Preparing to "flee to the mountains"?

by NanaR 46 Replies latest members private

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The WT org is getting so overloaded with nutjobs, it's fertile soil for speculative rumors about a y2k/Mayan/"last day of the last days" impending disaster to spread like wildfire.

  • stillin

    Don't forget to pack your koolaid!


    Wait till the end of 2012 and then we will talk again-if we are alive. Be prepared dudes for capitalism is spinning to its death. Are you all blind and you cannot see what is fast approaching?

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    The bethel speaker we had a few weeks back stated something about having a "survival kit" ready and be "ready to move" at a moments notice....

    Kool Jo

  • Cacky

    I've heard that since 911 and Hurrican Katrina, the government has asked many organizations, including religious, to spread the word to have three days worth of survival things in case of emergency. They also ask these groups to gather lists of family members, at least household members, even where children are during the day, to make it easier to get families back together if some kind of true emergency occurs. I've heard the jws passed this off as them being concerned about their members, like it was their idea.

  • Cacky

    I work for a school district, and they had me fill out a similar form, that also asked where my children were during the day (though mine are grown).

  • Balaamsass

    A few days food is always a good idea for an emergency, even if you just get to sick to shop...but paranoia has always been the bread and butter of the GB.

    Bethel has ALWAYS had generators, tunnels, food stocks and the farms.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The local congregation did that years ago and it was in reaction to a recent tsunami threat. The advice was to follow local Civil Defence guidelines.

    We have already had to utilise some of the contents our packs after a severe storm.

  • TheOldHippie

    No hysteria, only precautions to be taken because of more extreme weather conditions, nature catastrophes etc. It was discussed here too, but in the setting of such experiences possible of taking place here too and not just in some "remote area".

    Connection WAS made, though, between the new NY Upstate HQ and The New Jerusalem.

  • Sheep2slaughter

    As other posters said, it's emergency preparedness...nothing more. I actually think its a good idea. Here in Colorado we have had 2 major fires that led to 10s of thousands of people being evacuated from their homes on very very short notice. Hundreds of houses have burned to the ground. Having a bag with basic supplies at the ready is a good idea. It's not to crazy to be prepared. as we have learned here...shit happens.

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