Any new light on windows in the KH

by jam 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I complain when a church has a electric organ rather than the full traditional one. Oh, the KH aesthetics! Windows bring in light. Does any other religion build windowless windows? Windows are important for psychological reasons. The building is dedicated to Jehover God. Where does all the money go?

    Security systems are not expensive anymore.

    Jam, I think this is the funniest title yet.

  • jam

    Band on the run: I just realize that (my title), and what

    I said. I didn,t think about the wording. It is funny now

    since you brought it to my attention.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Block glass, translucent windows, too skinny for a human to pass through are common in our area.


  • jam

    om; Yes, that,s what I have seen, skinny windows.

    But the windows here (KH) before they plastered over

    them, they were at least 3-4ft wide and 5-6 ft in length.

    I thought it may be something new, because that KH

    is shared with A Spanish congregation.

  • Listener

    With so many window cleaners in the KH it's surprising there are no windows.

  • WTWizard

    Windows have several other issues, aside the cost. First, people can look out windows and be distracted. This is common on fall days when there is a view outside the windows, or on snowy days. It is more entertaining to watch it snow than to listen to the same rubbish for the 50 millionth time. Cutting out the windows allows that to be cut off.

    Another aspect is that one can get spiritual energy from the sun. This may explain why they close the blinds or shades even when they do have windows. Not letting in the sun cuts off that source of spiritual energy. Fluorescent lighting is also very common in Kingdumb Hells--and I would guess that the sick fluorescent lights will remain even if LED technology is perfected. Given the choice between LED tubes that last 20 years, put out 3,000 lumens for 12 watts per tube, emit a light at 6500 K color temperature with a spectrum that is very close to sunlight, and doesn't cause headaches--and fluorescent tubes that are fragile and have mercury, last only 3 years, put out 3,000 lumens for 32 watts per tube, and a 2700 K color temperature with a crappy spectrum and causes headaches, they would choose fluorescent. Also, the ballasts emit dirty electricity that creates interference with your thinking (LEDs don't). (This can be proven with a AM radio--static while the lights are on indicates this issue). And, fluorescent lighting can induce headaches that they can imply "We need the New Order" with. Sunlight and quality LED lighting doesn't.

    The whole thing is about preventing people from thinking. You can't think well under fluorescent lighting; you can under daylight. With nice big windows, it might be possible to conduct the boasting session with half or all the lights off if the sun is shining. However, that would stimulate people's pineal glands, which in turn would get them thinking that the whole thing is rubbish. Fluorescent lighting will not stimulate your pineal gland (though high color temperature LED lighting might), and there is no temptation to turn off the brain fog machines (lights) to save electricity if there are no windows.

    Another factor is the HVAC. Windows, especially ones that can be opened on mild days, creates ventilation. This is the best way to cool a building on mild days (when the temperature is around 10-15 o C). Using air conditioning or duct ventilation is inefficient, generates positive ions (bad for thinking), and prevents fresh air from reaching people. Toxins (suit dry cleaning chemicals) can build up, clouding your thinking even more. (Plus giving you another source of headaches). Along with the positive ion generating fluorescent lights, this creates more brain static. You leave the place with a headache. This is perfect for the people on the platform to induce a trance, and you can be taught rubbish while in a trance. Jar people out of that trance through 6500 K LED or solar lighting, fresh negative-ion laden air, and real daylight, and they will reject the rubbish.

    Conspiracy? Maybe. But, one thing that remains fact--I never failed to leave an a$$embly with a headache. As I generally do not get migraines with the headache (they always come without the headache, and have become extremely rare since I left the religion even without headaches), I know the source of these headaches is the combination of the pxxx poor lighting, stagnant air, positive ions, and being around the influence of people that are an angel magnet. While daylight and fresh air cannot cure the angel problem, at least they could limit the headaches.

  • puffthedragon

    MY hall had windows made out of bricks. No light EVER got into that hall. Of any kind. ;)

  • Honeybadger

    New Light:

    When Paul was preaching, Eutychus fell asleep, fell out of the window, and died. Luckily Fortunately, he was able to resurrect him.

    Today, the meetings are SO boring deep and full of useless crap important information that the weaker brothers and sisters may doze off. Evidently, based on the account of Paul and Eutychus, the risk of people falling out of the windows at the Kingdom Halls is highly possible. Additionally, they have no means of resurrecting people at this time.

    What a loving provision from the Organization! They are really looking out for our brothers and sisters in this time of the lawsuit end!

    (For the record, if you couldn't tell, I completely made that up just now.)

  • finallysomepride

    i used to look out the window and daydream for about 2 hours

  • DesirousOfChange

    KH just remodeled in our area -- ADDED WINDOWS.


    Windows. No windows. Windows. No windows.

    Nothing to do with JWs, just another example that: The grass is always greener . . . . . .


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