2011 School for Congregation Elders Hand Book!

by Atlantis 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • outsmartthesystem

    My FIL fails on 3 of the qualifications......yet he is still an elder!

  • hoser
  • JakeM2012

    " This is a drunken brawl. Apparently this is frowned on!"

    That was my first elders meeting! No one told me I was walking into a bar fight.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Was this Elders' School already conducted?? (2011)

    Well, we haven't had a shepherding call (not complaining). Guess our BOE missed that day.

    And, Praise the Lord that they reviewed how to Improve the Quality of Meetings!! Ours are as interesting as watching grass grow.


  • panhandlegirl

    Thanks, Atlantis. Downloaded. Will make for interesting reading. Of course I was never an elder; wrong gender.

    I was just reading the last two pages as it was printing. WOW! It's all about the preaching work. I have been out so long that everything about the borg is so strange to me.


  • baltar447

    Thank you Atlantis, for "our meat in due season"!

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Thank you for that. I thought the photo was an elders school - US style.


  • blindnomore

    The very first topic read: "Jehovah Tenderly Cares For Elderly...."

    The School took placed Nov. of 2011. It's now end of June, 2012, over 7 months since the School. Why local elders still have not taken any action of taking care of local infirm elderly Jehovah's witnesses couple and have abandoned them like a peice of garbage? Fortunately for the elderly couple, disfellowshipped ex-Jehovah's Witnesses are caring for their needs. How hypcritical!

    Thank you Atlantis!

  • jwfacts

    Thanks, you never cease to amaze me.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Thank you Atlantis and all of you "undercover" dissenters who make all of the "secret" communication available.

    I LOL when I had the new Elders Manual before our BOE attended the Elders' School.


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