URGENT: Please Sign White House Petition to "Protect Americans from Dangerous Cults: Modify USC Title 26 § 501 Tax Exemption Requirements"

by ABibleStudent 130 Replies latest members politics

  • satinka

    It seems to me that governments like "We the People" to fight over religion. It keeps everybody divided. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but governments like religious intollerance, as far as I can tell.


  • Shawn10538

    This is a no brtainer for me. I guess only 37 other people agree with me on this. That is surprising. I signed it with no reservations whatsoever.

  • ABibleStudent

    @ satinka,

    satinka - It seems to me that governments like "We the People" to fight over religion. It keeps everybody divided. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but governments like religious intollerance, as far as I can tell.

    Hi Satinka, I hope not, but I do agree that some governments like religious intolerance more than others. I feel that people get the type of government that they deserve. If people do not care enough to vote and petition or write to their representatives about how to make government better than eventually they will lose their freedoms. People can either choose to help shape laws, or do nothing and let the bureaucrats run their lives.

    Hi Shawn10538, Thanks for signing the petition and please tell your friends and family about it. I agree with you about this petition. At this stage the petition is pretty much of a no brainer. If this petition starts a process to create a bill, it will take a lot of thought and deliberation to pass a responsible law.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ABibleStudent

    38 people have signed the White House petition as of this morning. Does anyone have suggestions about inspiring more people to sign the petition?

    Steven Unthank (www.facebook.com/jwnews) and Paul Grundy (www.jwfacts.com) have kindly added links on thier home pages to the White House petition.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,

  • Shawn10538

    I would be reALLY disappointed in JWNers if this thing is not embraced with passion and action. But then again, JWNers usually scoff at any kind of activism. It is part of their post traumatic stress syndrome from being screwed over by the Watchtower so bad I think. As many have said, getting JWNers to do something positive is like herding cats. It's really sad. It's like they are so burned out that they can't be a vibrant part of an active life anymore. All activism, even some really good ideas that would help a lot of people and are really simple to do, get scorned and laughed at by most people here. If I were to suggest getting out of one's house and down to the market to pick up a winning lottery ticket, most on this forum would say, "Nah, It's probably just a scam. What if I get all the way down to the market and no winning lottery ticket is there? I might miss Gunsmoke re-runs!" Yeah, this is not the place to go to get this petition signed. your time would be better spent getting just regular people with no connection to JWs or any other cult to sign it. I meet a lot of people on the Blue Line who are out getting a dollar per signature. If you sent me something like a form that I could put signatures on for this cause I promise I'll go out and get as many as I can.

  • JeffT

    But then again, JWNers usually scoff at any kind of activism

    And then there are those of us who look at something from all angles and decide we don't like it. Instead of an actual response we get slammed because we are unwilling to join some ones idea of a solution to a problem. Additionally some of us are at least pretending to have lives beyond the Watchtower.

  • Shawn10538

    Steve2 is a perfect example of a JWN do-nothing that spends great time and care and energy justifying his do-nothing, don’t try, get a softy, puss out attitude. Why do you post here Steve2?He likes to put other people’s ideas down but he doesn’t have any ideas of his own. His big revelation to us all?

    In his own words, “leave them alone.”

    That’s it? Wow Steve2, what a genius you are! Did you think that up all by your witto old self?

    I’ll let you get back to masturbating in front of your computer screen…

  • Shawn10538

    No brainer people. It's a no brainer. Just sign it for God's sake. It's not a contract. AND Isn't this petition really the solution to what we've all been through? I haven't seen even one good reason to not sign this petition. Not one. It's so obvious, and maybe people are afraid of what is obvious because they have gotten burned. But you can't get burned by signing a petition.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi Shawn10538, Thanks a million for signing the petition and for commenting on this thread so that others might read it.

    Non-JWNers scoff at activism too. I asked a close friend who has never been a JW to read and sign this petition, if he agrees with it. I don't believe that he has bothered to even read it. We talked about his reasons. He agrees with the intent of the petition to protect Americans from dangerous cults. He agrees that the petition seems to be a no brainer to sign. He also said that he wants to stay under the radar. Everyone must be true to themselves.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ABibleStudent

    42 people have signed the White House petition as of this morning. I was hoping to get 150 people to sign the petition by now so that it would be viewable and searchable on the White House website. Does anyone have suggestions about inspiring more people to sign the White House petition ( www.whitehouse.gov/petitions/!/petition/protect-americans-dangerous-cults-modify-usc-title-26-§-501-tax-exemptions-requirements/ZHpbvHfx , wh.gov/Er4 , or www.bit.ly/whitehouse-petition)?

    Thank you to everyone who has responded to this thread.

    I do apologize to those posters who feel that their comments were not well received. It is very difficult for me to respond positively when I perceive a person as a naysayer. I always appreciate it when a person expresses their opinion and concerns and then engages in a dialogue about ways to overcome obstacles to come to an agreement or make something better.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,

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