Do you have an invisible friend who talks to you?

by Glander 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander

    This would be considered a strong indicator of mental illness. But if it causes you or others no concern it can be quite harmless.

  • elderelite

    Thor isnt exactly invisible.... I see the lightning and know its him

  • 00DAD

    I don't, but I know 7 Guys in Brooklyn that do!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Strange how obvious it is to everyone except the one who hears them eh?

  • Gothicus

    I used to, but then I killed my mind

  • LostGeneration

    No talking, but I know my friend exists because she puts holes in my socks all the time!

  • panhandlegirl

    No, but sometimes I talk to the tv and I talk to my dogs all the time.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Billions talk to an invisible friend who has never been demonstrated to be real - and take offense if you suggest this simple fact to them.

    Funny - if one calls that 'friend' Jesus, or God, or Allah, or another 'accepted' moniker, he is considered perfectly 'normal' for so doing, even though that 'friend' never speaks back to them audibly. Most who claim to hear a return speaker are viewed as having mental illness.

    Seems like the inverse should be true, really. Speaking to invisible friends who never answer seems a bit more insane to me.

    Wanna really be viewed as 'insane'? Be atheistic toward the whole idea of these invisible 'friends'.

    SO, accepting reality only is INSANE in the eyes of society that wishes to indulge acceptance of foolish invisble friends.

    The whole thing is ludicrous if one dares think it through for a moment.


  • cantleave

    EE Thor has been active in Southampton today. I was impressed by his hammer!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Didn't express that well, upon review. Still, I think the point is made.


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