Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-27-2012 WT Review (BEHIND)

by blondie 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-27-2012 WT Study (MARCH 15, 2012, pages 25-29 )(BEHIND)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will be indented and identified

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book


    Bible translations

    WT publications

    WT child abuse

    Blood issue

    United Nations

    Also posted on



    “No man that has put his hand to a plow

    and looks at the things behind is well fitted

    for the kingdom of God.”—LUKE 9:62.


    Why should we “remember

    the wife of Lot”?

    What three things should we

    avoid dwelling on?

    How do we keep pace with

    Jehovah’s organization?


    PICTURE #1—some man in the attic reminiscing about his school years?

    PICTURE #2—some man seeing himself in his school years

    PICTURE #3—some man being counseled by 2 elders---about what, reminiscing about his high school years?

    So remembering happy times is a point of counsel by the elders?


    1. What warning did Jesus give, and what question arises?

    “REMEMBER the wife of Lot.” (Luke 17:32) That

    warning given by Jesus Christ nearly 2,000

    years ago is now more important than ever.

    But what did Jesus mean by this solemn warning?

    His Jewish audience needed no further explanation.

    They knew what had happened to Lot’s wife. While

    fleeing Sodom with her family, she had disobediently

    looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.

    Read Genesis 19:17, 26.


    So what did the Jews remember, that she was destroyed or that Lot got drunk had sex with his two daughters and managed to father a son on each having sex only once with each of them?

    So if looking back to the past is bad, why did the WTS print the Proclaimers book and a year book each year or use experiences of individual jws to illustrate their points?

    2. Why may Lot’s wife have looked back, and what did her

    disobedient act cost her?

    2 But why did Lot’s wife look back? Was she curious

    about what was happening? Did she turn back

    because of disbelief or lack of faith? Or, rather, was

    hers a longing gaze for all the things that she had left

    behind in Sodom? (Luke 17:31) Whatever the reason

    for her looking back, she paid for her disobedient

    act with her life. Just think of it! She died the

    same day as those perverted inhabitants of Sodom

    and Gomorrah. No wonder Jesus said: “Remember

    the wife of Lot”!


    None of those reasons the WTS mentioned are confirmed by the scriptures; a case of mind reading and the thoughts of people behind in the past.

    And for this she died forever, no resurrection (of course the WTS has gone back and forth on that doctrine)?

    So were the children in Sodom perverted too? They are dead forever too per the WTS.

    3. How did Jesus emphasize that we should not look back in

    a figurative sense?

    3 We too are living at a time when it is vital that

    we do not look back in a figurative sense. Jesus

    emphasized this point when he answered a man

    who had asked if he could return to his family

    to say good-bye before becoming a disciple. Jesus

    said: “No man that has put his hand to a plow and

    looks at the things behind is well fitted for the kingdom

    of God.” (Luke 9:62) Was Jesus being harsh

    or unreasonable in answering this way? No, for he

    knew that the man’s request was merely an excuse

    to evade responsibility. Jesus described

    such procrastination as looking at “the

    things behind.” Does it matter whether

    the person plowing looks momentarily

    at what is behind or actually puts down

    the plow and turns around? Either way

    he is distracted from what he should

    be doing, and his work may be affected



    Yes, the WTS believes and teaches that people who die at Armageddon will not be resurrected, all 7 billion plus non-jw men, women, AND children (perverts too?).

    So not looking back, what does the WTS mean, must all jws be full-time pioneers, move to areas that need preachers and teachers of the WTS dogma. Are jws moving to Muslim countries, India, or China where the vast majority have not “heard”?

    4. On what must we keep our eyes focused?

    4 Rather than turning our attention

    to the past, we must keep our eyes focused

    on what is yet ahead. Notice how

    this is clearly expressed at Proverbs 4:

    25: “As for your eyes, straight ahead

    they should look, yes, your own beaming

    eyes should gaze straight in front of



    So jws have to forget their past, even their jw past? Does the WTS forget their past or does every publication have their past displayed for admiration?

