The wonders of God's creation - Example 1, the tsetse fly

by jambon1 319 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina
    The earth didn't start out "with land and sea".... Zid
    "I will refrain from using sarcasm in type with you. I am well aware of this fact. The point of the sarcasm was that the earth DIDN'T start out with land and sea. It was all brought in from space. Anything that comes in from space comes from the SKY. So when you ridicule believers when using the term "sky daddy" you are actually accurately describing God. The one who throws asteroids around so that water came to the earth. ..." Sab, post #7775, page 6

    Ah, no, Sab, that's not quite how it happened...

    AGAIN, you've gotten any information you may have been previously exposed to, scrambled...

    Asteroids DON'T contain much WATER. COMETS DO...

    And you are aware of the fact that the earth "didn't start out with 'land and sea'...", are you?? Well, then what DID it start out with - for the first THREE BILLION YEARS or so, while we're at it...?

  • Flat_Accent

    I can tell you you're an egomaniac too, if that helps.

    If you want to learn something, take your head out of your backside and do so. All evening in this thread you have just shifted the goalposts and avoided the real issues presented. zid and cofty will attest to that, I'm sure.

  • sabastious
    If you want to learn something, take your head out of your backside and do so. All evening in this thread you have just shifted the goalposts and avoided the real issues presented. zid and cofty will attest to that, I'm sure.

    A facinating football analogy. I am on a personal path that will be construed by others as egotistical. If you ever thought we were in a dome and had pads on you were confused.


  • Flat_Accent

    That's right, don't think about what I said. Make your joke and continue. It only proves my point.

  • thetrueone

    perhaps it would be good time to close those science books and become a pastor like a real man

    I rather be a real man living with the knowledge and understanding of the world we live today,

    than the knowledge and understanding that the ancients held to thousands of years ago.

    Is it because being a mere mortal makes you a weak powerless man, that you wont relinquish your sagehood

    as a living spiritual seer ?

    Come on be honest now !

  • ziddina
    "All evening in this thread you have just shifted the goalposts and avoided the real issues presented. zid and cofty will attest to that, I'm sure. ..." Flat Accent

    Hear hear!! I'll drink to that!!

    [Sab would DRIVE me to drink, if I could stand the taste of the stuff...]

  • cofty

    I am also convinced that your problem is egotism Sab.

    The rest of us are willing to study evidence for what has been discovered by science. Its often difficult. As for things science doesn't know we humbly admit our limitations and wait for new developments which will only happen through hard word.

    You think it is a virtue to make stuff up and infuriatingly you use pseudo-scientific language to try to make it sound credible.

    Go and do some hard work. I have been reading science for about a decade and my knowledge is still woefully lacking but I know enough now to know my limits.

    Your hotch-potch of theories remind me of the Greek word spermalogos.

  • sabastious
    Asteroids DON'T contain much WATER. COMETS DO...

    I often find myself choosing the wrong choice of two results. If I didn't have google to spellcheck for me you'd truly see how consistently my brain makes this error with words with interchangeable letters (like the word piece). People who have been a passenger with me in a car often joke about how I always take the wrong turn. It's because in my mind I have a hard time choosing between the last two options if I am not focusing. This is what happened when I had to choose between comets or asteroids. It's a simple mistake, really, but you are free to bring it up.

    However my capacity to understand complex subjects is not altered. Dyslexia just makes learning much harder, and it's a very large disincentive to any type of regimented learning structure. I have always had to teach myself which has frustrated many instructors who looked at me as a challenge. My path is my own and always has been. It will appear to many, because I am not a good speller and choose the wrong of two choices sometimes, that I am deficient, but this is not the case. My path is my own.


  • ziddina

    He's a sage in his own mind... And a 'seer', only between his own two ears...

    Hey, Sab! Answer my question in my post # 9668 - above...!!!!! If you're such a 'near-seer'....

  • TD
    This invention [The internal combustion engine] has killed far more people than tsetse fly could ever dream of.............

    Could you elaborate?

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