A question for Athiests

by EndofMysteries 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewChapter

    (Avoid History, Discovery and The Learning Channel: they sold out to the idea of satisfying the needs of viewers in our modern Idiocracy: fat, intellectually lazy morons who gobble up pseudoscience topics like ancient aliens, ghost hunting, ufo chasing, cryptozoology affirmation and staged shows about feuding auctioneers, repo men and the worst humans alive on earth with "honey boo-boo." RIDICULOUS. There needs to be a Darwinian solution to thinning our gene pool down--and quick!)

    SO TRUE! There is always a danger that because of the intelligent sounding titles, a person could think they are actually being educated by their programs! I have found myself in discussions with people who are talking alens and history and codes and they speak with such certainty because they saw something on the very intelligent History Channel, and I just want to screeeeaaaammmmm.

    Idiocracy indeed.

  • tec

    Prove that the sun is the center of the solar system." Yes, do that in a few sentences so that we can all understand and so it is absolutely clear that it is true.

    Doesn't the sun have to be the center of the universe because of gravity? The sun is the origin of a solar system, and so everything spread out from the sun, and gravity keeps it revolving around the sun?

    In any case, evolution and whatever else we have discovered about the process of life does not disprove God. They are just processes. The journey (of discoveries AND mistakes) can be as exciting for a theist to learn about as a non-theist.



  • scotoma

    How can you think everything on this earth just happened?

    How can you think that God always existed?

    Everything didn't "just" happen.

    Everything happened very slowly over at least a billion years.

  • NomadSoul

    Doesn't the sun have to be the center of the universe because of gravity?

    Nomad - like all other poorly thought out arguments this one will fade when the first permanent Mars bases are up and running and we prove that Mars is also

    habitable with the right tech. What's amazing to me is how much of the earth itself is downright hostile to life.

    Yep, if it was precise there would be less natural disasters occurring.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Night Owl, you want proof? Here it is:

    (sorta not exactly as it may have been written 3,000 yrears ago, but a close second )

  • tec

    Center of the solar system, I meant... not center of the universe, lol. Sorry.



  • cofty

    It's disturbing to see people take pride in willful ignorance.

  • simon17

    Doesn't the sun have to be the center of the universe [sic] because of gravity? The sun is the origin of a solar system, and so everything spread out from the sun, and gravity keeps it revolving around the sun?

    But that is just hand-waving and spouting off about topics we have vague understanding of. What is this gravity you speak of and how do you prove it has any sort of effect on things like planets and stars? I don't think you'd have any idea where to even start. I'm not being critical. I don't think I could *prove* the sun was at the center. I don't know how I would prove it using astronomy (but it is certainly posible, and that would be easiest). You're going to need to be versed in a TON of mathematics and physics to even begin to start proving gravitational theory (and by proving it; I don't even mean from scratch... I just mean understanding and explaining the proofs that have been worked out). So your explanation of why the sun is the center is about equivalent to an evolutionist "proving" evolution by saying "Well it has to be evolution because of genetics. And changes in the code were passed on via natural selection or something?"

  • Finkelstein

    I highly recommend Richard Dawkin's book The God Delusion, it does open the mind for those who been trapped by religious theology

    such as that of the JW organization or the book The Magic of Reality the book thats specifically spoken about here.


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    But that is just hand-waving and spouting off about topics we have vague understanding of. What is this gravity you speak of and how do you prove it has any sort of effect on things like planets and stars? I don't think you'd have any idea where to even start. I'm not being critical. I don't think I could *prove* the sun was at the center. I don't know how I would prove it using astronomy (but it is certainly posible, and that would be easiest). You're going to need to be versed in a TON of mathematics and physics to even begin to start proving gravitational theory (and by proving it; I don't even mean from scratch... I just mean understanding and explaining the proofs that have been worked out). So your explanation of why the sun is the center is about equivalent to an evolutionist "proving" evolution by saying "Well it has to be evolution because of genetics. And changes in the code were passed on via natural selection or something?"

    after general relativity, the idea was that gravity was a distortion in spacetime. i believe that has since fallen away to hypothetical particles.

    what gravity is, has yet to be fully discovered, but the effects are very much measurable and can be described quite well by newtonian physics for a lot of applications.

    here's how to prove the sun goes around the earth...

    by way of astronomy, we can chart our progress in the solar system. the earth-centric models do not come close to replicating the what is actually going on. you can use geometry to show that the earth is moving, where is star A, in june vs it's position in september?

    after we've proven that the earth moves, then we can say at the very least, that it's quite possible that the earth moves around the sun, or the move around each other, etc.

    going back to charting the progress of noteable stars and planets, the reality of the stars, moon and planets' progress throughout the year suggest that these things are most certainly NOT revolving around the earth.

    using the heliocentric model, all of a sudden, reality and theory meet in holy matrimony. the fact that we can predict the positions of the stars and planets based on the heliocentric models lend further proof that the earth goes around the sun and our ability to navigate the solar system when shooting off scientific instruments lends further credibility.

    onething to note is that the orbits are not perfectly circular. the heliocentric models did not support that, they were close but not perfect. i believe it was tycho brahe (i probably butchered his name) that put forth the idea that the orbits were elliptical and i THINK he and gallileo worked together or at least talked on occasion about their respective work with gravity and it's application to the solar models.

    essentially, the closer we are to the sun, the faster the earth moves, much like water circling the drain. this is supported by parallax measurements.

    as far as evolution, genetics IS the key mechanism, with room for disturbances such as radiation events, natural disasters (which would wipe out certain genetic features/animals and plants), etc.

    we can offer detailed descriptions and short sweet descriptions. we can also sit down and work out the math and logic to prove x,y,z. all of that is a lot of time and work. that's what people go to school for. in lecture, you learn the proofs for all of this stuff. if night owl truly wanted to learn, rather than remain ignorant to science, he/she would have to spend the time, money and effort to learn these proofs. i'm not sure why night owl feels entitled to demanding anyone force feed him/her information in such an arrogant way when everyone else has gone through the trouble to learn this stuff for themselves?

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