CO Visit this week....

by MaybeSo 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MaybeSo

    So, we are meeting our new CO this week... I wonder if he'll be as glory hungry as the last one and the one before him and the one... well you can get the idea.

    Too bad we didn't volunteer to feed him and spend our precious time getting to know him... oh wait, all the previous COs never even shook my hand so who cares lol

    That makes me wonder...Why do they receive so much glory and attention as if they were some type of celebrity? Everyone goes nuts when these men come around every six months. And then all the pioneers feeling all high and mighty because they get to have a special meeting with him.

    I can't stand the whole frenzy everyone gets into this time around...

    So, have you ever met a CO that would just love to feed on this type of attention???

  • NomadSoul

    They need social structure. The WT claims otherwise but they're still subject to typical human behavior.

  • jookbeard

    best thing you did not offering to feed an egotistical,arrogant, big mouthed picky eater

  • MaybeSo

    The last CO was soooo boring. Somehow I ended up meeting up with him and other brothers-before field service and after the service meeting mind you- and all he did was to stare at his cup of coffee. So much for spiritual building conversations with the flock!

    I tried to initiate conversation but I guess he was too good to talk to the rest of us. I ignored him after that and I enjoyed my coffee until we had to leave. Oh and by the way, by the looks of his gut I know coffee wasn't the only drink he enjoyed.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    The last one we had was a real piece of work, a pompous, arrogant, young dick if there ever was one. Trying to be fair, I attempted to chalk it up to maybe him being young and immature, possibly unsure of himself, maybe even uncomfortable in his own shoes. But reality hit me later on that, nope, the guy is simply a prick. I bought that sucker lunch one time and said to myself that was the last time I'll ever buy any of them anything ever again. Them or their wives. This past District Convention I was dying to catch him somewhere alone so I could into his ear without making a scene, but the oppurtunity never presented itself. At one point I flirted with insulting him in front of his wife just to get a reaction out of him.

    The bad thing about guys like him is, they get under others skin, but then goes on with their life completely oblivious of other's feelings towards them. They're not around long enough for negative feedback to get to them. We're in the midst of a Circuit reshuffle, so as far as CO vistis are concerned, we're in limbo, but he's only a few neighborhoods away from me, and I may yet get the oppurtunity to get at him, or at the least snub him. The cherry on top would be to insult him in front of his wife, or even insult his wife and see where his heart is at. I know two wrongs won't make me right, but it will make us even.


    Want to know all about the talks he is going to give? I took great notes! We had our visit not too many months ago. Ours was a nice enough guy at first glance. The talks were not boring, he told jokes, gave they sheeple what they want. it was the same ol' stuff re-shuffled and re-heated with a dash of GB worship on top. My wife made the Co and his wife lunch, I did not go. I am all about treating others with respect as people, but knowing that my hard earned cash is going to the Conti settlement ( nothing against Candice ) and that none of it feeds others, not even other JW's, pisses me off!!! Plus I don't worship the GB and told my wife as much and I told her I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE SPIRITUAL MOTHER TEACHING. So I was nice but made it clear that I could not buy out the time to make it. He seemed alright, but no one in the JW org is a modern day apostle. So I did not show up for lunch, and I felt great about it. After all, someone has to work to pay for the gas guzzling service-mobile and our monthly contributions to the WTBTS, and for the Co's car.

  • LostGeneration

    As a kid, the COs I had were a refreshing change, because they were actually interesting speakers! Not so much in the last few years, maybe just they guys I had at the end.

    A few years back, I heard one of the ambitious elders in a hall I used to attend was aiming for a CO position. I really didn't get it until I woke up a short time after. Dude pioneered, worked a shitty part time job, and also did side jobs as well. His wife pioneered as well and was known to be completely opposed to helping her hubby out financially by picking up a part time job. So if the guy gets appointed a CO, he is on the gravy train, all expensed reimbursed by the local congos he visits, and his wife is happy too. It was then I figured out that the CO was just a regional sales manager.

    They seemed to split in my experience between asshats/good guys. The humble ones aren't bad, truly think they are in the truth and serving God. The asshats simply get their rocks off on the power trip that the title CO gives them.

  • MrFreeze

    I always wondered why the pioneers got to go to that "special" meeting with the CO. If the "life-saving" work is so important, and that information is so beneficial, wouldn't it make sense to provide that information to everyone engaged in the work?

  • cobaltcupcake

    Sit back, kids, and let me tell you about Willis B. Bentley, Jr. If any of you had him as a CO you can probably add your own stories.

    He was like a cross between Eddy Murphy and Al Sharpton, gesticulating and pulling faces as he spoke. He'd pace back and forth across the platform at times, pointing his long fingers at the audience and rolling his eyes.

    He was a complete control freak. In every congregation in our circuit (Boston, MA) he made the brothers rearrange the seats, even theater seats, unbolting them from the floor and moving them around.

    Then, at each meeting the publishers would be greeted by an attendant who would seat them, filling in the front rows first and leaving no empty seats.

    He had a meeting with the ministerial servants and elders where he went to the literature and magazine counters and checked out the surplus/old literature and made all of them buy a chunk of it themselves so that the congregation didn't carry it on their books. (This was back when we were still paying for literature instead of donating.)

    His elders' meetings on Friday night were legendary, running late in to the night. Everyone was expected to show up for FS the next day, and many elders were tired, especially the older ones. Ministerial servants were expected to buy donuts for everyone and bring them to the hall. Each elder was placed at the end of a row of chairs, and then those who wanted to work with with Bro. Bentley were to sit in their row, wives not allowed to work with their husbands.

    Bro. Bentley worked in FS almost exclusively with children. Kids loved him.

    We all had to meet back at the hall at noon and report in on placements and interest found. Wednesday evening service was mandatory as well, and Bentley would give a report, congregation by congregation at the next Circuit Assembly of the percentage of publishers present for evening witnessing. Most congregations had in excess of 100% of pubs because he'd count everyone who could speak in complete sentences.

    He was absolutely the most out of touch individual I've ever met. He bragged that he'd never held down a secular job in his life. He was raised in a divided household, pioneered after high school then went to Bethel. From there he went into the circuit work.

    I remember a talk he gave in which he thundered from the platform about those who left dirty dishes in the sink and then went to a meeting. Then he got on a rant about people who didn't brush their teeth before coming to a meeting.

    Now, at the time my schedule got me home at 6:15 with 45 minutes to get something to eat and make it to a 7:00 meeting. I told my husband, "It's going to be one or the other - the dishes or the teeth. Can't do both." I chose the teeth.

    He had a bunch of aphorisms he loved to trot out, like "Are you whole souled or do you have a hole in your soul?" He was really good at the no-excuses approach to "encouragement." In his world, every moment you weren't at work or school you should be in the ministry. Okay, but when do I do the dishes?

    Anybody else remember Willis B. Bentley, Jr?

    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • ShirleyW

    Hey Cobalt

    There are many Bro. Assho. . I mean Br. Bentley's out there !!

    Everybody could relate a story that would make Br. B sound like Ghandi.

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