    I’m sure the WTS wants people to forget their assertions about 1914, 1925, 1975 that did not come true.

    5. We have what reason not to look at the

    things behind?

    5 We have good reason not to look at

    the things behind. What is the reason?

    These are “the last days.” (2 Tim. 3:1)

    We now face, not just the wiping out

    of two wicked cities, but the destruction

    of an entire world system of things.

    What will help us to avoid anything similar

    to what happened to Lot’s wife?

    For a start, we need to identify some

    of the things behind us that we might

    be tempted to look at. (2 Cor. 2:11) Let

    us consider, then, what those things are

    and determine how we can avoid focusing

    on them.


    The destruction of all non-jws = entire world system of things

    It will be interesting to see what scriptures the WTS uses and if they are applied correctly.


    6. Why is our memory not always reliable?

    6 One distinct danger is a distorted

    view of the good old days. Our memory

    is not always reliable. We may unwittingly minimize

    the problems we had in the past and at the

    same time exaggerate the joys, making it seem that things

    were a lot better than they really were.

    This distorted recollection can cause us

    to long for the good old days. But the Bible

    warns us: “Do not say, ‘Why were

    the old days better than these days?’ for

    it is not wise to ask that.” (Eccl. 7:10,

    New English Translation) Why is this type

    of thinking so dangerous?


    Distorted view—so do many jws have a distorted memory of 1975 WT assertions?

    Does the WTS exaggerate their problems and exaggerate their joys?

    Note the WTS quotes from another bible, not the NWT, so why do they counsel jws not to quote from other bibles?

    7-9. (a) What happened to the Israelites in

    Egypt? (b) The Israelites experienced what reasons

    for joy? (c) Over what did the Israelites begin

    to grumble and murmur?

    7 Consider what happened to the Israelites

    in Moses’ day. Although the Israelites

    were initially viewed as guests in

    the land of Egypt, after Joseph’s time the

    Egyptians “set over [the Israelites] chiefs

    of forced labor for the purpose of oppressing

    them in their burden-bearing.”

    (Ex. 1:11) God’s people eventually faced

    a type of genocide as Pharaoh attempted

    to limit their numbers. (Ex. 1:15, 16,

    22) It is little wonder, then, that Jehovah

    said to Moses: “Unquestionably I have

    seen the affliction of my people who are

    in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry

    as a result of those who drive them

    to work; because I well know the pains

    they suffer.”—Ex. 3:7.


    Do jws today see themselves as guests or slaves? The other sheep are told they are secondary, have no salvation except through the anointed jws.

    From 1935 to 1938 the “other sheep” jws were not at the “memorial” not even invited. Why?

    Many anointed jws felt that the “other sheep” were not jws because Isaiah 43:10-12 is about Israelites and by WTS application spiritual Israelites, only anointed jws.

    8 Can you imagine the joy the Israelites

    felt as they marched out of the land

    of their slavery as free people? In a spectacular

    way, they had witnessed Jehovah’s

    power when he brought the Ten

    Plagues upon haughty Pharaoh and his

    people. (Read Exodus 6:1, 6, 7.) In fact,

    not only did the Egyptians finally allow

    the Israelites to go free but the Egyptians

    urged them to go, giving them so

    much gold and silver that it could be

    said that God’s people “stripped the

    Egyptians.” (Ex. 12:33-36) The Israelites

    further rejoiced when they saw the destruction

    of Pharaoh and his military

    forces in the Red Sea. (Ex. 14:30, 31)

    How faith-strengthening it should have

    been to witness such exciting events!


    Does the WTS apply this to all jws or just anointed jws?

    Remember that 3 months later the Israelites were dancing around and worshiping a golden calf.

    9 Unbelievably, though, within a

    short time of their miraculous deliverance,

    these same people began to grumble

    and murmur. About what? Food!

