Umm Hi

by Killa 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Killa

    ughh okaaay. I said what I said and I am not in depression or denial. I am quite content with the only exception that I feel I need to connect with someone like me, but I won't find them here. But I appreciate the kind comments. May Jehovah or whoever you believe in pay you back for your kindness. Lord knows I won't

  • Hoffnung

    Hello Killa,

    quite an unusual story, except then for the faking your feelings toward the people around you. You are making a good elder, the society needs guys like you to run the show. But that is no compliment, in fact, it is kind of scary to think you take life-changing decisions for other people, did it already actually happen when you were on a Judicial Comite? If your story is true for more than 1/4, I am afraid it is going to catch up with you sooner or later. I would like to advise you to get some professional help, it is cheaper than the fallout of substance abuse or a divorce. Is there any other reason why you choose to register on this board? If you do not give a damn about the right or wrong of something, I guess there is no need to discuss the pros and cons of the society.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    you CAN choose...........

    Only if you have the balls ......

  • Killa

    Trust me. Though I don't care; I do a good job. I have brought people to get baptized and helped people with ill addictions change their life. It's ironic, but I attribute that to Jehovah's Word. I couldn't have even faked my way as a shell of a man without his moral code. His moral code I have learned and formed it around my empty being and it got me to this point. I use it to blend in and I am quite good at it. Spectacular you could say. I do help many. My wife says there is no better man out there for her. My family is proud of me. Brothers love me and want me to keep being an elder with the expectations of being a circuit overseer (eek I don't know; it'd be hard to do what I do on the side if I was taveling, but perhaps it'd keep me busy from sin. But I don't know if the distraction would outweigh the "thirst"....perhaps.. maybe) It's funny to me though. I just am apalled by how evil I am and how good I am at doing good at the same time.

  • Killa

    Black Sheep:

    I am a eunuch. lol

  • Hoffnung

    how come you registered like 2 years ago, but only now make your 1st post? been lurking a lot?

  • jwfacts

    As much as I feel sorry for you, you seem to have switched off your emotions, so I don't at all.

    It is pathetic though that you go through your life believing in a bullshit religion, pretending to live it, and sobbing about dying at Armageddon, when there is no excuse for any but the emotionally dependant to believe such these days with the information available.

    "we are the only organization that fulfills Matthew 24:14."

    That is an ignorant comment at multiple levels. Once you understand why, then maybe you will learn how to think, and that could be a catalyst to moving on.

  • Killa

    at jwfacts: haha. Catalyst is one of my favorite words

    to Hoffnug: I have been lurking

  • Hoffnung

    what do you think about the Candace Conti case? Do you side with the society on this?

  • Splash

    I just want to pretend so I can live as much of a normal life as I possibly can

    Can you see the contradiction here?

    I think you have self-worth issues. You're convinced you're evil, yet put on a show of being good.

    You think the Truth is right, so help others (and I think you are genuine in that), but you cannot live up to it yourself so denounce yourself as beyond hope and resign yourself to a double life.

    You already know it cannot carry on forever, but when it gets revealed things will be taken out of your control - your life will be part-determined by others and the charade will end.

    Your boyhood trauma has left a broken person, and none of it was your fault.

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