Religiously inclined are Mentally Ill

by gravedancer 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka



  • Celtic

    Cheers Gary, do you mind if I save that for my records?


    [email protected]

  • garybuss

    ***Perry, You wrote <Will you also concede the rabid athiests are as insecure as the rabid theists?>

    What's to concede? They are more so.

    ***Celtic, You ask <do you mind if I save that for my records?>

    I insist you do :-)


  • gravedancer
    ***Perry, You wrote <Will you also concede the rabid athiests are as insecure as the rabid theists?>

    What's to concede? They are more so.

    Anyone "rabid" has a problem (call it insecurity or whatever). Agreed what's to concede?

    The question specifically back to Perry is: what's your defintion of rabid?

  • Perry
    The question specifically back to Perry is: what's your defintion of rabid?

    C'mon, you know what that means don't you? I'll break it down for you.... DOGmatism; no pun intended.

  • gravedancer
    gravedancer will likely mean different things to different individuals with some obvious examples but many dancng on the grey line.

  • Prisca

    When I see rapid atheists declaring on this DB that anyone that doesn't agree with them are idiots, uneducated fools or the suchlike, it becomes clear to me that such ones have not left the Watchtower mentality.

  • gravedancer
    When I see rapid atheists declaring on this DB that anyone that doesn't agree with them are idiots, uneducated fools or the suchlike, it becomes clear to me that such ones have not left the Watchtower mentality.

    What relevance does that have to this thread? The purpose of the thread is to discuss how basing ones belief on an irrational premise is a form of mental illness. Perhaps you feel, Prisca, that I am having a dig on this thread (I confess I have on others and will likely continue to do so - heck religion takes way more than digs) but I guess people cannot see the point I am making.

    It's like when you tell an alcoholic they are a "drunk" - they get really upset with you and use a common tactic of trying to make you feel guilty or they try and pick on your personality flaws. Well it doesn't work with me - I know how people react and behave. I expect some of the responses I have gotten - but if it helps one person to actually see what happens to religious people and why they will never find happiness in their beliefs if those beliefs are unfounded - just like drug addicts never attain a high with a reality base.

  • Skeptic


    Your initial assertion was: "My opinion is that if you are religious/spiritual then you are mentally ill."

    I can understand how many religious people may be mentally ill, especially fundie/JW types. But to say that every religious person is mentally ill is an over generalization.

    To many people, belief in God makes sense. It may not be logical, but it is a far cry from mental illness. To many, belief in God provides comfort and a method of copy when under stress. Plus, they may get a very spiritual/pious feeling from religion. Emotional, not logical, but not a sign of mental illness either.


  • 144thousand_and_one


    Since there's no way to determine the validity of religious belief until after we've entered our graves, labeling a religious person as mentally ill solely on the basis of their belief in religion isn't any different than a religious person labeling an atheist as mentally ill because of their lack of belief in god.

    I personally think that your labeling of religious folks as "mentally ill," simply because you don't happen to share their beliefs, puts you in the same class as Jehovahs Witnesses who condemn others for not believing as they do.

    For the record, I am a variation of an agnostic; I believe in a superior being, but I don't believe that being wanted us to know its true nature, otherwise he/she/it would have made it crystal clear to us. Nevertheless, I also acknowledge that my beliefs are no more valid than anyone else's.

    I hope that someday you'll learn humility and how to respect diversity of beliefs.

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