    They became dissatisfied with what Jehovah

    supplied and complained: “How

    we remember the fish that we used to

    eat in Egypt for nothing, the cucumbers

    and the watermelons and the leeks

    and the onions and the garlic! But now

    our soul is dried away. Our eyes are

    on nothing at all except the manna.”

    (Num. 11:5, 6) Yes, their viewpoint had

    become distorted—so much so that they

    even wanted to return to the land of

    their slavery! (Num. 14:2-4) The Israelites

    looked at the things behind and lost

    Jehovah’s favor.—Num. 11:10.


    So what came first, the calf or the food grumbles?

    So jws today have progressed as far as food goes at the assemblies and conventions. They bring their own, to their own taste. I doubt few jws are looking back to hoagies and hot chicken sandwiches.

    10. The Israelites’ example provides what lesson

    for us?

    10 What is the lesson for us today?

    When faced with difficulties and problems,

    let us not fixate on what may appear

    to have been positive things in the

    past—perhaps even before we came to a

    knowledge of the truth. Although it is

    not wrong to meditate on the lessons we

    have learned from past experiences or

    to savor cherished memories, we need

    to maintain a balanced, realistic view

    of the past. Otherwise, we could accentuate

    our dissatisfaction with our present

    circumstances and be tempted to

    return to our former way of life.—Read

    2 Peter 2:20-22.


    But what if the difficulties and problems come from the WTS, not non-jws?

    So is everything in the past bad and everything now good?

    Are people returning to their past or leaving the current cruelties at the KH?


    11. How do some view sacrifices they made in

    the past?

    11 Sad to say, some look back on sacrifices

    they made in the past and view

    them as missed opportunities. Perhaps

    you had opportunities for higher education,

    for prominence, or for financial

    security, but you decided not to pursue

    them. Many of our brothers and sisters

    have left behind lucrative positions

    in the fields of business, entertainment,

    education, or sports. Now time has

    passed, and the end has not yet arrived.

    Do you fantasize about what could have

    happened had you not made those sacrifices?


    But were these opportunities missed by personal choice or pressure to conform or not have God’s approval, where people were just like the men pleasers of Paul’s day?

    136 years since 1876 when Russell said that the end would come in 1914, jws are still waiting, since 1914, 1920, 1925, 1975, and the passing of the 1914 generation possible in 1984 (70 years generation) and 1994 (80 years generation).

    12. How did Paul feel about the things he had

    left behind?

    12 The apostle Paul gave up much to

    become a follower of Christ. (Phil. 3:4-6)

    How did he feel about the things he had

    left behind? He tells us: “What things

    were gains to me, these I have considered

    loss on account of the Christ.” And

    why? He continues: “I do indeed also

    consider all things to be loss on account

    of the excelling value of the knowledge

    of Christ Jesus my Lord. On account of

    him I have taken the loss of all things

    and I consider them as a lot of refuse,

    that I may gain Christ.”* (Phil. 3:7, 8)

    Just as a person who throws away garbage,

    or trash, does not later bemoan

    his loss, Paul did not regret any of the

    secular opportunities that he had left

    behind. He no longer felt that they were



    So did everyone forgo marriage and children, travel all over, etc.?

    But then Paul had the financial support of the congregations, are we to expect that?

    One Bible scholar—who? And why did the WTS not tell us? Theological Dictionary of the New Testament—Gerhard Kittel

    How many jws are living that kind of life?

    *The original-language word here translated “refuse”

    also meant what “is thrown to the dogs,”

    “dung,” “excrement.” One Bible scholar says that

    Paul’s use of this word denotes a “resolute turning

    aside from something worthless and abhorrent with

    which one will have nothing more to do.”

