A question for Athiests

by EndofMysteries 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Twitch
    From my understanding, to be athiest, this is pretty much how it goes.


  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    This earth has the fingerprints of God all over it in my view. That’s not to say that God spoke and everything appeared. It obviously took time and a great deal of it. But there are too many necessary things that happened for it all to be chance. For one thing, the orbit of the Earth is in the precise distance from the sun to sustain life. Any closer and it would be too hot, and any further and it would be too cold. The sun also is of exactly the right type and how about the moon? Our moon is clearly an alien to our solar system. It was not spawned by the Earth, nor any other planet in our solar system. And without it we would lack the orbital stability to sustain life. Without it, we would have a different equator every year. Weather patterns would be so sporadic that intelligent life would be unsustainable.

    Then there are the complexities of life: bees, pollen, flowers, vivid sunsets and blue skies and the beauty in clouds. As one prophet stated, all things denote there is a God. One also can look at the scriptures and the fulfillment of prophecy. Isaiah 53 speaks of Christ in specific terms. Daniel’s prophecies also have found exact fulfillment not only of future nations and kingdoms, but the length and timeframe of the Messiah and His mission. Christ spoke of the destruction of the temple and the scattering of Israel. He and other prophets also spoke of the gathering of Judah (Isaiah 11) and the rebuilding of the temple, which I’ll bet happens in the near future. Zechariah says that in the last days, Israel would be a “burdensome stone” for all nations, even though all nations would be gathered against it. I still remember the 1968 war and the dire predictions that Israel would be destroyed by all of its neighbors.

    The Lord has never provided proof of His existence. But He does provide evidence. And I find the evidence for intelligent creation to greatly outweigh the evidence against it. I don’t believe life is an accident, nor do I believe our existence is the result f happenstance.

    Still, we pays our money and we takes our chance!

  • Night Owl
    Night Owl

    Who of your deities, excuse me, scientists, were around to see how life began on earth?

    Not one.

    They just make things up as they go along, they die, then the next one of your gods comes around and says 'oh, that last god had it wrong. I have it right', just to be found out to be wrong by the following god who takes his place.

    "thought to be", "might have" "suggested" "possibly" "could have" "alternative theory" "may have been" "the assumption ".....................BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW. THEY WERE NOT THERE. Now there is the type language that you really can believe in, right?


  • EntirelyPossible

    They just make things up as they go along, they die

    You aren't very bright, are you?

  • ziddina
    "Who of your deities, excuse me, scientists, were around to see how life began on earth?
    Not one.
    They just make things up as they go along, they die, then the next one of your gods comes around and says 'oh, that last god had it wrong. I have it right', just to be found out to be wrong by the following god who takes his place.
    "thought to be", "might have" "suggested" "possibly" "could have" "alternative theory" "may have been" "the assumption ".....................BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW. THEY WERE NOT THERE. Now there is the type language that you really can believe in, right?..." Night Owl

    BiZARRE comment from someone apparently touting the "divinity" of a 4,000-year-old middle eastern nomads' god...

  • Night Owl
    Night Owl
    You aren't very bright, are you?

    No, I am not.

    I cannot take half a jawbone with one tooth and make a fictitious ape-man out of it, no.


  • EntirelyPossible

    But there are too many necessary things that happened for it all to be chance.

    No one thinks it is all chance.

    For one thing, the orbit of the Earth is in the precise distance from the sun to sustain life.

    Of course it is. If it weren't, we wouldn't be here to observe it. Of course, that doesn't mean that this is the ONLY distance from the sun that can support life, and for other stars it would be different.

    Our moon is clearly an alien to our solar system. It was not spawned by the Earth, nor any other planet in our solar system.

    That's not clear at all. There were many proto-planets. And the moon was formed froma collision with the earth. It didn't just wander by and gently park itself in orbit around the earth.

    Daniel’s prophecies also have found exact fulfillment not only of future nations and kingdoms, but the length and timeframe of the Messiah and His mission.

    You need to do some reading on how and when Daniel was composed. It ain't what you think

  • EntirelyPossible

    I cannot take half a jawbone with one tooth and make a fictitious ape-man out of it, no.

    Of course not. The bones prove the creature was real. And you don't have the education.

  • Berengaria

    Dude, Night Owl, if you are determined to be ignorant, at least be humble.

  • Night Owl
    Night Owl


    Since I am the ignorant one, and you all are the smart ones, how did life begin on earth? I'm just on the edge of my seat in anticipation.


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