The Black Cat Analogy

by OnTheWayOut 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • NomadSoul

    I keep posting this video but seems like it fits perfectly here also:

  • myelaine

    dear OnTheWayOut...

    I just saw a black cat...AGuest is the one who heard it and apparently thinks it's her lord...

    love michelle

  • AGuest

    I like Neil Tyson, dear NS (peace to you!). I like his... mmmmmm... intelligence (I would rather have wrong intelligence than wrong unintelligence, if you get my drift!)... and his self-presentation. He's cool... and VERY smart, in a worldly kind of way. You do realize that that is his perspective, though, right? I mean, try to tell, say, a mother... or a twin... that the "feeling" they had when something occurred with their baby/child or twin was just "a figment of [their] imagination." Such ones don't need you... or Dr. Tyson... to agree with them.

    BUT... there's nothing wrong with that, Dr. Tyson's perspective on the senses. I mean, he is a scientist and so his perspective should support science.

    I very much like his perspective about being a scientist in this particular interview, though:

    Smart... AND honest! Doesn't get much better than that!

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Not that one, silly rabbit...

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, marvelling that at someone thinks one black cat accounts for all black cats... and then again, considering the source and rethinking her marvelling...

  • myelaine


    "Not that one, silly rabbit..."

    the night vision goggles your lord provided can't even distinguish between a sheep and a rabbit...I rest my case.

    love michelle

    p.s. Jesus loves you.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Spirituality is like being a dark room, looking for a black cat... by listening to and following its "purrs"... and once you find it, you also find it's sitting on a pair of high-powered night-vision goggles.

    Spirtuality calls, though it doesn't necessarily need a voice or sound to speak loudly. Many of us have thought we were alone and then sensed that something was there with us in a room (or even outside during the day or night), only to turn and find out that yes, there was someone there. You know, when you suddenly get the feeling someone is following you and you turn around and there IS someone following you? Or you get the feeling someone or something is watching you and you look up to find someone staring at you intensely. You could be in a dark room, no light and sense something there, that just happened to be a black cat.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Good one, Myelaine.

    Can you truly see something/someone that is truly NOT there?

    There's no point in bothering with this. Many know that you do see something that is truly not there.

    I am not going to go back and forth anymore with AGuest. She went away and now wants to start up again. I only bothered a little today because it was my thread. I know that AGuest is a character that a poster created, and even the poster knows better. So why waste my time. I may casually comment on what AGuest says, but it is just as ridiculous to argue back and forth with her as it would be to argue back and forth with Archie Bunker.

  • AGuest
    the night vision goggles your lord provided can't even distinguish between a sheep and a rabbit...I rest my case.

    Oh, sure they can. The ever-perpetual silly [looking] one is the rabbit. Heck, I don't even need night goggles to "see" that.

    love michelle

    Ch'eah... right. You keep on sayin' that. Mayhaps one day even YOU will believe it. You know I know better.

    p.s. Jesus loves you.

    No, but perhaps [he] "loves" you, though. I mean, I'm sure someone who doesn't exist... and there truly is no "Jesus,"... can also "love". I mean, heck, silly rabbits need love, too, I guess...

    A slave of the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJAH)... and HIS Christ,


  • elderelite

    SCORE!!!!! I be knowin you couldnt stay away for longs :) the forum just got fun again

  • AGuest

    Others describe that "sense" or "feeling" similarly to how you do, dear FHN (peace to you, dear one!). In fact, we had a discussion about that recently. Toward the end of the discussion another dear one (peace to you!) stated:

    I tend to label these a 'feeling' only for the fact in that they do not always contain words, and yet I completely 'get' the message.

    In response, I was able to share with her that while it may not be with "words"... it IS still a voice . The writer of the letter to the Hebrews actually described it thus:

    "For YOU have not approached that which can be felt and which has been set aflame with fire, and a dark cloud and thick darkness and a tempest, and the blare of a trumpet and the voice of words ; on hearing which voice the people implored that no word should be added to them. For the command was not bearable to them: “And if a beast touches the mountain, it must be stoned.” Also, the display was so fearsome that Moses said: “I am fearful and trembling.” But YOU have approached a Mount Zion and a city of [the] living God, heavenly Jerusalem, and myriads of angels, in general assembly, and the congregation of the firstborn who have been enrolled in the heavens, and God the Judge of all, and the spiritual lives of righteous ones who have been made perfect, and [Jesus] the mediator of a new covenant, and the blood of sprinkling, which speaks in a better way than Abel’s [blood]. See that YOU do not beg off from him who is speaking . " Hebrews 12:18-25

    What this is saying is that while the speech may not be with WORDS... it is still SPEECH, and thus a VOICE... because the blood SPEAKS. That is what some interpret as a "feeling": his blood "speaking" to your blood (or perhaps some other spirit being "communicating"... because they don't need words to do so)... so that it seems to be occurring in the deepest part of you. Since it isn't done with literal words there is an assumption that there isn't necessarily/actually a voice.

    Abel's blood "cried out", though. Thus, it spoke in a voice, with words . Once combined with holy spirit, however, OUR blood can "speak"... in a BETTER way... one that doesn't necessarily require words but still has a VOICE! ( Romans 8:26, 27 )

    Because the blood speaks . And what you "feel" is HIS blood "speaking" to YOUR blood, even in your bones (where the spirit lives!). If one can grasp the truth of that, one will learn how to "listen" even better (because one will know what to listen WITH, the "ears" of WHAT)!

    Perhaps this will help you... and any others with/wishing for ears to hear and get the sense of it... understand what I mean, as well, dear FHN.

    On another note, this was not an attempt to start an argument; indeed, I stated my comments respectfully and genuinely. Unfortunately, my tolerance for badgering is a bit short right now. I probably should have stayed away, knowing what always occur, regardless the comment or respect I try to show... but... well... I didn't. I don't want to argue with anyone, either. Nor do I necessarily want to engage in the usual back and forth. To be honest, I truly wish certain folks would just cut it out, leave the smarm out of the discussion. But I have come to realize that that just isn't ever going to happen with certain folks. So... I deal with it as I deal with it. Smack me... and I might turn the other cheek. Depending on how I'm feeling, though, you just might get smacked back. Perhaps even harder.

    Keep your "hands" to yourself... and I promise to keep mine to myself, always.


    A slave of Christ,


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