    13, 14. How can we follow the example set by


    13 What will help us if we find ourselves

    starting to speculate about so-called

    missed opportunities? Follow the

    example set by Paul. How? Consider the

    value of what you have now. You have

    gained a treasured relationship with Jehovah

    and have established a faithful

    record with him. (Heb. 6:10) What

    material advantages can the world

    offer that would come anywhere near

    the spiritual blessings that we now enjoy

    and will enjoy in the future?—Read

    Mark 10:28-30.


    So-called missed opportunities—what about the jws that do get an advanced education, travel extensively for recreation, own more than one house, several vehicles are used to give talks at assemblies and conventions, appointed elders, held up as examples?

    14 Paul next mentions something that

    will help us to continue to go on faithfully.

    He says that he was “forgetting the

    things behind and stretching forward

    to the things ahead.” (Phil. 3:13) Notice

    that Paul highlights two steps, both necessary.

    First, we have to forget the things

    we left behind, not wasting precious energy

    and time being overly concerned

    about them. Second, like a runner at the

    finish line, we need to stretch forward,

    keeping focused on what lies ahead.


    Was Paul saying to forget everything that had happened? Paul never recreated and associated and ate with friends?

    15. What benefit do we gain when we meditate

    on the examples of faithful servants of God?

    15 When we meditate on the examples

    of faithful servants of God—whether

    past or present—we can gain additional

    motivation to keep moving forward

    rather than looking at the things

    behind. For example, if Abraham and

    Sarah had kept remembering Ur, “they

    would have had opportunity to return.”

    (Heb. 11:13-15) But they did not return

    there. Moses originally left behind far

    more in Egypt than any other individual

    Israelite later did. Yet, there is no

    record of his longing for those things.

    Instead, the Bible account tells us

    that “he esteemed the reproach of the

    Christ as riches greater than the treasures

    of Egypt; for he looked intently toward

    the payment of the reward.”—Heb.



    So Abraham, Sarah, Moses had not expectation of a reward for doing the right things?


    16. How may we be affected by past experiences?

    16 Not all past experiences, though,

    may appear positive. Perhaps we are

    overwhelmed by thoughts of past sins

    or mistakes that we made. (Ps. 51:3)We

    might still feel the sting of strong counsel

    that we received. (Heb. 12:11) Injustices—

    real or perhaps perceived—may

    dominate our thinking. (Ps. 55:2) What

    can we do to make sure that we do not

    allow such experiences to make us focus

    on the things behind? Consider

    three examples.


    Overwhelmed by PAST sins….just imitate the WTS and rewrite the past.

    Injustices…perceived—I saw the elders try and convince a sister that the cruelties had never happened and then when overwhelming evidence was presented, told her she was the problem. I wonder how many elders would feel the same way if their child had been sodomized?

    17. (a) Why did Paul describe himself as “a

    man less than the least of all holy ones”?

    (b) What helped Paul not to be overwhelmed

    by negative thoughts?

    17 Past mistakes. The apostle Paul described

    himself as “a man less than the

    least of all holy ones.” (Eph. 3:8) Why

    did he feel that way? “Because I persecuted

    the congregation of God,” he

    says. (1 Cor. 15:9) Can you imagine how

    Paul must have felt when he met up

    with some whom he had formerly persecuted?

    However, rather than allowing

    these negative thoughts to overwhelm

    him, Paul focused on the undeserved

    kindness that had been shown to him.

    (1 Tim. 1:12-16) The resulting gratitude

    that he felt spurred him on in his ministry.

    His former sinful conduct was included

    in the things that Paul was determined

    to forget. If we too focus on the

    mercy Jehovah has shown us, we will

    avoid having our strength sapped by undue

    anxiety over past events that we

    cannot change. We can use our strength

    for the work at hand.


    So how many jws persecuted people except other jws they were supposed to “love”?

    Did Paul believe that undeserved kindness came through an human organization?

    (Romans 5:17) For if by the trespass of the one [man] death ruled as king through that one, much more will those who receive the abundance of the undeserved kindness and of the free gift of righteousness rule as kings in life through the one [person], Jesus Christ.

