Emailing my sister RE: Child abuse conviction - NEED HELP!!

by What Now? 42 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Caught three classic thought-terminating clichés here:

    " the fact is the safest place to be is in Jehovah's Organization"

    " Just because it happened in the organization which is made up of imperfect people doesn't mean you blame the organization"

    "Jehovah will see to it that justice is done"

    "Jehovah allows bad things to happen sometimes simply because he is not the ruler of the world right now. Satan is."

    Okay, there were actually at least four. Send her the link to the WTs reply to the elders. Ask if that was 'imperfect men' or 'Jehovah's Organization' speaking.

    Remember, cognitive dissonance is a bitch!

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    I hate to say it guys, but I think this is going to be the typical JW response to this.

    I don't know if this case will have as big an effect on the JW population as we are hoping.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I wonder how she's going to do trying to use that explanation at someone's door?

    The simple fact is that cases like this need to be reported to the police first. WT procedure is basically designed to prevent that.

    Your sister chooses to believe that protecting the reputation of WT Corporation is more important that protecting children. Anyone that would dare to challenge WT's contrived and flawed practices gets branded "apostate"/"satanic"/"Nazi"/whatever.

    And Miss Conti wasn't pursuing this in order to get a lot of money. She refused to take the usual hush money offered by the corporation in an effort to get WT policies changed to protect children. WT has refused to make police investigations and protection of children a priority. Consequently, the court hit WT with huge penalties.

  • Diest

    Thats kind of how my conversations with my brother go....It sucks. In the end nothing short of Jehovah coming down and saying he likes the Mormons, would change their mind.

  • purplesofa

    and I am sure of I had a child I'd be more sympathetic..

    Doesn't this tell it all....Why not be sympathic to all the children? Whether they are yours or anothers.

    her logic makes no sense. Nor does her heart.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    They don't want to hear your opinion. They want to tell you their's. You can't tell them they are wrong, you haven't got anywhere until they tell you they are wrong, so make them do all the talking.

    Ask very targeted questions, one at a time is best so that they can't cherry pick which questions to ignor. Choose a question that bothers them .... not you.

    Quote sources they trust, or cannot deny. WT is best.

    Then just keep them honest and make sure they do actually answer the question that you asked. Watch that one ... they usually don't. Give them a guilt trip for any trickery they use by questioning. If they make a false statement, immediately ask them to provide the source.

    Remember, they are the ones that need to do the research and the reasoning. You can't do it for them ... they're not listening except to hear you make a mistake ... and if you do they'll trash your character and use it as an excuse to disregard anything you say.

  • kurtbethel

    Just because it happened in the organization which is made up of imperfect people doesn't mean you blame the organization.

    Good point, Sis. Tell ya what, if the Watchtower apologizes to the Catholic church, in print, we can call it a day.

  • somebody

    She DOESN'T CARE if it were you or your child or younger sister but if she had a child of her own she might be more sympathetic? WOW! How sad is that? Does Jehovah allow bad things to happen IN THE ORGANIZATION because HE RULES it as the WTS has stated?

    I feel bad for you What Now? . My heart goes out to you. I'm happy that you discussed this with her though. I'm sure she is thinking about it now and may start doing some research herself.



  • What Now?
    What Now?

    I'm not sure ... is anyone aware of whether or not the "rules" are different in Canada as far as reporting child abuse to the police?

    And wow, that is quite a statement she made that she doesn't care if it were my child or our younger sister, but if it were her child she might be more sympathetic. Thanks purplesofa and somebody, I didn't really read that statement in that way before. Heartless, isn't it?

    The way that witnesses believe Jehovah works is just ridiculous isn't it?

    He supposedly can manouver matters so that Joe Blow pioneer can get the perfect part time job or a random cheque in the exact amount he needs to pay his rent for the month ... but he can't protect a nine year old girl from being molested for 2 YEARS. And then when the matter is finally brought to court, he can't win the case for them? Blows my mind.

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    But someone mentioned on another thread that it's almost a win-win situation for the Watchtower.

    If they lose - they cry persecution, and it's all some big attempt by Satan to smear Jehovah's name.

    If they win - they were in the right all along, and Jehovah's name has been vindicated.


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