit beings. I have witnessed the former two... and some time ago posted to that regard. Why? Because much to MY surprise, when hearing the one speaking a tongue from the past, I was granted the 'gift' of understanding and interpreting it, something I had NEVER done before! I posted the 'message' here, as well.

    A slave of Christ,


  • KistByQpid

    It isn't for me. Ok, I was raised Lutheran and I am certain that contributes to my total lack of a "comfort zone" with the charismatics. LOL. However, I've visited many different churches and I can't stand: anyone screaming AMEN from behind me (I jump every time), arm wavers, swayers, dancers...and tongues. Let me explain why the wavers and tongues gets me. I went with a friend to her church, the waving and tongues were like a competition to see WHO was the "most spiritually gifted" and I just wasn't comfortable. She asked, "Why don't you raise your arms when you sing?" I didn't know it was a requirement...lol. I want a program when I walk in the door, and I want to know whats going on, I don't want any surprises or alter calls. I don't want to see people swaying, waving, dancing, snakes or speaking in tongues...I like a "speak only when spoken to" policy! As in...the Pastor says______. And the Congregation replies______. Yeah, a liturgical service. I have no problems with people who are charismatic, It just makes me uncomfortable. I've heard just the opposite though, people who really dislike the formality of a liturgical service.

  • LB

    I've heard it, my sister in law does it. She hasn't a clue as to what she's saying but she says "God Understands me".

    Good grief.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • JT

    the comment was made:

    "Tongues also exist in the non-christian world as well but not from the same source"

    This is really a very powerful testament to the problem that belief systems have.

    this poster is pointing out from his perspective that ONLY THE CHRISTIANS GOT IT RIGHT

    SO I WENT TO one of the resident "Musliums" here at work for his view on the matter

    and he said almost the EXACT SAME THING IN REVERSE

    and that is:

    "Tongues also exist in the "Christian" world as well but not from the same source"

    as i had mentioned before about belief systems

    same product just different package

    JUST MY 2

  • AvailableLight

    Good post JT.

    My personal feelings on the matter lean towards a mental/emotional cause, especially after reading some of your experiences.

    On the other hand, I'm not ready to rule out any supernatural cause, I accept the *possibility* that some supernatural realm exists. What that is exactly or whether or not it is dangerous are questions I haven't really answered yet, and it is probable that my strong JW background plays a large role in my feelings on this matter.

    I find what LB said both funny and interesting: gibberish is gibberish. Of what value is some "spiritual gift" that has highly questionable (if any) meaning for the recipient?

    Why would God transmit a message in such cryptic fashion? Something doesn't add up...

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