My Latest View On J.W.

by FlierMate 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FlierMate

    Hello all. I have been self-introducing few months ago, and were welcomed by many of you. Thanks!

    Although I was disassociated, and committed serious sins* afterward, I am not fully disagree with everything the J.W. taught. After all, the organization that taught me about the Holy Bible was them. For example, I still attended the Lord's Evening Meal this year. I was thinking, "If I couldn't make it to attend Christian meetings twice weekly, why I couldn't attend for just one meeting annually?"

    No ways back. Although the elders understand my mental condition, and shorten the probationary period accordingly, I still couldn't stand the atmosphere the shunning of communication from all members. In this regards, it seems like I am sitting on the fence.

    * The serious sins include idolatry, semi-fornication, and rivalry.

  • wasblind

    semi fornication????? that's like bein' a little bit pregnant ain't it

    Ain't nothin' wrong wit fence sittin'

    to much of anything one way or the other ain't good for ya

    I don't really call it sittin' on the fence, I call it balance

    Do you know what they call folks who are not balanced ????? Crazy

  • FlierMate

    To wasblind: Your comment noted. How do you remain balance when the Holy Bible invites us to love Jehovah with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength?

  • jgnat

    How about attending the memorial service at another denomination? Some honor the Lord's meal every Sunday, others once a month.

  • Phizzy

    semi-fornication is a fraction, so is now sanctioned by GB New Light, if you can have fractions of blood, then fractions of fornication, and just a liddle iddy bit of something strangled must be O.K

    All in the same Bible verse.

  • rebel8

    Although I was disassociated,

    I'm curious what that means.

    Was this an involuntary disciplinary action taken against you?

    Was it something announced because "by your actions" they said you were choosing not to be a dub any longer?

    Or something else...?

  • Finkelstein

    Although the elders understand my mental condition

    So then your complete acceptance of their insinuation of you being mentally diseased ?

    You can logically look at any religion and see plausible values within their expressed doctrines.

    If you looked at ALL the doctrines that the WTS corporation puts out and has in the past, which were

    just corrupt commercialized doctrines to attract attention from the public, I'm sure you could do better for yourself.

    Add the broken diminished families, all the deaths, some by suicide caused by this religion and the decision should be a easy one to make.

  • cantleave

    I always wondered what a semi-erection was for - now I know!!

  • John_Mann

    Taking off the blood and shunning issues from WT it will be OK for me. If someone want to continue to believe all the other BS the WT teaches it's not my business.

  • clarity

    FlierMate .... hello.

    Sorry that I did not see your first post .... welcome to this safe place

    I just looked back at that post and I could just cry about the state of mind THEY put you in!


    You said - " and carry a burden for betrayal to Jehovah and the whole brotherhood."

    It seems they also convinced you that you were demonized! This is just wrong on so many levels!

    Please let all that crap go. Drop that burden and start appreciating the goodness & love within you.

    Stop thinking about what those 7 old men in New York told you.


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