Facebook Comments From JWs About Kendrick Case

by cofty 78 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • shamus100

    I did mention this a few days ago - yes, the boy scouts are releasing their pedo files. It's the same thing, different organization. ;)

  • panhandlegirl

    I have only posted under my own name Bill Blyth and a quick look at my own FB page will quickly confirm I not a JW but if anybody has a new FB account they could have some fun.

    Hey, I posted on JW Facebook and liked your comment.

  • cofty

    Is your post still there?

  • jemba

    Does anyone have a link to the msn site? thanks!

  • purplesofa

    Caty's response is typical:

    Again I want to know where her parents were at why did they not go to the police??

  • poppers

    Also on the link is this: Is it wrong to change your religion?

  • kurtbethel

    This sounds like it would slip below the suspicion radar:

    ‎$20 million could be better used to spread the good news of the Kingdom, instead of paying for wrongdoing. I wonder how many people thought they were donating for the worldwide preaching work and not knowing the money would go for lawyers, courts and fines. Has there been any evidence that those taking the lead in the organization have repented and made adjustments in their thinking?

  • JWdaughter

    they LIKE missing the point

  • talesin

    the denial is stunning!


    ‎@ Michelle the report states that she is not still one of Jehovah's Witnesses. This is the first step and there have been many other cases where we have been ruled against and then the verdict has been over turned. Again I want to know where her parents were at why did they not go to the police?? Which brings us back to the point that we don't know all the facts that is why the US court system has constructed and allows an appeals process.

    Ummm, because they were threatened with DF'ing?


  • Farkel

    It's nice to know that despite all their other ills, the WTS has produced a crop of such literate and educated members who express themselves so elegantly in writing. Heck. They spelled almost HALF of their words right and punctuated nearly TWO things correctly in one-out-of-nine sentences!

    Praise Jah! JW home-schooling proves beyond any doubt that when two ignorant parents "educate" their kids at home, they will produce clones of themselves.

    I suggest this for these young ones in dubbie land: choose mops and squeegees for a career. Avoid rocket science, medicine and most of all, logic. Pick Watchtower, Awake!, National Equirer and "Dick and Jane" for your reading enjoyment and eschew Descartes, Kant and Shakespeare.

    And the most fatherly advise of all, dear young dubbies. Avoid being anything but monosyllabic and you will do just fine.

    Farkel, Helpful CLASS

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