Is the WTS and the JW's going to collapse in 2014?

by braincleaned 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    The JW`s are masters of "spin" their will be no dramatic change by the r&f after 1914 because the WTB&TS will come up with"" new light ""that the masses will swallow hook line and sinker.


  • Mall Cop
  • Gayle

    Hey, there will always be Communists, even though the U.S.S.R. went down. Always will be Nazis. Always KKK. They all went down, but at least the 'resistance' is stronger.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    This perpetrated fraud doctrine of the generation of 1914 makes the JW religion similar to holding a bad stock. People hold onto it while it slowly declines thinking that it will bounce back and prove to be a good investment. -- THINK ABOUT IT

    This is the problem in a nutshell. I think it is referred to as the " sunk cost fallacy", and with JWs there are sooooo many costs -- lost family, education, money, an entire lifetime -- that giving it up is difficult. I'm hoping that at least those with the least to lose -- the kids -- will wake up and start asking themselves questions in 2014.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thanks just helped me select my next book...I have requested it from the library...

    Only 13% Jgnat? That makes me feel special...

    And back on topic....I still reakon they will end up making a generation start from christs death till...............................................the end.

  • rory-ks

    JWs have managed to establish for themselves a doctrine which ensures that they are never wrong.

    They form just 0.1% of the world's population, and yet still maintain that this a "great crowd" which no man is able to number. This number could double, or treble, and it would still be the "few" that are on the narrow path. On the other hand, if there is a sudden downturn in the numbers - even if this turned out to be a mass exodus from the organisation - then they would triumphantly delare that in the last days, according to Matthew 24:12, "the love of the greater number will cool off," and it is the one that "has endured to the end" that will be saved.

    It is a win-win situation.

  • WTWizard

    They will pull that "To Jehovah, a thousand years is a day" crap. That way, they can keep the scam going as long as they like, and it will be at most "a few days". They will just keep stringing generations like you string Christmas tree lights. And there are going to be a few people that are too wussy or stupid and/or lazy to work their way out, no matter how ridiculous the rubbish gets. The "I didn't have the resources to research" excuse, working fine in the 1980s when the influx of witlesses happened, is losing validity these days (unless you are in Nigeria, where blackouts and Internet scams are more common than a functioning Internet).

    When you have a few scumbags instilling fear of doing the cross-research, they deprive most of the knowledge they need to set them free. And most of them are actually wusses when disobeying the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger in this regard despite their "courage(??)" in dealing with getting shot, getting pepper sprayed, getting bit by dogs, or driving in conditions when they reasonably and prudently should not be out in. It takes lots of genuine courage--which most of them lack--to even bother doing the research. And once you do that, it takes even more courage to actually start skipping boasting sessions, skipping field circus, gradually cutting back on both, or writing a disassociation letter.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    If the WTS gave up 1914.....wouldn't they also have to give up 1919? Numerous times in print and from the platform it was stated 1919 is when God chose them as his F&DS. That is their entire claim to authority over JW's.

    Think About It

  • DesirousOfChange

    This perpetrated fraud doctrine of the generation of 1914 makes the JW religion similar to holding a bad stock. People hold onto it while it slowly declines thinking that it will bounce back and prove to be a good investment. After it tanks further people feel they have no choice but to hang onto it and hope they will see it come back. Next thing you know the stock is bankrupt and their hopes dashed to pieces. The smart ones take their losses earlier and move on with life.

    Good illustration, you can move on to the next point of counsel. (Sorry, couldn't resist.) For the older JW, holding onto the "stock" means they did not make a "bad buy". They can continue to hold onto it, and refuse to take the "loss". But once the sell the stock, the loss is right there on paper, and one must face up to the facts that they lost on that one. Older JWs don't want to face up to how much they may have lost. They would rather "hold on" and hope that their "Enron" takes off again -- just maybe -- rather than face the facts.

    Younger JWs, just like younger folks who play the stockmarket, see that they can dump the "stock" and still recover their "loss" with some other investment -- perhaps education.

    In this case, the longer one holds onto the "bad stock", the more they continue to lose, because the declining value is NOT the value of the stock -- it's their lifespan. At some point, most folks find it safer to hang in there than start all over with a new investment.


  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    This is directed at no one in particular, so please don't mistake me. I understand the schadenfreude we all must feel regarding the WT's eventual decline. I admit to getting pleasure from it, and it's one of the many reasons I visit this forum. I enjoy getting news out of the Society I wouldn't get unless I asked my family members still in a specific question. I would have never known about the branch closures or the abbreviated magazines if it weren't for this place. The Society's decline from the Awake! being cut to one a month, and now for the two public magazines to shrink to 16 pages has been well documented here and the theories are sound. Should there be a collapse, while it would certainly be noteworthy, in the end you'll still have a rump and mountebank organization running out of upstate New York issuing dictates with that familiar letterhead along with what remains of their publications all in digital format. What is worse is that many people will still follow its direction. The cover story will be that the Great Tribulation is so close that they are centralizing everything in order to prepare for the harsh measures to come. Where we gain our satisfaction from is the fact that the publishing empire in itself would have collapsed, and the fire sale will be on. Smaller and more rural congregations will be dissolved, with the property sold off. Many will start meeting in private homes, and the KHs that still remain will be in larger populated areas. In fact, it might even be cheaper in many cases to sell off the Hall and rent space from grange halls, veterans hall, or (gasp!) churches. My point is that the movement will continue on, though in a much more penurious and hastily organized manner. The immediate future is going to be very revealing, and I will be always looking for news of anything related. What we shouldn't do is let this organization consume us like it did in the past. It'll be fun to watch, but it's important to move on with our lives. Again, not directed at anyone in particular. I enjoy the ex-JW community, and would love to do activities with them that have scarcely a mention of JWs.

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