The Sandusky Scandal's Possible Impact on the WTS

by Quendi 58 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • james_woods

    Quendi, you can be sure that Candace Conti's legal team are well aware of this and are using it to her advantage in the appeal process...

  • jamiebowers

    Harley Bear started a similar thread:

    It seems to me that the quickest way to get exposure for the Watch Tower's similar misdeeds is to get this Louis Freed involved. Between Bill Bowen's tape of the advice, "Leave it in Jehovah's hands" to the evidence used in Gilbert Simental's criminal trial and Candace Conti's civil trial, there shouldn't be a difficult time in pronouncing the Watch Tower with the same condemnations as Penn State.

  • jamiebowers

    For some unknown reason I can't edit my post above. Anyway, here's how Freeh got involved in the case:

    Judge Freeh and his law firm, Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan, LLP, were retained in November 2011 on behalf of the Special Investigations Task Force of the Board of Trustees of The Pennsylvania State University to conduct the independent investigation.

    Found here:

    If I remember correctly, the appealed Conti case has to be tried with the same evidence as the first case, so it probably wouldn't be conducive for her attorney to hire this firm or one like it. Anybody have any suggestions on who would find it beneficial to do so?

  • jamiebowers

    For some unknown reason I can't edit my post above. Anyway, here's how Freeh got involved in the case:

    Judge Freeh and his law firm, Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan, LLP, were retained in November 2011 on behalf of the Special Investigations Task Force of the Board of Trustees of The Pennsylvania State University to conduct the independent investigation.

    Found here:

    If I remember correctly, the appealed Conti case has to be tried with the same evidence as the first case, so it probably wouldn't be conducive for her attorney to hire this firm or one like it. Anybody have any suggestions on who would find it beneficial to do so?

  • Quendi

    Freeh, Sporkin and Sullivan could be asked to file an amicus curiae brief in subsequent appeals. That is something that would not happen in this first appeal because the court would only be looking for errors in the trial. Nor would there be any oral arguments heard unless and until the case goes to the California Supreme Court and from there to the federal courts. An amicus brief might be filed with the first federal court to take the case and then finally with SCOTUS. As it is, I expect several such briefs to be filed by other parties before all appeals are exhausted.

    There is an eerie similarity between the Sandusky scandal and the Conti case. In both instances, the actions of those under investigation or being sued were practically the same. Right now, it is hard to see how the WTS can win an appeal. It might get the awards reduced, but the verdict will likely stand. But for the Society this is no longer a question of money. Like Penn State, this is now all about the image of the organization. Penn State's image has been ruined and there is serious talk of suspending the football program there for one or more seasons.

    The Society faces the nightmare of more lawsuits if the Conti verdict and awards are upheld by higher courts. There is also the possibility that other plaintiffs may consolidate their cases into a huge class-action lawsuit. It is in litigation for the same crimes in Australia. And bad as things now stand they could be exacerbated to an unbearable degree if lawsuits are filed in Canadian courts. "Wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered,"Jesus Christ once said. That might soon apply with grim reality to the WTS.


  • smiddy

    It is in litigation for the same crimes in Australia.

    Quendi : Can you elaborate on that please ?


  • Quendi
  • Refriedtruth

    Google-Jehovah's Witnesses Penn State pedophile

  • harleybear

    Quendi: As alway you cover the bases. I started a thread this early AM about the very thing. What really stickes me is Freed's candor about the responsibilitly of the upper"s at Penn state. Culpablility does fall on the institution. DUUUUUU WTBTS take note you are in this mess. There needs to be a big push to make known the similarity between Sandusky and the BORG. Maybe just Maybe things will start rolling. It would be about time. HB

  • sir82

    The Society faces the nightmare of more lawsuits if the Conti verdict and awards are upheld by higher courts.

    Yeah, that's the thing. At Penn State, there was one guy committing the deeds. With the WTS, there are hundreds if not thousands of cases that could potentially be brought to trial.

    Imagine Jerry Sandusky times 1000 (or more).

    If the WTS had any sense, they'd be scared poopless by now.

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