Anybody here vegan?

by Dagney 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    I need a buddy maybe we can do it together if you want. No pressure. I'm doing it regardless.

    The book that inspired me is "21 day Kickstart" by Neal Bernard. I just found out on FB that "Iquit!" from JWN just started doing it since mid January and is having great results. So I'm inspired.

    At first I was not sure about letting the meat and cheese go...but I'm inspired...I am just going to do the 21 days to start and see how I feel.

    Although, truth be told...I'm having many "last meals" this week. Went to favorite sushi last night. lol. They just opened a 5 Guys nearby, know...will have to have a

    wha...I should have a Chego porkbelly...maybe...dunno.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    hey 6of9, the artichoke "juice" was introduced to me by a buddy of mine, who has HIV. I was talking to him about my mother, who was suffering from liver issues. Mom had a fatty liver for years, the scar tissue was a problem just as anyone who drank too much. In later stages, the swelling in the liver will cause blood to ooze. She would lose blood and she was anemic to begin with. Her blood count would go down down down and she would end up getting transfusions. EPO helped but she was losing the battle.

    Well he told me once when he was in Holy Cross Hosptial, his liver was suffering from whatever virus was attacking it as his immune system was compromised. The nurse told him to take artichokes, and boil it down until the leaves fall off. Drink the juice. I figured why not? So we would prepare it and Mom was diligent about drinking a glass a day.

    Well Mom would go in once a month and they would take her blood count. After about 90 days, they noticed her count had stablized. after 6 months, her blood count started to go up. After 10 months, they took a blood sample and she was around 11. She hadn't been above a 10 in a long time. The Dr's were very surprised but happy with the results. I honestly feel that this "juice" kept her alive and with a better quality of life for 3-5 years.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Bio I use hemp products, not bad

  • SixofNine

    Thanks wha happened. I have a wimpy liver, so I'll have to give this a try.

  • palmtree67

    Hi, Dagney!

    I ordered Neal Bernard's cookbook from Amazon - rush delivery. Also downloaded another vegan cookbook to my Kindle. And I ordered the 21 Day KickStart - that one delivery will be later

    I'm making a trip back to the homeland in about a week or so here, but I'm really going to try this!

  • Glander

    My experience with vegetarianism is the same as Berengaria. Dad had been a meat eater until I was about 2 or 3 and then went vegie. Mom cooked to suit him and we kids very rarely had meat but had beans instead. Cheese was ok and some milk. His biggest no-no was refined flour and sugar. I think that was a good thing but I don't think growing kids should be fed a vegan diet. Flesh protien is good.

    Soak your liver in alcohol and it will be bullet proof.

  • Dagney

    @ Palm: You will?!! YIPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My "21 Day..." book is electronic....REALLY hard to read on my iPhone. I need to have recipes that I can make ahead to bring to work and for most my meals actualy, so I am on the lookout for such. Your quinoa salad was a perfect thing for me...I loved it. The only thing is I get hungry faster so I have to have snacks.

    "Iquit" is going to give some suggestions. He said the Wynn has a vegan restaurant since the owner is now vegan. I have books around I need to round up...i've been thinking about this for some time. I have a great book called "Power Foods" which has recipes with the best foods for your health. I was making soup from it for weeks, but went off track I think when my niece moved in a year ago.

    I am so happy you get to go home for awhile. One of these weekends I will come out to Vegas; it's one of my favorite things, got off track there as well. I'll message you on FB with my emails and phone #.

  • palmtree67

    Sounds good!

    I'm excited!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Hi Dagney, I thought I drop in and look at the thread you mentioned today. Like I said the change has been easy for me. I'm never hungry. I eat whatever I want when I want and as much as I want and I losing weight and have more energy. I like cooking so it has been fun finding new things to make.

    I'll email you or call you as soon as I get a chance either tomorrow or Thursday. In the mean time here are a couple of good sites:

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    hey Dagney, name the day, we're always up for Chego

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