Are you up and down all night?

by compound complex 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Wow, Tal!

  • palmtree67

    I have occassional insomnia. A couple bad nights in a row and I'm toast.

    After a couple bad nights, I'll take a couple tablets of Valerian Root before bed and sleep like a baby!

  • snowbird

    Reading does if for me.

  • talesin

    I read myself to sleep every night/day, snowy. :))

    Yeah, in my 30s, everything started to break down. PTSD is a toughie.


  • palmtree67

    Tal, I've always slept well until recently. I think it has something to do with being in the mid-40's.......

    I read every night before bed, too, but it's mostly out of habit.

  • Glander

    I consider two interuptions for peepee a good night, typically 2:30 and again about 4:30. I dream so much! Fortunately my dreams are usually benign but entertaining. Sometimes long gone relatives visit and they are so real! I am dissapointed in the lack sex in my PG dreams.

    I heard a radio commercial for some kind of over the counter mens prostate pills, Saw palmetto or something...I had to laugh out loud when he said, "Men, do you have to get up to urinate at night?" My first thought was, "Damn well hope so! If I don't I'll have to wear Depends"

  • ShirleyW

    Palmtree you're right, bad sleeping habits do effect women when we get in the perimenopausal years. Didn't really have any sleeping problems until I became "a woman of a certain age" . . !!

  • talesin

    That's true, Palm & Shirley. I haven't seen much change that way, except for when I had the hot flashes ugh!

    I love the old B&W stuff, too, and you made me wish I had TV back, Shirley! The old movies .. Postman Always Rings Twice, I Want To Live, etc.


  • panhandlegirl

    I am recovering from pneumonia. I was so sick last week that, when I did sleep, I has constant nightmares. It was awful. My temp went up to 104.0. I really thought I was going to die. I had gone to Urgent Care and really do not feel that I recieved good care. Finally, I went to the ER and discovered I had pneumonia. After the doc gave me antibiotics, I was able to sleep without the nightmares. I work weekend nights and during the week I have to readjust to sleeping nights. My sleep schedule is chaotic. Like ShirleyW, I am well aquainted with nighttime tv. As Scully said, shift work disrupts sleep cycles. I am not too sure it is good for our health. I got sick on a plane going across the US, to the opposite coast, for my granddaughte'sr graduation from HS; missed the graduation party and the graduation ceremonies.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I sleep like a rock. I hardly ever have any trouble falling asleep and I don't usually wake up until around 4 or 5 am. If I get up to use the bathroom, I can fall right back asleep easily. I guess I'm really lucky.

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