Why are religious people scared of atheists?

by jamesmahon 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jamiebowers
    Is this a fact or did you make this a fact based on a few examples from obesrving both athiests and believers?

    I don't know all born again Christians or all atheists, so of course it's based on some examples in my life. And I wrote about my experience and didn't state it as fact. That being said, however, there are recent studies that indicate as a whole, atheists are more compassionate, charitable, intelligent, and moral than the faithful.





  • FlyingHighNow

    Look at your sources, Jamie. Just saying, consider the source.

  • Messerschmitt

    The term Christian today is used to describe everyone that supposedely believes in God but people who claim to be Christians don't prove it threw their conduct and actions. They usually behave worse than people who don't believe in God. Go figure!

  • AGuest

    Greetings, dear Messers, and peace to you! At the outset, I would like to thank you: your question actually sets forth the logic of something I've tried to state here for years: religious people are scared of atheists; I'm not scared of atheists; therefore, I am not religious.

    For those religious people who ARE afraid of atheists and who happen to be of the "christian" persuasion, I offer one word: antichrist. Other "christian" religions, while perhaps not in agreement with a particular other one... still profess Christ, in some manner. So, with the exception a few (with the WTBTS leading the pack)... they all try to get along in spite of their differences/disagreement as to doctrine(s). Atheists, however, utterly reject [the concept of/a] God and, since many of these [christians] believe God and Christ are synonymous... they believe atheists have rejected Christ (their god). Which pans out to:

    "Reject God = reject Christ = an antichrist = man of lawlessness = Satan, the enemy of all those who 'believe in God'."

    Thus, atheists = the "many" antichrists, who are agents of Satan, their [perceived] enemy. Given the power and kind of "evilness" these attribute to Satan (and his agents) - just look at how he is most often portrayed - these fear him. Since they fear HIM... they fear his "agents," atheists being at the top of that heap (apostates are in there, as well, but not as bad as atheists, for some).

    They have all of this fear because they don't KNOW Satan (not really know him; if they did, they would know that he has no power, other than what is given to him by each person; he is impotent otherwise)... nor do they know Christ, the One they claim to have their faith in. Because if they knew THAT One, they would know that (1) all authority has been given HIM, even over Satan... (2) that One doesn't lose a single one (except the "son of destruction", who is NOT Judas; that "son" has not been revealed, yet, and we actually don't know that Judas is lost, because he hasn't had his judgment, yet, and his suicide indicates a repentance... and JAH is merciful and shows mercy to whomever He wishes to); and (3) if God is FOR them... as they like to claim... WHO, including Satan... can be against them? They would know the answer is... no one.

    So, while emotion might be why they fear to the extent they do... they fear atheists... because of what they THINK they know as to who and what atheists are. Which is quite erroneous. It isn't those who claim no belief in [a] God; it is those who claim it... but are actually "false christs" and "plants"... whose purpose is to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones.

    I hope this helps.

    Again, peace to you!

    Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ,


  • talesin



  • apostatethunder

    Religious people in general don’t care much about atheist unless atheists try to interfere with their lives in any way. Other than that, it is the atheists the ones that tend to insult the believers and not the other way around.

    The only religious people that spend time trying to convince atheist, are the witnesses, and not so much either, as their main target are people from other religions, specially other Christians.

    About atheists being more compassionate, charitable, intelligent, and moral than the faithful, I have my reserves. There is good and bad people everywhere, but the most criminal regimes in human history were atheist.

  • jgnat

    I beg to differ, apostatethunder. The great commission does drive Christians to share their beliefs with everyone, in case one may be 'saved'. How is it on religious boards, my state of faith is first demanded before they will talk with me? That's a little insulting.

  • Glander

    people who play with soap bubbles are always afraid of people with little sticks.

  • jgnat

    lol Glander.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I'm not afraid of atheist.

    I cant say I am religious.

    I say I am a seeker of truth.

    Believing in the God of the bible requires faith.

    Atheist do not deal with faith, they deal with pericieved facts.

    I enjoy exploring the facts.

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