Got my Privileges Removed today, any advice?

by mrbunyrabit 102 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mrbunyrabit

    haha damn you even make me feel relieved... But no! (how dare I feel that way! I should now pick up my ministry, and become one again) -- That’s what’s going on in the one side of my brain, the other side... that side is like f#$k this crap.. I knowww I knowww I might even be a bad person!!

    ahh, but I feel sooo mad right now... they even USED the word "DELETED" like imp just a name you can delete, just like that, there you, you are the weakest link, goodbye..

    What if its the right religion, yea well what if they are a cult!? I Don’t know, all I know is on the one hand I have a SACK full of questions, I guess I cant ask now in public and on the other hand I have allot of friends in the (dare I say) "Truth". Even a girl that I LIKE. oHHHHH and while my privileges was being taken away, I got kind of counseled on the issue of marriage, and dating... yup... I know that girl for a year now, and imp CRAZY about her.. but I haven’t even kissed her yet!! Before I was a witness I kissed girls who’s name I don’t even know!? Now You must know how I kept back, and stilllll get counseled about it?? What? I shouldn’t look at her or something!??!

    Gdammit, imp just soooo pissed, but I don’t want to freak out now... I’ve got soooo many people still looking at me, and looking up at me... Damn this sucks sooo bad.. Ohhh and not even to mention what happens to disfellowshipped ones.. that whole ex-communication thing.. ya know..

  • cedars

    Let them do it.

    Yes, you are mad at them. Yes, you're taking it personally. Yes, you enjoyed your privileges. But it was a superficial position in a superficial world, and ultimately it was a waste of your energies and intellect. If you are clever enough to figure out that this isn't the truth, then they no longer deserve you. Try to shrug it off, and feel free to vent on here if it helps. Ultimately, they are doing you a huge favor without even realizing it.


  • mrbunyrabit

    Because having 3months bad fieldservice isnt a reason to take some one down..

    And why did i come here? WHERE the hell else you want me to go?

  • cedars

    mrbunyrabit (seriously dude, what's with that name?!) - you ARE in the right place, and if they decide 3 months of low ministry hours is sufficient grounds to remove you, then that's up to them. They can decide that sort of thing on a whim.

    As an elder, I once sat in on a discussion with a CO where they were about to decide NOT to recommend someone as an MS because his hours had dipped to LESS than 10 hours per month for the last month or so. Never mind the fact that his wife had been hospitalized during that period!!

    Believe me, if you ever served as an elder THEN you would realize that they are NOT "spirit appointed" men. Most of them are just idiots in suits living out their fantasies of power and control. I should know - I was one of them once.

    Once you grasp that they aren't anything special, then this will all be a whole lot easier.


    [edit post - it sounds like you haven't read Crisis of Conscience yet, please do!!]

  • MrFreeze

    Thank Jehovah

  • leavingwt

    Whatever happens is Jehovah's will. Isn't that nice?

  • Finkelstein

    they even USED the word "DELETED" like I'm just a name you can delete, just like that, you are the weakest link, goodbye..

    Religion is a game of power and control if you hadn't have noticed yet .

    Ever more so in the JWS environment of a Kingdom Hall.

    The zealous ones usually have the greatest power obtainable if your a man in JW land.

    Saying that you were being deleted may have come off as a form of Judaical punishment by the other higher powers.

    My advise would be if you don't contain the intelligence to see this a very damaging and somewhat dangerous religious cult

    to be involved in, show repentance for your previous lack of zeal in the ministry, go out

    in service a lot more and see if they will reposition yourself.

    Oh yes, don't come to any more anti-JWS web sites for any more advise concerning your religious beliefs, they wont like that either.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Don't feel so bad about this situation .

    You said yourself you have a sack full of questions ....taking time to examine what the true answers are to those questions are what you should be concerned with ,take this time to educate yourself .

    Why would you want to be in a position of authority as a MS influencing others when you are not 100% sure yourself ? Sorry ,but it makes you sound immature and only concerned with outside appearances

  • mrbunyrabit

    Why would you want to be in a position of authority as a MS influencing others when you are not 100% sure yourself ? Sorry ,but it makes you sound immature and only concerned with outside appearances

    O.o Damn... didt even see it that way... that... Thats kinda true... If i have this many questions, how can i be in a position of Authority????

    Wow.... Well now i have something to think about...

    Guess.... guess ill have to step down... and like you said, take that time to examine that the true answers to those questions are...

  • Gayle

    Congrats,,but i know there's a range of emotions, anger - relief, indigination - elation, bitter-sweet,,but sweet gets more dominant as time goes on.

    Reports are that they are desparate for ministerial servants to groom, as the elders continue to be aging a lot. But as they continue to criticize and be demanding of you and others, there desparation and demanding spirit will continue to grow also.

    Are you going to college? Hopefully continue and pursue that so you get a good reasonable employment that you enjoy and wages to match your ability and skills. You will find girls, and eventually a special gal, that will want you for the special true person you are and one that is true to himself.

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