The biggest enemy the Watchtower Corporation faces now is "The Truth"

by Finkelstein 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    One must remember that the WTS. has to keep on substantiating and validating themselves as god's solemnly chosen organization .

    Having a long stream of failed prophecies going back more than 100 years doesn't exactly help in this regard.

    In fact it superposes the perceived notion that the WTS. is a trifle fraud organization thats more concerned about the proliferation and

    circulation of its published goods.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Unfortunately, while some may wake up... The org will continue to grow. It is a cult, after all. I honestly believe that if the GB were to come out and say "HA! Its all bullshit, suckas!" there would still be many who would believe.

    Even if there is a major shift in doctrine, they will just push harder for obedience to "God's Organization" and be even MORE black and white. All we can do is try to get our loved ones to wake up. That isn't easy when a person doesn't have any logical reasoning skills whatsoever. I'm now fully awake, but I still lack these skills.

    Lets just hope more bad PR will get the public more aware of the dangers of joining the cult "Jehovah's earthly organization."


    Billions of suckers believe in other religions and are still in, why this should be a different case?

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    I hear what your saying though KS and for most part I agree but its the core foundational doctrines that I'm assuming will changeas time moves along. Will the WTS stick to its old doctrines in spite for example 100 years has past since 1914 and nothing relevant has happened as the WTS proclaimed it would.????

    They've already begun: the pubs are becoming more simplistic, not based on hard-core theology; it's obvious they've done studies of what "sells", so to speak, and have tweaked the format, pix, etc to improve readability and drop the language to that of a 2nd grader.

    One must remember that the WTS. has to keep on substantiating and validating themselves as god's solemnly chosen organization .

    Having a long stream of failed prophecies going back more than 100 years doesn't exactly help in this regard.

    In fact it superposes the perceived notion that the WTS. is a trifle fraud organization thats more concerned about the proliferation and circulation of its published goods.

    You're such a cute baby, giving your fellow man more credit than they deserve.... Coochie, coochie, coo....

    OK, so how can I saw this without sounding pompous? Probably no way, so I'll just say it:

    I've met some of the people in my relatives' congregation, grown up around JWs, and they're not exactly concerned with the lack of logic, the flips in policy, etc. Most are uneducated, many on welfare, and some barely speak the language, etc. A few have mental challenges.

    Frankly, if they weren't a JW, they'd have NOTHING. Their membership in JW is NOT holding them back from going to college, pursuing a career, etc, because it's just not going to happen. They are in, and remain in, the JWs for a good reason....

    Not ALL are like that, mind you, but enough.

  • Finkelstein

    Billions of suckers believe in other religions and are still in, why this should be a different case?

    Possibly because the WTS has substantiated the organization around propagated prophecies, put into publications

    and many of those pieces of literature are still sitting in JWS homes.

    2014 is only two years away and there's going to be many JWS whom will say " What the ? "

  • WTWizard

    What few realize is what started this crap. It actually started around 1830 with numerous cults trying to predict the end. One year (1872), someone decided to settle the argument and say that it was 1874. And that is where the witlesses got started, splinter groups and all.

    Well, now 1875 has come and gone. Where is the end?

  • Aware!

    I agree that to some JW's it is their whole life, and honestly don't think everyone can handle the real truth, especially if they're mentally unstable. Even if the GB admitted it was all a lie to everyone there will probably be those that will form splinter groups.

  • Phizzy

    I still think that the thread title is a good estimate of the reality facing the WT. You simply cannot hide information these days , unless you are a power like the U.S Government.

    Tin Pot cults like JW's are exposed by the Internet for what they are.

    I think a huge weapon aginst them is humour, they take themselves so seriously that lampooning them will hit them harder than mere information, just as the totalitarian regimes of Communism that they so resemble were afraid of satire, the WT needs to fear it.

    If someone with the talent of a Tim Minchen were to compose some satirical songs aimed at the WT they would combine humour with song, a powerful weapon aginst falsehood and pomposity.

  • cedars

    This is one thing I firmly believe, namely that we (the "apostate" community) will ultimately triumph, because the REAL Truth is on our side. You can suppress the truth almost indefinitely in a vacuum of knowledge and education, but the tables soon turn when information becomes freely available due to the spread of the internet and increased awareness of the Society's true history.



    The Watchtower Society is already altering to the new climate. Just two short meetings a week. No enforced hourly goal for ministry. Matters previously cast in stone are matters of conscience and this trend will continue. The magazines have been simplified and shrunk. In time they will have just one member’s only monthly magazine and leaflets for the public, they are almost there already.

    As long as members turn up occasionally and buy a monthly magazine and a few annual books, the organization will continue to do well out of its 7,000,000 members plus bible studies. The easier it get, the more likely it is that members will stay.

    This forum is a classic example of the mental gymnastic people will go through to hold onto impossible faith positions. Jehovah's Witnesses are well practiced at adjusting and compromising in order to cling to what they value. Hell, if it gets any easier - I may re-join!

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