"No Other Magazine Comes Close" - Watchtower's new slogan...

by cedars 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kaiser

    The counter shows failed prophecies&doctrines of that time?

  • steve2

    Their new website has a video clip serially showing the changing covers of the Watchtower from 1879 to the present. A Scott-Joplin soundtrack tinkles in the background as costumed individuals hold up the magazines showing the (selected) covers. It is a surprisingly vacuous video because the viewer cannot even see the writing on the (selected) covers. I daresay no controversial covers would be paraded in the video clip anyway.

    The video is true to the organization's super-lite approach to its history, showing at a safe distance the covers, and not going anywhere near their content.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    No other magazine comes closer to my hamsters bottom !

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    SBF said:

    If that is the case then perhaps it has been vigilante Witnesses who have been complaining about and removing Sparlock videos and the like. It need not have been the Watchtower Society themselves complaining for the videos to be removed.

    YouTube uses bots (called Content ID) to scan for infringing videos. Something like 75 hours of vids are uploaded every minute to YT, so the entire process is automated, occurs without human oversight. Content owners provide their DVD, video stream, etc, and YouTube loads it into their massive databank used by the bots scanning for "fingerprint" matches that indicate possible copyright infringement . WTBTS MAY file a claim manually, but it's not required...

    Presumably the same could happen to these official Watchtower videos if someone were to complain about them on behalf of the copyright holder.

    It's possible, as there is no criminal penalty for filing fraudulent takedown claims, AFAIK. ALTHOUGH, it is theoretically possible that content owners or abusers can be sued for abusing the DMCA process, but it's extremely unlikely to happen due to the typically small actual economic damages involved...

  • Ding

    Comes close to what?

    Picking the wrong dates for the end?

    Changing major teachings, calling it "new light," and counting on readers to forget they ever said otherwise?

  • lohengren
    It is totally a rip off of apple's style of commerical.

    I was thinking the same thing. I left a comment saying as much on the video but comments need approval and ratings have been disabled just like every other religious video on youtube. They're so strong in their faith, that they wouldn't dare listen to any opposing viewpoints.


    This shows their desperation. Imagine the meeting and brainstorming to come up with SOMETHING!!! They need a Mascot!!! Maybe we can come up with one? We know Sparlock and Jesus are out...hmmmm??? What about that little robot from the old religious cartoon " SUPERBOOK " I watched as a kid, minus the cross of course.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    i don't see this working out very well at all.

    if you go on youtube and search jehovah's witnesses, you're bound to see a lot more "apostate" stuff than actual jw bllshit.

    even if they were to create a channel, the sidebar is going to be poplated with a ton of antijw videos.

    and of course, if someone slips up and allows comments, it'd be a torrential rain of ppl pointing out wtbts nonsense over the years.

    i'm not very failiar with how youtube works when it comes to uploading videos, never done it, but can't you post video responses? are those subject to approval by the channel owner?

    the internet, and youtube especially, is way too dangerous for 'em. they can't control the information out there. if someone googles jw, jehovah's witnesses, etc...they're going to run into anti jw information. if they search it on youtube, it'll be just as ugly.

    what uplifting thoughts

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    RBIH said:

    i don't see this working out very well at all.

    if you go on youtube and search jehovah's witnesses, you're bound to see a lot more "apostate" stuff than actual jw bllshit.

    The Society can embed YouTube vids which run within the pages of the jw.org website, such that users don't get transferred to YouTube to watch thoe videos. Hence the video responses (which require owner approval) are a non-issue.

    By using YT, the Society doesn't have to worry about taking a bandwidth hit to their own servers, passing that burden off to YT. Also, if they get enough traffic viewing the vids, the Society can apply for revenue sharing with YT, and start commoditizing their videos from the ad revenue. Gotta make a dime somehow, right?

  • biometrics

    I noticed they turned off voting on the youtube clip.

    Maybe someone could make a parody with all the failed predictions rather than number of magazines.

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