Please Help! Wife want PROOF of Watchtower Deception

by Indian Larry 70 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    Please post any examples of CLEAR CUT Watchtower Deception. My wife does not believe that the Watchtower would PURPOSELY decieve her. I need CLEARCUT examples of deception of by the WTBTS. This could be the thing that opens up her eyes. I am going to look up all quotes on the WT CD and put them in a spreadsheet. Please submit ANY examples that show CLEARLY to a totally blind WTBTS zombie how she has been lied to. Misquotes are welcome as well.

    Please HELP! If it makes you feel better, feel free to count the time

  • Leolaia

    That can be a tall order if she is indoctrinated. When I was in, and I got an anti-JW booklet, it was well-researched and supported, but it was ridiculous to me and I laughed it off. The examples even if they are good ones might just be ignored or rationalized. What really convinced me of dishonesty is when I saw it firsthand myself and I took notice. I think that is happening right now to some extent with people being confused and bothered by the changes in the generation doctrine.

  • 3dogs1husband

    how bout whe the awake ADVERTISED FOR THE UN????

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    Leola, thank you for the comment. I make special notice of your comments because they are usually very very well researched and thought out. You don't resort to random name calling and ranting, just simpe (AND EFFECTIVE) research. I appreciate that.

    For some background. My wife does wonder some about the UN thing, the Candise Conti thing. and possibly about false prophecy. In general though her attitude is that the society is the FDS and that is the end of it. Her mother became a witness when she was 7 yrs. old. She is very very close to her sister and brother (both active JW's) she his also very very close to her parents. Her mom is a witness but her father is not. He does attend on Sunday's, but he is not baptised and he still smokes. So, by Witness standards he is bird feed. It does not matter that he is a really good person, that he really does not understand the theological issues. According to them the simple fact is that is not baptized (in the org) and therefore will dies at armageddon.

    Anyway, what I am looking for is simple CLEAR examples of where the society has lied to it's member. That is the first step on the stairway to freeing her.

  • Leolaia

    I think the best thing is to find just one single really undeniable example that speaks for itself with minimal analysis or reflection....something that's clear on its face. That would also depend on her interests and what might appeal to her as a convincing example. It may not be something dealing with doctrine per se, as opposed to policy and its effects in people's lives. The Candace Conti case being a good example of this.

    Be sure not to deluge her with a ton of examples, that could make one's mind close up. Just one really good example, just to get her mind open enough to want more.

    There was an AWESOME thread about this a few years ago. Anyone remember this? It was about how to best talk to your loved one and open their mind without overwhelming them.

  • Phizzy

    You have along stairway to climb I would guess, so GOOD LUCK !

    Others on here may think of better ways than the one that comes to my mind, but this has the quality of combining two elements.

    I would tell her that 607B.C.E is false, if she doubts that tell her to read stuff on here about that, then draw her attention to the fact that since the 1960's when a number of scholarly people wrote to the W.T and explained 607 was wrong, since that decade they have been deceiving the J.W's, insisting the date is right.

    I think you have a problem though, most J.W's will not accept plain proof, they will rationalise it away, laugh it off as Leo said. Perhaps you need to probe and find if she has a thing that she thinks is dodgy and deceptive for herself or simply something she is doubtful about, and then research that with her.

    Thanks Leolaia for your revealing that you were able to "laugh it off", I don't feel so bad that I did the same for so long, if a grat mind like yours can be controlled to a degree by the W.T, then "only two sparking brain cells me" has every excuse.

  • smiddy

    Indian Larry

    You say your wife beleives the society is the FDS ask her when were they appointed that.1919 ? Go to the publications C.T.Russells writings on what they were teaching in those books phamplets etc. Things like the official magazine "Zions WatchTower and Herald of Christs Presence"

    C.T.Russell obviously beleived in Zionism....JW`s today dont beleive that

    C.T.Russell taught Jesus Christ presence began in 1874......JW`s today dont beleive that

    C.T.Russell taught that all the Governments of the world would be destroyed by God , and Gods Kingdom would be established in the year 1914....JW`s today dont beleive that

    C.T.Russell obviously beleived in pyramidology because he used it in publications he wrote..........JW`s today dont beleive that

    The WatchTower had on its front cover a depiction of the masonic symbol a cross and a crown,the KNights Of Templar......JW`s today have no connection with the FreeMasons

    These were beleifs,practices,symbols that were used well pass the time of death of C.T Russell in 1916 , some not even changed till about 1943 , so if all these practices are considered false by Jehovah`s Witnesses today,how could Jesus Christ have approved them as a faithfull servant in 1919.?.....He obviously could not.

    If you read what the WTB&TS of today says about what was said/ printed back then it is not what the original books said.In other words go to the original writings and publications of C.T.Russell and not what the JW`s now claim he said..... The deception stands out like a sore toe

    I recomend you both look at" Captives Of A Concept"by Don Cameron


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    JWs are taught to accept any change as a progressive revelation (new light). What would your wife accept as proof that would not cause the "new light reflex" to kick in? I think this varies from person to person; some are completely incapable of admitting they've been deceived. This is not an uncommon psychology - it is very common for investors to ride their "hot stocks" right down to $0.00 rather than cut their losses, admit they were wrong, and live to see another day.

    Maybe it would be helpful to find out what she believes the WTB&TS has that makes it "The TRUYH". Some think that the WTB&TS is the faithful & discreet slave." Some think the WTB&TS "predicted" 1914. Some think that the JWs aversion to war makes them special.

    NONE of those claims are legitimate.

    First find out your wife's key concepts about the Watchtower, then find out what her definition of PROOF is. Then make your case and hope that she has the strength of character to accept that she has been duped.

    The book CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT does a marvelous job bursting the "FDS" myth, by the way.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ...oh, one more thought.

    Lots of JWs hold that members of the governing body are imperfect men who are infallable in matters of doctrine. That's a fun topic. They will tell you that this is true for the WTB&TS and untrue for the Roman Catholic Church. Mix that with the theory of "new light" and you have a real wrasslin' match on your hands.

  • Leolaia

    Good points, Nathan Natas.

    I wish I could remember that thread. It was a beauty and should have gone into the "Best of". Anyway, your job right now is to find what would pique further interest and keep the mind open. Patience is important, as she needs to move at her own pace. You can't rush a plant by overwatering, that would just kill it. But find something that is simple and speaks for itself, needs minimal exposition, which suits her interests and which raises questions she's never pondered before. I don't know what that could be....I hope you find a lot of potential examples and then carefully select the right one. Be choosy.

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