Preparing to "flee to the mountains"?

by NanaR 46 Replies latest members private

  • Goshawk

    THE sky is falling!

    the SKY is falling!

    the sky IS falling!

    the sky is FALLING!


  • MrFreeze

    It is one of the things the JWs got right. It is good to be prepared in event of emergency. Of course they attribute it to being prepared for the great tribulation but still, good to be prepared. Having emergency packs... that is.

  • Goshawk

    I remember as a kid the brothers from the stage suggesting that we bury a cache of literature in preparation for when "preaching work" was banned.

    TRANSLATION: Buy more literature.

  • jwfacts

    These crazy comments have always happened, and seem to be more in line with the local elders than what is written in magazines. One family I knew hid a car and cross bows in an isolated place in the Australian bush in preparation for armageddon. Cross bows are apparently bettter than guns as it is quiet so more difficult to locate the user. From time to time I have heard comments about stocking up on food etc for Armageddon, as Mormons do.

  • transhuman68

    LOL! Someone even older than me on this forum! Yeah, I remember this "flee to the mountains" stuff from the early 70's. But this sounds like a 'chinese whisper' as a result of some DPP forms being given out...IMO.

  • Qcmbr

    This sort of approach has been part of my life forever. We had 72 hour emergency kits containing loo roll, tampons, energy bars ( and macabrely in my case copies of birth certs to identify bodies ) . While the idea of a centralised location for immediate need documents and a stash of low denomination currency is a useful thing to have I don't know how relevant it was for the UK which is fairly capable of handling low scale emergencies and anything larger wouldn't be solved by a pack of candles and a Swiss army knife. Always ironic that the first item in the bags was old copies of scriptures. Kindling I suppose :)

    We wasted hundreds of pounds buying wheat and food storage specifically for an end times scenario. Long since land fill. In the modern age it is useful to have a family plan for eventualities such as fire but when tied to a religious notions of apocalyptic destruction tend to get out of hand. The best tool in a true crisis seems to be a shotgun.

  • Chariklo
    Has anyone heard of local congregations recently telling people to buy backpacks and be prepared to leave on very short notice to "flee to the mountains"? I am told that this is happening and I have a hard time believing it. Sounds like a disinformation plant to find a link.

    Yes, I can confirm that. It has happened here. And it's part of local Witnesses' everyday conversations.

  • Heartofaboy

    I was contacted out of the blue a couple of days ago by an elder, even though I haven't been to a meeting for years, giving me details of the JW I need to contact in case of an emergency & then making sure he had my correct address & contact number.

    I happily obliged as I thought I'd better hedge my bets.............

  • Soldier77

    All jokes aside, it IS a good idea to pack a BOB (bug out bag), especially if you live in an area that is affected by earthquakes, wildfires, flooding etc. It's just good practice to be prepared.

    But if the dubs are using the flee to the mountains because the big A is coming.... well, that's just crazy talk!

  • Roberta804

    I wonder what some of the more paranoid JW think of that new TV program about "Bugging in and Bugging out" I can't remember the name of it. All of the people in it use the same terminology, sounds like a cult of it's own.

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