Facebook Comments From JWs About Kendrick Case

by cofty 78 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    could not read them all made me want to put my fist through my computer and well that's not going to help anything.....

  • cofty

    All my comments have been removed and I am now blocked from commenting. Wouldn't want facts getting in the way now would we?

  • dontplaceliterature

    I have some severely dillusional posts on my FB, including one that says more or less they ought to keep this secret because once Satan's media find out about it, everyone will use it to tarnish Jehovah's name.


  • AnnOMaly

    Typical JW reactions. They're pretty much representative of the reactions back in c. 2002 when Dateline and Panorama were shown, along with the news articles and whatnot.

    Excellent point from sabastious and one I (even as a loyal dubbie) made at the time - God can use His enemies to discipline His people. It went down like a lead balloon, if I remember correctly.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Let me premise my response by pointing out what a beautiful Saturday it is today! And I ain't "enjoying" it out in service. ?? The key word in all this is business. WBTS is a business.
    I thought about sending info about this court case to several people I know. But sadly sometimes it screams apostate even though it's world news. Let's take it for what it is though - wrongdoing. The society could not even have been brought to court if their policies were right, let alone lose and have to pay such a high amount. Point the finger if you'd like, but this incident, amongst many, involves the society. And that was seen in court. They may not be fully responsible, but are an accomplice at least. To say it's Satan that caused this is to do what others do to children that suffer sexual abuse - pretend it never happened. And that, well, it's just wrong. Thanks for the updates everyone! CoC

  • panhandlegirl

    Is your post still there?

    cofty, last time I looked it was under "Others posted." When I didn't see it on under the heading of the 20mil settlement, I posted "What happened to my post? did someone delete me?"

  • panhandlegirl

    • 12 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Bob Evans Do you think it is possible that satan used Sparlock the Warrior Wizard to get a judgement against Jehovah's organization? Have any of you brothers received the new DVD from the convention? Brother Morris of the Governing Body explained why it is so important for our young ones to become Jehovah's friend. Caleb did a good thing when he threw Sparlock into the trach bin. Agape 11 hours ago · Like
    • one of the comment on facebok. Sparlock does have magic powers. He can influence the judges decisions. WOW.Can you believe a grown person believes this. Maybe we need to tell him Caleb and SPARLOCK and not real!!
  • BizzyBee

    I wonder if anyone has mentioned their usual fallback - "the brothers are imperfect men"? From the JW comments it sounds like they are now infallible men.

  • shamus100

    That's not for a few more steps yet, Bizzy Bee.

    Denial is coming up just like the tide. :D

  • BizzyBee

    Gotcha, monkeyman. All in due time.

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