The New Diary of Winston Smith

by WinstonSmith 336 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WinstonSmith

    Today is Australia Day in this beautiful country. We celebrate it by firing up the BBQ, burning some meat, imbibing alcohol based beverages, and regaling our friends with hyperbolic stories. Our move here was lifechanging in many ways. The most significant of which was that our time in the congregations here became the straw that broke the camel's back and woke us up to the truth about the Truth.

    Thanks Australia. If it's okay, we'd like to stick around a bit longer.

  • WinstonSmith

    Had one of those "eye roll" moments last night.

    We had dinner with some friends in our congregation, and the hubby has just bought a Tablet (because "The Society says we should use the internet" !!!!!) and as I have one too, he was asking me some questions on how to use it.

    I showed him how to download an ereader and explained the difference between PDF and ePUB. We downloaded an app and, of course it came with some books preloaded. When he saw that there were books pre-loaded, he says:

    "I want to delete those, I don't want them on here, because you never know whats in them."

    Cue EYE ROLL.

    The books that were preloaded were Moby Dick, Pride and Prejudice, and Oliver Twist. Obviously books reknowned for their long history of turning people away from the truth due to their demonic content....

  • Roberta804

    I like reading your posts Winston.

  • bsmart

    My new Kindle fire came with a dictionary, I bet it doesn't have theocratic definitions. Woe is me.

  • WinstonSmith

    Roberta84: Thank you for your nice comments! I hope everyone can understand my ramblings and take something away that is beneficial :-)

    Bsmart: What?? You didn't get the WTS approved version? Mate, we're sure gonna miss you in paradise...

    I came across this today. It's pretty interesting given the recent "Waaah we don't have enough money to pay off the Conti case" comments.

    I guess we know where their priorities lie.

  • talesin

    I would think Oliver Twist would suit the JW sensibility quite well.

    "Please sir, can I have more?" asks the starving orphan...

    "You want MORE??!"

    Children in this book are treated properly, as nothing but worthless slaves and tools, punished violently when they do not toe the line drawn by their taskmasters.

    Tsk tsk.


  • Phizzy

    The opportunity has not arisen yet, as I do not see JW's hardly ever, but when they do come out with some nonsense in the future I am determined I am going to say what silly crap they are talking. Delete the free books indeed ! What a Johnny Numbnuts, like most JW's.

  • WinstonSmith

    Talesin: You want MORE meat in due season? More? You'll have to wait until the Slave is ready to give you more spititual food. By the way, the spiritual food we gave you last week is no longer spiritual food. New light has shown us that this new thing is now spiritual food...........for now.

    Phizzy: It was just hilarious. I could not believe my ears. Numbnuts indeed - he's a cyclist ;-)

    Did anyone else notice that in one of the pictures in the WT study coming up in a couple of weeks, there are two people in the protest group wearing Guy Fawkes masks, like supporters of Anonymous wear? Not really sure why but this caught my attention. I guess it is an accurate portrayal of a potential mob, but usually the WTS is generic in their photos when it comes to showing other groups, organisations or religions. Having said that Anonymous are hard to define. Having said that, the Guy Fawkes mask is a symbol of their movement.

    So yeah, I still don't know why, but I was surprised to see that.

  • talesin

    Did anyone else notice that in one of the pictures in the WT study coming up in a couple of weeks, there are two people in the protest group wearing Guy Fawkes masks, like supporters of Anonymous wear?

    Interesting ........ verry interesting ...



  • WinstonSmith

    Yeah like I said I am not sure why that caught my eye. Maybe because in general when the WTS makes up their own photos for a mag the groups represented are generic.

    Like when there is a picture of a priest, you generally can't tell whether he is Catholic, Protestant, Church of England etc etc. The Guy Fawkes mask has become a symbol of Anonymous and protest groups related to it and is a readily identifiable mark of theirs.

    Or maybe its because I loooooooooove the comic that the mask comes from (and the movie)!

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