    So Paul did not believe in God’s forgiveness? Did he feel he could earn it by his ministry?

    So is it God’s forgiveness missing at KHs or the forgiveness of fellow jws? How are they treated who erred according the WTS defined “bible” principles treated even after being reinstated? They are marked as dangerous spiritually still, not treated like the prodigal son who was immediately hugged and loved and celebrated with a party. How many jws even 20 years later are treated as having committed their sins that day. I remember a brother who committed adultery and although his wife forgave him and he had been reinstated for 20 years had advanced to being an elder; jws would not let it go, jws who had not been around then and had not friends or relatives involved in the original sin.

    18. (a) What may happen if we look back negatively

    at counsel that we received? (b) How can

    we heed Solomon’s words on accepting counsel?

    18 Painful counsel. What if we are

    tempted to look back resentfully at

    some counsel that we received? This

    can be not only painful but also debilitating—

    causing us to “give out.” (Heb.

    12:5) Whether we “belittle” the counsel

    because we reject it or we “give out”

    because we accept it and then give up,

    the result is the same—we do not truly

    allow the counsel to benefit and refine

    us. How much better to heed Solomon’s

    words: “Take hold on discipline;

    do not let go. Safeguard it, for it itself

    is your life.” (Prov. 4:13) Like a driver

    who obeys road signs, let us accept

    the counsel, apply it, and move forward.

    —Prov. 4:26, 27; read Hebrews 12:12, 13.


    Was the counsel deserved, proven, given lovingly or cruelly, lied about, gossiped about? Did Jesus accept the counsel from the Jews that he was “a son of fornication”?

    What happens if the counsel comes from one that does not follow their own words?

    When wrong are jw counselors encouraged to seek out that one and apologize?

    19. How can we imitate the faith of Habakkuk

    and Jeremiah?

    19 Injustices—real or perceived. We

    may at times feel like the prophet Habakkuk,

    who cried out to Jehovah for

    justice, not understanding why Jehovah

    had allowed certain unfair things

    to happen. (Hab. 1:2, 3) How important

    it is for us to imitate the faith of that

    prophet, who said: “Yet, as for me, I will

    exult in Jehovah himself; I will be joyful

    in the God of my salvation.” (Hab. 3:

    18) Like Jeremiah of old, if we keep “a

    waiting attitude” with full faith in Jehovah,

    the God of justice, we can be confident

    that all things will be rectified at

    the right time.—Lam. 3:19-24.


    Waiting attitude = all things will be rectified at the right time

    Thus are parents not to report jw pedophiles to the legal authorities because it is not the right time and will bring a bad name on the WTS and God?

    How did Jesus respond to the still-endorsed-by-God religious leaders of his time. Did he apologize to them over their unjust words?

    *** w02 11/1 pp. 6-7 Apologizing—A Key to Making Peace***

    When an Apology Is Inappropriate

    Although expressions of regret and sorrow have a soothing effect and contribute to peace, a wise person avoids using such expressions when it is not appropriate to do so . Suppose, for example, that the issue involves integrity to God. When Jesus Christ was on earth, “he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake.” (Philippians 2:8) He did not, however, apologize for his beliefs in order to alleviate his suffering. And Jesus did not offer an apology when the high priest demanded: “By the living God I put you under oath to tell us whether you are the Christ the Son of God!” Instead of sheepishly apologizing, Jesus courageously replied: “You yourself said it. Yet I say to you men, From henceforth you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Matthew 26:63, 64) The thought of keeping peace with the high priest at the cost of his integrity to his Father, Jehovah God, never occurred to Jesus.

    20. How can we prove that we “remember the

    wife of Lot”?

    20 We live in exciting times. Wonderful

    events are happening now and more

    lie just ahead. May each one of us keep

    pace with Jehovah’s organization. Let us

    heed the Scriptural counsel to look forward

    and not to look at the things behind.

