Watchtower Lawsuit on Twitter

by purplesofa 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • purplesofa

    Right, DT, I think it would be very hard for this to trend. I did notice today the story has died down on Twitter...

    The life of a story is very shortlived in Twitter land....but with a possible news coverage coming up

    and these few days of exposure, twitter will take on a life of it's own re: the story.

    I read your DM, was responding when power got cut off, will reply shortly.

    oh, my other twitter name is @purpsart which I will probably use more to spread the news on this.

    I have friends that would be more than happy to spread some tweets ..mostly in helping more victims to come forward if we can decide

    on that.


  • Lozhasleft

    Good work PurpleSofa. Panhandlegirl when you write a tweet you put the hash symbol which is this # in front of a phrase or name or topic and you leave no spaces within it. So for example you would write #JehovahsWitness exactly like that or #watchtowerscandal like that. If enough ppl do it the topic with the # attachment will get so much traffic by ppl retweeting that it will begin to 'trend' either in a locality or even sometimes worldwide. That will mean the topic will go on a list on Twitter as a 'trending' topic for all to see and look into.

    As Purple Sofa rightly points out though, this can be hard to achieve. I simply suggest that if we're all using twitter and we agree the hash tag topic, it has more chance of being seen by more people. I have been writing #JehovahsWitness on all my tweets related to the scandal and then adding Plz RT at the end which asks my followers to Retweet it for me.

    I hope that helps new Twitter uses a little.

    Loz x

  • sf

    I suggest keeping the word "scandal" in the tag. It's an attention-getter.


  • DT

    It's good that we are talking about this now. We never know when a JW related news story will go viral. It pays to be prepared so we can help it out at short notice.

  • cedars

    I have joined the world of twitter, not sure why it took me so long!!

    My hash tag is @cedarsjwsurvey - "come be my followers", lol!


  • linuxbob


    I'm going to try to find you on my Twitter acct.


  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Cedars: Pls see the 'It's on the Daily Mail' thread.

  • purplesofa

    great @cedarsjwsurvey !!

  • linuxbob


  • Lozhasleft

    Ok I'm going public lol. I'm @Daisyloz on Twitter

    Loz x

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