The Sandusky Scandal's Possible Impact on the WTS

by Quendi 58 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Refriedtruth

    At a glance what is wrong about the Jehovah's Witnesses and their unique TWO WITNESSES take down.

    As a regular practice or as a deliberate subterfuge to cover up wrong doing they require the testimony of two eyewitnesses to every act of,civil,criminal,scriptural wrongdoing.

    The Watchtower Bible society leadership over extends the scripture at 2 Corinthians 13:1 (read it) and the two witness rule is selectively enforced with prejudice and favoritism.

    Example-If a favorite ministerial servant assaults me they will require that I present two witnesses to the act.If I do the same they won't require it from him.

    This two witness protocol permeates everything at the kingdom from pedophile crimes to gossip backstabbing.

    Moreover-The agonized victims are told to 'leave the matter in Jehovah's hands' 'wait on Jehovah' because 'any day we are going to be in the righteous new system'. So villain perpetrators continue to carry on in this festering enviroment.The victim is made to look like an unforgving discontent.

    This is another element that makes crimes unique in the Jehovah's Witnesses the issue of their apocalyptic dogma,any day it will all end and you will be in paradise.

  • mind blown
    mind blown


  • james_woods

    Just thought I would bring this back up to the top again...

    Not only has PSU quietly removed the Joe Paterno statue from the front of the stadium - but also serious rumors are starting that the NCAA will hand the PSU football program "unprecedented sanctions". Sudden Death is the suspected verdict.

    Joe Paterno statue taken down


    The Joe Paterno statue was removed Sunday morning from its pedestal outside Beaver Stadium, and it will be stored in an unnamed "secure location," Penn State president Rodney Erickson announced. Erickson also said the Paterno name will remain on the university's library.

    Shortly before dawn in State College, Pa., a work crew installed chain-link fences to barricade access to Porter Road outside Beaver Stadium and covered the fence with a blue tarp.

    The work crew then removed the 7-foot, 900-pound bronze statue by forklift and placed it into the lower level of the stadium. Erickson released his highly sensitive decision to the public at 7 a.m. ET Sunday.

    The decision came 10 days after a scathing report by former FBI director Louis J. Freeh found that Paterno, with three other top Penn State administrators, had concealed allegations of child sexual abuse made against former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky. The Freeh report concluded their motive was to shield the university and its football program from negative publicity.

    Erickson's decision to remove the statue but keep the Paterno name on the library appears to be the product of compromise. Keeping his name on the library does not entirely disconnect Penn State from Paterno's contributions -- from the millions of dollars he donated to his 61-year coaching career to the university's academic life...


    NCAA source: "Unprecedented" penalties against Penn State

    Quote: (CBS News) CBS News has learned that the NCAA will announce what a high-ranking association source called "unprecedented" penalties against both the Penn State University football team and the school.

    "I've never seen anything like it," the source told correspondent Armen Keteyian.
    (CBS News) CBS News has learned that the NCAA will announce what a high-ranking association source called "unprecedented" penalties against both the Penn State University football team and the school.

    "I've never seen anything like it," the source told correspondent Armen Keteyian.

    NCAA President Mark Emmert will make the announcement Monday morning at 9 a.m. at the organization's headquarters in Indianapolis.

    The penalties come in the wake of the independent report by former FBI Director Louis Freeh that chronicled repeated efforts by four top Penn State officials, including former football coach Joe Paterno, to conceal allegations of serial child sex abuse by Jerry Sandusky over a 14-year period.

    The NCAA had been awaiting the school's response to four key questions pertaining to the sex abuse scandal, including issues involving institutional control and ethics.
  • Quendi

    I wanted to contribute again to this thread with an excerpt from an article I read on the Yahoo! Sports website. It concerns all of us and I hope will be useful information. If we are aware of the signs of child sexual abuse, we can intervene at the earliest possible moment.



    • Has nightmares or other sleep problems without an explanation
    • Seems distracted or distant at odd times
    • Has a sudden change in eating habits
    • Refuses to eat
    • Loses or drastically increases appetite
    • Has trouble swallowing.
    • Sudden mood swings: rage, fear, insecurity or withdrawal
    • Leaves “clues” that seem likely to provoke a discussion about sexual issues
    • Writes, draws, plays or dreams of sexual or frightening images
    • Develops new or unusual fear of certain people or places
    • Refuses to talk about a secret shared with an adult or older child
    • Talks about a new older friend
    • Suddenly has money, toys or other gifts without reason
    • Thinks of self or body as repulsive, dirty or bad
    • Exhibits adult-like sexual behaviors, language and knowledge

  • Quendi

    @ james_woods: I believe the NCAA will have no choice but to impose the "death penalty" against Penn State and will strip the school of football scholarships as well. Anything less will destroy that organization's reputation which is under attack from many different quarters. I was born in Pennsylvania and grew up a Penn State fan. I never dreamed that anything close to the Sandusky sex abuse horror could happen there. But it has and I fear we will hear more stories emerge about abuses at other institutions.

    This development must also worry the WTS's Governing Body and Legal Department. It's not that it will impact the Conti appeals or future court cases, but it will shape public opinion and perception of organizations that are tainted by scandals of this kind. What will happen if and when the WTS brand is linked with pedophilia? How will people react when Witnesses call on their homes and businesses in the canvassing work? There's no way that will be looked on favorably.


  • Refriedtruth

    "The (Jehovah's Witnesses) pedophile at your door"

  • james_woods

    I totally get your point, refriedtruth - but I only count seven words...

  • mind blown
  • 3rdgen

    Another related issue is that in many of the cases of child sexual abuse within the Watchtower organization, the victoms and their parents were THREATENED to keep silent about the abuse and the idenity of the purp.

    In California threatening or intimidating a witness in a court case(or potential) is against the law. The Elders who made these threats broke the law. They are personally liable. The WTB$ claims the elders are independent agents. The elders will have to foot the bill PERSONALLY for these threats as well as cover-ups.

    That might make them think twice about obeying WBT$ protocol. After all, In the real world "I was only obeying orders!" doesn't cut it.

  • 3rdgen

    Another related issue is that in many of the cases of child sexual abuse within the Watchtower organization, the victoms and their parents were THREATENED to keep silent about the abuse and the idenity of the purp.

    In California threatening or intimidating a witness in a court case(or potential) is against the law. The Elders who made these threats broke the law. They are personally liable. The WTB$ claims the elders are independent agents. The elders will have to foot the bill PERSONALLY for these threats as well as cover-ups.

    That might make them think twice about obeying WBT$ protocol. After all, In the real world "I was only obeying orders!" doesn't cut it.

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