What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have Going For Them?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • okage

    their spanish congregations have some really nice looking dolled up whores. not saying they are all whores but well....they are whores.

  • minimus

    Feeling special is then way to overrated.

  • 3rdgen

    In a complex world where there are seldom easy answers, JW's have an answer for EVERYTHING!!! This keeps them from having to decide or think about tough issues. "We have done all the research for you". Easy schmeezy

  • ldrnomo

    There only doin it for one reason, everlasting life on a paradise. That's the only reason I stayed around as long as I did. Once you take that hope away from them they have no reason to do all the work.

  • JWOP

    I didn't "come in", I was born in, so I didn't know anything different. I grew up believing all the stuff the adults were teaching me, and I never questioned it.

    And then, when I was 36, I found out about the UN scandal, and it all unraveled from there.

  • mynameislame

    They prey on the depressed. You feel happy for a while because of the love bombing. So you sign up. Then you fall back into the depression which makes it hard to leave.

  • caliber


    Last thing I remember, I was
    Running for the door
    I had to find the passage back
    To the place I was before
    "Relax, " said the night man,
    "We are programmed to receive.
    You can check-out any time you like,
    But you can never leave! "

  • jam

    Same old story since the begaining of man. Look Iam

    special. Look at the events that taken place in my life

    time. Hello, each generation thought the same even

    in Jesus day. God will certainly bring peace and happiness

    in my life time, am special, we are special. Keep dreaming.

    What the witnesses have going for them, they are the number

    one group in delusioness or in the top three.

  • Dagney

    The paradise. TM

    Everybody falls for something that sounds too good to be true at one time or another. Boy was it.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Not much but it was nice when I moved. There was always lots of help.

    "why do they stay or join?"

    They join because they are lied to. If anyone knew what being a JW was up front hardly anyone would join. If the Watchtower magazine carried a warning label listing all the problems like a pack of cigarettes no one would sign up

    They stay because they are brainwashed. If they ever do wake up they find that it isn't easy to leave. I could cost them their friends, their family and in some cases their means of support.

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