How did you long-timers do it before the internet / Ray Franz books / abundant information?

by irondork 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    Good on yer Cedars, I am glad I decided not to get DF'd or to DA if at all possible, because I wish to keep normal family stuff going, to be there to comfort and help those in my family that need it, and to share in their joys, why deny myself that, or let a Publishing/real estate Scam Org posing as a religion do so ?

    I have found that, though my family were most upset when they found out what my real views were, they have mellowed and normal family stuff now happens to a degree.

    We are of course persona non grata at family gatherings, they would be too aware of the crticism they would get from other JW's if we were invited, but that is a small price to pay for the freedom that merely being "inactive" gives us.

  • ambersun

    Alarm bells started ringing for me when it was announced from the platform that we were to hand in any books written by Russell or Rutherford to be destroyed on a bonfire as the teachings were out of date and therefore misleading and could lead to stumble people . This was back in the early 1970s I think. I had never seen any of these books and was curious as to why they were considered to be so dangerous.

    One day I was sent to help care for a very elderly brother of the Remnant and he had a bookshelf full of literature by Russell and Rutherford that had escaped the destruction. I spent several hours reading through them and was absolutely SHOCKED by the changes that had taken place in the basic Society teachings since the days of Russell. This was supposed to be the religion chosen by Jesus to be nearest to the truth, that he wanted to represent him on earth, yet almost every basic doctrine had been changed!!! It was also a huge shock to learn that Russell was a Pyramidologist.

    I had to keep all this to myself for fear of getting into trouble for reading it, but the seeds of doubt were well and truly set. Without the internet I had no idea other witnesses also had doubts so I lived with them for years making excuses not to go to meetings whenever possible and starting to fade, having to put up with being called 'weak' by the congregation. Eventually I plucked up the courage to tell my practically born-in husband that I couldn't stand it any longer as it was all lies. To my absolute relief he also started to fade soon after that and moving to a new location helped us to complete our fade. I still had no idea there were others out there going through the same trauma as us as there was no way of knowing without the internet, and certainly no help or counselling available.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I didn't 'do it'. I was a completely brain damaged dickwit. Being 'out' does automatically mean mentally out. I was just waiting for Jehovah to kill me coz I couldn't bring myself to join his church and its power freak elders.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Alarm bells started ringing for me when it was announced from the platform that we were to hand in any books written by Russell or Rutherford to be destroyed on a bonfire as the teachings were out of date and therefore misleading and could lead to stumble people

    Oh yes, if Russell was resurrected tomorrow he wouldn't be able to join the 'religion' he created.

  • jemba

    Things never seemed quite right to me even as a child. Disfellowshippings busting up families, gossip and exclusion of people who just didnt fit, the harshness of the bible stories... like the ark of the covenant being caught by someone who would do what any other person would do if a sacred thing was about to fall to the ground, yet God kills him? The innocent children and animals being drowned in the flood. etc

    So many things that weakened my trust in the org. I faded for many years, made a comeback for a few months then faded again. It just didnt feel right.

    It took an innocent internet search to find my way to this site and find out the real truth.... it aint the truth. So I give full credit to the internet for getting me out mentally, it was such a relief to not worry about armaggedon and god hating me.

    Thankyou JWN and internet, if not for you i may still be anxious and depressed.

  • transhuman68

    When my dad was trying to get my mother out of the Borg in the late eighties, all he could find were two books- ‘30 Years A Watchtower Slave’, and ‘We Left Jehovah’s Witnesses’- both really lame. Somehow the guy giving my dad the books hadn’t heard of CoC- this is Australia- so there wasn’t much to run with. When I left in 1989 I just assumed there were no answers- that maybe the Witnesses were right- so I just ran wild. Really, I guess there were two options- ask a religious person and risk getting a sermon about their religion, or ask an ordinary person who would have said “It’s all bulls**t man!”. But there was no specific information to refute The Watchtower point by point.

  • panhandlegirl

    Didn't need Ray Franz to see the bullshit. One doesn't need to look very hard to see the bullshit.

    Farkel, I completly agree with you. I left before I read Franz's book. I had already stopped attending meetings in early 70s because I was disillusioned with the borg but stilll read the WT. When I read that only the 144,00 had Jesus as their mediator, I knew it was a lie. I thoungt that if I did not have Jesus as a mediator, hell, I didn't have anything. After that mag. there were other contradictions. I attended the Baptish church, my boss's church,on Memorial night, just to see what it was like. My jw coworker ratted me out. The JC met with me and I told them the WTS were not telling the truth about Jesus being only the mediator for the 144,000 and other things. They df'd me but did give me the option of appealing. I did not appeal. I did not want to get df'd. They told me that in order to remain inside the org. I could not ever discuss the Bible with my df'd husband (he was df'd for smoking). That was too much for me, it was against my constitutional rights to free speech. I had to give up my family and my husband's family but that's what I did. I felt I was the only weird one who couldn't behave until I read CoC. Now, after finding this site, I think I am one of the ones with some brains who knows the WTS is nothing more that a publishing, real estate cult! I have learned a lot here and know I made the right decision when I left. I just can't believe my father took us away from the Catholic church and into this cult! What was he thinking. At least as Catholics we would have prepared ourselves for living our lives out in this world. As it is, I did not get my nursing degree until I was 54 years old. As someone else posted, at least now with sites like this, others may leave sooner and not waste too much time in that cult! I also had an older brother and a yonger brother who had left the org, so that helped me leave.

  • Chariklo


    At times I am ignorant.

    like the ark of the covenant being caught by someone who would do what any other person would do if a sacred thing was about to fall to the ground, yet God kills him?

    What is this story, please?

  • shamus100

    I was around when the internet was around HOWEVER, I did no research when I did my exit because, well, I didn't even have a PC. I knew it was bullshit but I was still a walking corpse sometimes, getting freaked out whenever the news would have a story about peace and security.

    A few years later when I got one I saw this and the quotes website. Ray Franz's book didn't blow my mind at all.

    Common-sense is the WTBTS worst enemy, not the internet. ;)

  • mouthy

    It was very difficult.. But I read a book called Setting" Dont Call Me Brother "by Austin Miles...
    It was a wonderful help... By that time I was considering killing myself.
    After many heartaches from losing my kids,Then Sally Jessie Rhapheal called & asked me to be on TV to tell
    my story as she had just read my letter in another book Austin wrote "Setting The Captives Free"
    My letter to him wAS in it. Well I went on it. & the vast amount of mail I got from the JWs that had been Df or
    left was overwhelming. I knew I was o.K. and not the evil slave they said I was .

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