Marital problems - advice (or support) please

by jamesmahon 63 Replies latest social family

  • tec

    What about marriage counselling?

    And yeah, most of the time it is about the children... at least it is to those the parents who love them. It can paralyze you. Stop you from making the decision, for fear of how that decision will affect them - short and long term. I know. I understand.

    If both mom and dad are miserable and hating one another; then the kids can pick up on that too. Make sure that they get lots of love and reassurance from you regardless of any decision that you and your wife make.

    Peace and strength to you and your family,


  • jamesmahon
  • cofty

    James I'm sorry to hear this, with young children involved its a big dilemma. Give me a shout when you get time I will buy you a pint.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I tried my best to keep a hostile abusive marraige together, for the kids. But after 18 years I finally couldn't take it anymore and decided to give up on the relationship and let it go.

    That is when I finally began to see how much energy was put into patchingup/coddling/tolerating the relationship and how little energy I was expending on other things.... like my own well being and particulary emotionaly energy for my kids.

    I also came to the ralization that up to that point, my kids had spent their entire lives right in the middle of a toxic relationship. I knew that If I did not get out, they would likely enter into toxic relationships themselves as adults.

  • milola

    She sounds like a whack job and I would leave her and go for full custody of the kids.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    If everything you say is true, the fact she is so obsessive about affairs and infidelity tells you its on her mind. It is likely her own guilt coming through. She may think if she can accuse you, it justifies her own errors. Your loyalty may frustrate her.

    Divorce is ugly and unpleasant but so is what you are dealing with. Unless there's something we are missing, she could even have mental health issues surfacing. Her focus on money to support herself means she's already detaching herself and planning for her future, one that doesn't include you. I hate to recommend divorce, maybe a trial separation may be better, but you can still be a part of your children's lives and live positively even if that happens. They are suffering too; it's not likely that you're the only one suffering. It could be she's emotionally neglecting them as well.

    Marriage is tough, even the best and strongest experience differences of opinions and periods of detachment. However, this seems like a trend that is spiraling into something uglier. Does she feel she gets enough attention from you? Could it be she's trying to goad you into an affair? Or that she doesn't feel desirable and wants you to be more demonstrative (which may be why she's seeking outside assurance)?

    You might try focusing a bit on her value to you (you may have to set aside your resentment and justified anger for a bit to do this), to see if indeed attention is what she wants. Has your marriage (before all this) gotten into a rut? Sometimes when people get married, there's a large amount of excitement, and then the children brings excitement, buying a house, vacations, etc, but eventually day to day life settles down and can be disappointing for some who immaturely imagined marriage was all fireworks and passion. Small acts of attention and unexpected (even if minor) surprises can invigorate and regain some of the interest, IF both parties are hoping for that.

    I hope you find some peace in this; life has enough struggles without dealing with them on the homefront as well.

  • zeb

    she has a lousy self esteem.

    get to a accredited counsellor

    stop trying to please her. you wont. Everything you do will give her a furthher excuse to put the hump on.

    dont involve family.

    Counsellor again.

    Is she a JW and what age is she. These are very relevant.

    what level of education did she attain? I mention this as if she a returns to 'school' she will find a lot of other moms in the same mould of thinking.

    she is not alone. There is a danger here that she will come under the influence of serial relationship wreckers. But counselling first and now.!!

    dont try to do this on your own!

  • jamiebowers

    Definitely try marriage counseling, and have her get a complete physical to see if she's mentally ill. I'm wondering about the guys who have turned her down. Could it be because they thought she was crazy? Even if your marriage doesn't work, getting something on record about her mental state may help you win custody of the kids.

  • cedars

    James - I'm really sorry to hear about this turmoil you're going through. I'm not sure I'm the best person to give you advice, but I do sympathise. You're in my thoughts.


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The crazy jealous type who is prone to try and do the deed herself is a nightmare combo, I concur with jgnat.

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