I've been enlightened.

by Emery 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • tornapart

    Welcome Emery. Yes be careful of give away 'apostatisms'.. LOL ie.. 'Borg'...'J dubs'.. cognitive dissonance.. the truth about the truth.. etc.. or talk about stuff you've learned on here before it becomes general knowledge. Otherwise you'll be asked 'where did you get that from?'

    There's another good website for JW strugglers.. www.jwstruggle.com very helpful for those who want out of the WTS but still believe in God. :)

  • blondie

    Welcome...it is surprising jws are more afraid of their elder fathers than God himself. But that is true of many jws. I had no status growing up with a non-jw father.

  • Aware!
  • Aware!

    I am using internet explorer, and it still posts blank messages? Yes, DO BE CAREFUL of give away 'apostatisms'. I almost got cornered recently, and there was that one time where I almost said field circus instead of field service! LOL. You now know too much, be careful.

  • Lozhasleft

    Hello and welcome to the forum!

    Loz x

  • blindnomore

    Welcome Emery!

    Welcome Aware!

  • Emery

    @Aware, yes I have caught myself a few times before saying something critical. If you do mess up, just say that you believe in Jehovah and his faithful slave. That normally is your get-out-of aposta-jail free card.

  • ammo

    Hey Emery

    Welcome to jwn, enjoy your journey.


  • sd-7

    Ready for your wife to turn you in to the elders yet? Let me tell ya, judicial committees are AWESOME! You should pop some popcorn and read my story sometime. It's great entertainment.

    Welcome! Welcome? Why am I saying welcome? I don't live here! Hi! How are you?


  • Black Sheep

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