One Lord - One Savior : Get Used To It

by Perry 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    That proves that the witlesses don't abide by true scriptural teachings. However, it doesn't prove that you can even trust the LIE-ble for anything.

    For those attacking the witless religion, however, you only need to expose one of those links as faulty to prove it's wrong. For it to be the truth, both of (1) they abide by their holy book, and (2) their holy book is itself sound) need to be true. If they claim to abide by their holy book and they don't, that's enough to debunk the religion as false.

  • Shawn10538

    Jesus Christ has been revealed to me. But he has no connection whatsoever to the Jewish tribal God Jehovah. It is an insult to Jesus to make that connection. Jehovah, as he was just a tribal God, does not exist, and if he did, i would piss on him with my disgust. He is an egotistical maniacal child killing genocidal racist sexist murdering slaughtering war fiend.

    I can provide all the verses to those claims if you have conveniently forgotten to read all THOSE scriptures about Jehovah. Also, the Bible is just the Jewish myth of god, and a particularly heinous god it is, so. Don't bother quoting scripture. It would be like quoting Harry Potter to me.

    Jehovah and the Bible are blasphemy.

  • mP

    just who has jesus saved, besides paying a debt for something that doesnt exist namely sin.

  • designs

    Shawn- so Jesus revealed himself to you, what did he say.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Jesus revealing himself? Sounds like a pervert...

  • still thinking
    still thinking afraid!!!

  • Nambo

    Heres what I think the trinity is all ablout.

    Satan put himself in the position of God, he wanted all mankind to worship him as God. For this he will be judged and condemned.

    So, he is trying to put Gods favourite son Jesus, into the same position, by getting "Christians" to worship Jesus as God, that way at the judgement he can point at Jesus and say, "how can you condemn me when Jesus is doing the same thing, accepting worship that is only due to God himself.

    I belive this is why Jesus says he wil say to many, "get away from me you workers of lawlessness, I never knew you", why else would Jesus be so cruel as to turn away people who genuinely thought they where following Jesus, unless he had no choice to not accept thier worship for the reasons I have given?

  • tootired2care

    Isn't all the confusion that is permitted in this world about who God is or isn't a huge indictment on God and Jesus in and of iteself? It seems to me if there really was a God he would make things plain to see so people could pick a side (God Or Satan) and be done with it. What purpose does having all those who profess belief in God living in utter confusion and conflict really serve? It just seems that an all supreme being could do a better job of communicating who he is...if he is.

  • designs

    I like planes that do sky-writing or pull a banner...Copper Tone Tan!!!

  • AllTimeJeff

    As I always like to point out, IF Jesus exists as god, he's really chill about people being themselves.

    So many opinions, so little evidence, yet ALL of you are right. Right?


    Still waiting for Jesus to do Perry's talking for him. ;)

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