    We will thereby prove that we do

    “remember the wife of Lot”!


    Just ahead = just ahead since 1876 with 1914, 1920, 1925, 1975, 1984 (70 year generation plus 1914), 1994 (80 year generation plus 1914) and finally VERY SOON NOW since the WTS has flubbed so many dates.

    Organization = a word that does not occur in the bible

    Jehovah’s organization = where is Jesus in the picture?


    This has been a terrible, abusive article. I feel so sorry for jws that sat through this. They suffer from the DO MORE philosophy of the WTS.

    Next week, THE SON IS WILLING TO REVEAL THE FATHER. Will Jesus be more real to jws after next week or just an impersonal tool of God?

    Love, Blondie

  • irondork

    Paragraph 15

    When we meditate on the examples

    of faithful servants of God—whether

    past or present—we can gain additional

    motivation to keep moving forward

    rather than looking at the things



    Moses originally left behind far

    more in Egypt than any other individual

    Israelite later did. Yet, there is no

    record of his longing for those things.

    Instead, the Bible account tells us

    that “he esteemed the reproach of the

    Christ as riches greater than the treasures

    of Egypt; for he looked intently toward

    the payment of the reward.”—Heb.

    I meditate on the example of Ray Franz and other men and women who have maintained their Christian identity despite the enormous efforts of the WTS to destroy them spiritually. It helps motivate me to "keep moving forward rather than looking at the things behind."

    I left behind a great deal of family and friends. Yet, there is no record of my longing for those things. Instead, I esteem the reproach of the Christ as riches greater than the treasures of the Watchtower Society; for I look intently toward the payment of the reward.

  • WildeLover

    hi Blondie

    thanks for sum up :-)

    hope you doing ok :-)

    Moses and Paul both "forsook" their lives behind becasue they had to....

    Moses fled cos he killed an egyptian not because he forsook egypt/the world for the truth of the Hebrews....

    Paul had to leave being a pharisee and a lawyer behind because it was incomptaible with his being a "Christian". so he left it for his new faith not to pursue the full time misery..

    just my 2 cents!!

    thanssk again Blondie


  • wasblind

    Love the way you contradicted them wit the proclaimers book and the year book

    had to laugh at the artical " DO NOT LOOK AT THE THINGS BEHIND"

    and they conclude wit " REMEMBER THE WIFE OF LOT "

    Maybe the article should have been titled


  • wasblind

    I swear there must be an apostate workin' in the writin' dept.

    if not, these folks are jokes

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    Now time has passed, and the end has not yet arrived. Do you fantasize about what could have happened had you not made those sacrifices?

    Paragraph 11 IMO is central to this article. It's not looking back per se that is a problem, it's looking back and realising that your whole life or whatever part of it has been totally screwed up by the WTS.

    Many have remained single, put off having children, missed opportunities for a proper education, missed business opportunities, entertainment, all because the WTS said the end is so near. Now it has dawned on them (and this includes me) that it's all a load of twaddle they (we) will naturally look back and fantasize. I regularly fantasize about what my life would have been had two pioneers not called on my parents in 1944.


  • designs

    Brooklyn Property- left Behind UpState New York looking Forward

  • garyneal

    I must admit, the timing of this article really shows that they are up to something.

    Looking at the paragraphs where someone was wondering how his life would turn out had he went to college stuck out in my mind when I read it. Obviously trying to guilt the old ones who really did leave behind college and career only to find themselves struggling.

    It is obvious (at least to me) that they are grooming the flock for something big (perhaps some crazy new light). Or they are trying to do damage control over their last new generation light.

  • Kojack57

    Blonde: I learn more from your summary of the watchtower than when I actually went to the meetings. Thanks


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I would love to know who in the writing dept, took the classes in NLP?!?

    This WT (as are most) Is loaded with NLP techniques and language reframing arguments against the readers mind.

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